Chapter 16

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Back at home is kinda weird. Mom and Dad are interested in every little thing I do.

I've been tricked into one on one time. I didn't even know it until I was baking with Dad and he said, "Thank you for being so willing to hangout one on one."

Ever since he said that I suddenly don't want to be one on one. If he didn't mentioned it I probably wouldn't have noticed.

Anyways... Bryson's room has been stripped bare. Everything was thrown out. It's really quiet without him—

No. I don't think I've heard Mom or Dad raise their voice besides calling someone from across the house.

They actually stopped fighting.

I have questions. I knock on their bedroom door.

Once granted entry I see them on their bed, Dad is braiding her hair as they watch tv.

"Keisha did you need something?"

"Do you two still go to therapy?"


Something isn't adding up.

Holidays are usually the loudest time of the year, with silence on Christmas Day.

"Keisha you are making that face. What are you trying to figure out?" Dad asks me.

"You two haven't argued since I've been back."

"Do you expect us to argue all the time—"

"Well, yeah!"

"Keisha come here." Mom says patting the space in front of her.

I take a seat.

"Your dad and I had a huge reality check when we got a call from your teacher and principal that you and Bryson were admitted to the hospital. You couldn't speak to us because you were scared of what he'd do. We realized that our actions have consequences. We aren't in this relationship alone. We have children to watch over. We've put you on the back burner and that was the worst thing we could've ever done. And we are so sorry we weren't there to understand what was really going on. No relationship is perfect, but we have got to wake up and be better. For each other, and you."

I nod slowly. Dad finishes up Mom's cornrows and the doorbell rings.

I open the door to Mr and Mrs. Hayes. In front of them is their son holding up mistletoe over his head.

"I'm not kissing you since you didn't ask. It's freezing out there get in here."

His parents push past him and I scream when he pulls me outside.

He picks me up so my socks don't touch the snow.

"Are you crazy! It's cold!"

"Happy Christmas Eve."

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Your Dad invited us."

"Can we please go inside?"



"I wanna talk—"

"WE CAN TALK INSIDE!" I fuss in his grip.


I pull the only card I have. "SERGEANT SIMONE!" And you best believe Dad got out here in less than a second.


"Sergeant." He greets him.

"Why is my daughter calling me?"

Just Another Secret. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz