Chapter 34

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We get there and Wayne and his impatient self jumps out of Kahlil's car and takes her off my bike.

"Bye Keisha, thank you for everything!" She yells as Wayne rushes her outside.

Kahlil rolls down his window and before he speaks my phone rings.

"Mom?" I question.

"Are you alright after everything that happened today?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Why?"

"I want you to stay with Kahlil tonight—"

"Excuse me?" Am I hearing her correctly.

"You heard me Keisha. I don't want you to be alone. I've already spoken to his mom. She is fine with it. There's an emergency at the control centre. I need to head in for the night. Hopefully I'll be back in the morning. If not I'll definitely be there after school. You guys can come home. I trust you two. Just don't let him in our kitchen alone. Alright?"


My mom is an air traffic controller. If there's an emergency they go to her. I totally understand.


He smiles at me. "Yes, Keisha?"

"You are staying with me tonight. Let's go."

I rev then drive off. He follows a safe distance behind me.

Eventually he pulls over and I don't realize till I got home. I wait a couple of minutes and he gets here.

"My bad. My mom was telling me that I can stay with you tonight."

I nod and grab his hand.

We get upstairs. I toss him a towel and clothes, then I lead him to the guest bathroom. I head back to my bathroom. We both take showers, then we meet back in my room.

"Are you hungry? Did you eat?" I ask the boy laying in my bed with my journal in hand. By now I don't even know how he keeps finding it.

"Yeah, we picked up Tyrel's favourite chicken and ate with him at the hospital."

I lay beside him. "You've already been through the book. Why are you still going through it?"

"This one makes me smile."

He shows me the page.

I close my eyes and smile with a short nod.

"My first impression of you."

"You still think I look like Morris Chestnut and Weasley Snipes?"

"You read the book. What do you think?"

He chuckles. "You want me to read it out loud?"

I don't reply so he goes ahead.

"Hayes looks nothing like MBj. I don't know where people get that from. It's like they can't think of any other famous black person. But I know he looks like Morris Chestnut and Weasley snipes. The thing is. Weasley is straight up handsome. He is sooooooo Fine! with a capital INE. Kahlil is handsome but fine doesn't compliment him. So I'll stick to pretty. It's funny because pretty is associated with soft and more feminine features. Weasley and Kahlil have strong, sharp and more masculine features."

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