Chapter 59

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A lot has been going on. When does it not? I know...

Keisha went home once. I tried talking her out of it, but she was adamant on packing everything and leaving.

Jude contacted me two weeks later to ask me about the whereabouts of her daughter.

It was mind boggling that she didn't ask sooner. Keisha comes to school everyday. She walks since her bike was totalled. She is a bit closed off, but sticks to Tamera.

I didn't answer Jude as Keisha told me she'd handle it herself.

Jude didn't take it lightly and came to my house.

Mom got in the middle.

It goes a little like this :

"How dare you not tell me where my daughter is?"

I look at the woman like she is crazy. She looks unkempt. Keisha told me how neglected she felt when she tried to take care of her. So, if it took her this long to ask me about where she is. That's an issue.

"Jude, I have no obligation to tell you about where she is?"

Mom stares at me like I'm insane. Before she hits me, I grab her hand. "She is emancipated. She has been for the two years."

Mom looks to Jude. "Keisha wouldn't have left over nothing. Jude what happened?"

Jude doesn't speak.

So I do. "Keisha felt neglected and resented since the hospital when she tried taking care of you. Something happened the night before the funeral and Keisha wanted to leave. I watched every interaction closely that day. Did you not see her struggle to watch you stand with Bryson. Yeah, he's your son, but you gave her so much hope when you were adamant on taking her side and it was like it was never true. She told me that she feels like the worst daughter ever and you gave her reason to believe she was so she did what she knows she is legally allowed to do. You drove her away and you can't blame anyone else."

Jude tries attacking me, but Mom stays firm between us.

"Jude, go home. You need some rest. I'll talk to Keisha." Mom tells her.

Reluctantly she leaves.

Mom looks at me. "What happened?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said you've been watching her? Well I've been watching you. You have been agitated and stone cold. Over protective and bold. What happened?"

"Life happened! Life took her away from me and I can't bring her back!"

Mom hugs me and I finally let it all go.

"Mom, he was good to me. He's the reason I'm trying so hard with Dad. So hard with her. He was gonna tell me something important. Take me somewhere important. It's been building up for months. Every time I open up to a man I look up to they leave. So maybe that's why I don't want to go to Dad. Maybe that's why I don't want to associate him as such because I'm scared that if I become too attached he'd be gone for good."


"Keisha, you always told me to tell you if you are ever taking it too far. You are taking it too far. You look sick, " Tamera tells me.

"I am fine."

"Fine? You try crawling into a grave one day and the next you are at school acting like nothing happened. You are thin. Like unhealthy thin."

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