Chapter 30

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"Kahlil Denzel Hayes!"

Oh what have I done this time?

I walk over to the living room.

I see my mother on her tablet. And my girlfriend sitting cross legged with a box in front of her.

"I didn't know your middle name was Denzel." Keisha says.

"What's going on? When did you get here?" I scratch my head.

"She's been here for an hour. She's been getting on my damn nerves." Mom says.

Keisha pouts. "I just wanted to talk to you Mrs. Hayes."

"You've been here for an hour and didn't tell me earlier?"

"Well your mom told me you were studying."

I chortle. "You really thought—" I stop talking because of the way Mom is side eying me.

"I was going to come help you because I know you cannot study by yourself. But I decided not to."

"But I get better grades when you help me study."

She rolls her eyes. "And I don't because it's takes too long to help you."

"Keisha why are you here?" Mom asks her.

"I've been here for an hour and you ask me that now?"

"Well you've been distracting me."

"I'm here to visit my boy—" she stops talking.

"Yeah, you should've just committed because that made it so much worse." I say.

"So, when did you two get back together?"

"The night I told you I wasn't coming home."

She just nods.

Keisha lifts up the box with a smile.

"For me?" I point at myself.

She nods.

It feels weird receiving stuff from her. I never get her anything.

I sit in front of her.

"What is it?"

"Open it."

I do and it's a teddy bear. In my favourite shade of blue. With bear shaped cookies in the same colour.

There is something written on its paw, "press here—"

"No!" Keisha snatches the bear away from me.

I stare at her like she's crazy. "Why would you give me a bear that speaks and you don't want me to listen to it?"

"Kahlil, she clearly doesn't want me to know about what the bear says. And clearly I don't want to know." Mom says.

I grab Keisha's hand and drag her upstairs.

"What does it say?" I ask her once we get in my room.

"You see I don't want to be here when you listen to it."

So she shoves the bear in my chest and runs out.


"Keisha?" Mrs. Hayes questions me.


"What did you say for the bear?"

"His favourite—" I scream when Kahlil tackles me into a hug taking us both to the floor.

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