Chapter 11

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"Are you sure, Keisha? You don't have to go if you don't want to." Tamera says.

"You said it yourself. I wouldn't know if I haven't gone so, let's go to probably the last party before the frost."

"Alright—I don't need to worry about your choice of clothes?"

I laugh and shake my head.

I put on a body suit with a mini skirt.

"Not what I was imagining but I'll let it slide." Tamera says when I exit my closet. She slaps a 20 inch wig on my head.

She's wearing a dress that I doubt she can breathe in and shoes I know she can't walk in.

"At least I'm comfortable."

"Honey you need to start being comfortable with being uncomfortable. We are taking your bike. I heard parking is crazy."

I stare at her like she's crazy. "What?"

"Did you get my spontaneous gift?"

"Yeah I had it attached last month."

"Exactly. You have a proper passenger seat. I can be a comfortable passenger." My bike looks so weird with a backrest but I appreciate the gift.

"Fine." I only accept because I know how expensive that type of back rest is. "But that means I'm wearing sweats. I'll take them off when we get to the place."

"And put them where?"

"I got that basket attachment that locks up."

She nods and we get going.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going out with Tamera!"

"Where are you going this late?"

They take one look at us and are surprised, "Keisha I know you like being comfortable but people will look at you weird if you show up to a party in big baggy sweats."

"Thanks for stating the obvious. We are taking my bike. I put saftey first always."

"How come we have never seen your bike?" Mom asks.

"Uhh I usually keep it parked at the corner shop. I forgot I don't need to hide it anymore. Uh, can I park it in the garage when we get back?"

They nod and we leave.

"Ready?" I ask Tamera before I start her up.


We speed off and get to a huge house. Kahlil lives a couple of blocks from here.

I park easily. I ditch the sweats and throw on some fluffy slides, lock em pants up and we head inside the loud house.

There are bodies everywhere. Trash everywhere. Music is blaring.

Tamera drags me towards the kitchen. She gives me a shot and I give it back. "My Dad has a strict no underage drinking rule and I'm the DD. No drinking for me."

Tamera understands and hands me a can of cola.

Almost immediately Wayne comes to take Tamera away. And that moment:

"Keisha what are you doing here?" Bryson asks me.

"Tamera invited me. It's my last year. I gotta experience one party right?"

Some random guy compliments me and Bryson glares at them. "I don't want you to get hurt. If there's trouble call me alright?"

I nod, "Don't worry. I'm not drinking. I have never danced anywhere outside my bedroom. I'm not starting tonight. I'm just here to experience a little life. And to make sure Tamera behaves herself."

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