Chapter 35

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When I get Keisha home it's the early in the morning.

She's in a cast and boot. She has crutches and a chair.

I help her inside where both of her parents are.


They look at me. They don't speak. I honestly didn't expect them to be here.

I try my hardest not to break.

"Say something." I whisper.

Nothing. They don't say a thing.

I feel the tears brim my eyes. "Say something! Yell at me! Tell me how crazy I am for keeping this away from you!"

In a soft tone. Dad says, "Kahlil. Thank you for watching her."

"Always." He replies.



"You will be staying with Keithan and Marilyn for the rest of the week."


Dad simply walks away.

"Keisha actions come with consequences. Your Dad was able to let it slide in late November, early December. But now that's not an option. We will be with some social workers. I don't want you to be surprised when they show up to speak with you as well."

"What are you talking about?"

"You are a child Keisha. Yes we raised you to prepare you for this world but in the eyes of the system you are a child. Who has been in the hospital twice in less than four months with serious injuries. You think that doesn't come back to your Dad and me? He is upset right now. He's been in your shoes before. He doesn't have the greatest experience with social workers. He also never thought he'd be seeing one as a parent-"

I cut her off. "Wait but why do you need to see them?"

"They find it concerning that you are experiencing quite a few accidents. We have been on their radar for a while. Ever since Ray passed actually. Your Dad used his position to keep it away from you but now it's out of his hands. And he is scared that he'll be discharged or worse we'll lose you.


My world is falling apart before my eyes and I don't know what to do anymore.

I would've never thought this would happen.

I have been at my bio parents place. They've given me space. Time to process. I haven't been to school. Tamera has been catching me up. We have all the same classes except one. She's taking fashion. I'm taking social justice. Kahlil catches me up in that class.

Today Keithan sits me down. He wants to talk.

"You don't like it here." He sadly smiles.

"You have a beautiful home—"

"But you'd rather be at yours?"

I don't reply.

"Keisha you are allowed to leave this room you know? Anything that's mine is yours."

"I don't want to be a bur—"

He grabs my hands. "You are no burden. I know this is hard. It's extremely hard for me too."

"Explain?" I ask.

He hesitates. "It's not my place." He tries to let go and stand but I don't release from his hold.

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