Chapter 31

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"Mr. Simone you could've said no, but you do make yourself present every time I ask." I chuckle.

"That doesn't mean I have to like it. What game are you playing Hayes?"

"We've done this five times. Can we start differently today? How about why you wanted to meet in the woods behind your house?" I ask as we walk off the trail.

He shrugs. "I wanted to be close to home and outside. How does she not know? She knows everything."

I smile. "If Keisha knew I wouldn't change a thing. You are very important to her. And I admit I respect the times we have met up."

"Kissing up to me won't make me like you." 

"We've been over this Sir. This isn't for Keisha. This isn't for you to like me. I like talking to you."

He stops at a treehouse and points at it. "Keisha and I built that. She is very handy. And too adventurous for my liking."

"But she is so cautious of everything."

"Kahlil you don't know who you are dating and it shows. My daughter is good at redirecting situations off of herself and we all play into it."

"What do you mean?"

"For example she has never mourned for her Grandfather. She didn't cry. She didn't scream or yell. All she did was stop talking. She spoke to Bryson. Barely. Can you imagine a 12–13 year old runs out of a school with teachers and officers everywhere. Gets on public transit to a hospital and they couldn't stop her? She was the only one there in his final moments. Keisha was never new to death. But pretending she's always alright is how she gets by. Be cautious when she does speak up. When she does you'll know she is loosing it. Tell me Kahlil. Where do you want your relationship to go?"

I tell him straight up. "I'll wait for the day you hand her off to me. If she knew she'd probably think I'm crazy but I'm set on it."

He glares at me. "You think I'd let you marry Keisha?"

"Yeah. I'm the perfect candidate. You like me. I know you do. You just don't want me to know."

"Why should I-"

"Let's make a deal. You can... I don't know shove cake in my face."

"I can do that any other day... I want something more memorable. Let me get naming rights to your first born child."

I lean against a tree. "Mr. Simone that's a huge wage. I want more."

"You are in no position to be making wages."

"Me? I love a good deal. Come on you are a Sergeant. You have to have something cool!"

"I'll give you helicopter rights."

"I like what I'm hearing you got a deal."

He shoves me. "Not a word to her."

"You got my word."

"Why Keisha?" He starts walking again.

"She was able to push the world's view of me away and replaced it with her own. She let me show her the real me and the trust built from there. I don't think I'll ever meet another like her."

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