Chapter 37

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"Keish, I think I get why you like being out here. It's so calming. It's beautiful out here. It's dark but the fireflies make this place look crazy."

She leans her head on my shoulder. "You really changed my perspective. I always thought I was fine on my own. I really like spending time with you."

"So you are glad you said yes?"

She chuckles. "Yeah. But I'm still trying to debunk all those assumptions."

"So let's have talk about it. We say assumptions. We either confirm or debunk them."

"Okay. Tasha is convinced that you and her are in a non exclusive relationship."

"Nah. Tasha is hard to tolerate sometimes. But she's not a bad person. She knows how to push my buttons. I admit when I'm under the influence I am relaxed and a bit more accepting. A kiss is just a kiss. I'm not into her at all—"

"I don't think you kiss people you aren't into unless it's a dare or blackmail or something."

"Tasha isn't the type of girl I'd date."

"Because you know she is mean?"


"Dude so you not see what she does to Tamera?"

"Tamera plays fire with fire-"

"Name one time Tamera has done anything to Tasha other than call her a whore?"

I don't answer.

"Tasha has spilt every drink imaginable on Tamera. She have taken scissor and cut her wig. She physically attacks her. You don't know Tamera. She'd never lay hands on someone—that's not me."

"So let me ask you why you hate her?"

"It's not that I hate her. It's that she needs to be humbled. For someone's who's entire friend group has been in my house and slept with my brother they all need to calm down."

"You're lying."

"Definitely am not."

"Okay so would it make you uncomfortable when I'm around her?"

"If she acts the way she does. You realize she treats you like a stuffed animal. Constantly latching to you. Speaking down to you. It's like you are a doll in a doll house." She sighs. "It's annoying."

"So as your boyfriend what do you not want me to do?"

"I don't want you to lie to me. Don't make it a point to ask me about past-"

"You said I am your first boyfriend."

"Yes. But you aren't my first kiss or the first person I've liked. So like you can ask, but don't make it a big deal. Cuz if you make it something big. I'll come at you with the same energy."

"Oh so we are both petty. Good to know." I laugh.


Kahlil looks down at me and leans in. He stops when our noses touch. "How petty are you?"

I smile. "Depends. I'm usually only petty with Tamera. If you want a kiss all you gotta do was ask. My answer will always be yes."

"No. I don't believe that. But since you technically did say yes..." he closes that distance.

He gets passionate and hands start wandering.

I pinch and pull on his ear to get him to back up. "What are you doing?"

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