Chapter 73

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Kahlil dropped me off at home before school.

When I enter the house it's really quiet.

But the car is still outside.

I walk upstairs and knock on doc's door.

I jump as it crashes off its frame and onto the floor, making me jump.

"Keisha?" Keithan sits up in bed that is surprising ground level.

"Yeah... hi? It's seven you know?"

He looks so confused. Then grabs the blanket to cover his chest. "Get out."

"Why are you being weird?"

Marilyn speaks, "Keisha when you finish getting ready for school, mind putting that sandwich and salad in the fridge in a bowl for me?"

"Sure thing. Why is Keithan embarrassed I saw his chest?"

"He's one of those guys who swims in long sleeves. Don't mind him. He freaks out when anyone sees his chest. Me included at times." She chuckles a bit, dismissing me and I go and pull their door back up.

Is that what he broke last night? I kinda assumed he punched the wall or something.

I laugh on my way to my closet.

I get dressed. I ditch the wig and comb out my curls.

I grab my bag and head downstairs.

"Keisha Rae Simone!" She's actually crazy.

"I swore I locked the door when I came in."

"Girly why is your bike still at his house?" Tamera eyes me.

"I wanted to come home and Robin didn't want me riding so late."

I continue to do what Mom told me to.

She gets down here first.

"Keisha why did you walk in in just—" she stops talking seeing Tamera.

"Oh don't let me stop your conversation."

I speak, "how did he break the door?"

"You know what? A lot happened last night and right now it's kinda just a blur, don't ask him about it because his mind isn't working right now and since he slept in he's really all over the place."

I nod and hand her the bowls.

"Keisha just grow out your hair." Tamers has been staring at me.


"I would die for your hair!"

I blink at her. "You literally have waist length hair."

"That's when my hair is pressed. Miss ma'am I'm never letting your forget that your afro reached your mid back. Your hair pressed touched the floor! You have the tightest kinkiest curls I've ever seen."

"I wanna see, do you have pictures?" Mom asks.

I give her my phone.

She comments on each picture as she scrolls. Then she stops at a picture of me when I was maybe four. I was holding a can of worms I dug up for Grandad and I was smiling ear to ear.

"I have a picture exactly like this." Marilyn narrows her eyes like this.

Keithan finally gets in here. "Keithan where's my baby pictures?"

"My office, in my glass case."


"You were an adorable child... I'll go get it." He dashes and comes back soon.

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