Chapter 29

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It's only been 20 minutes. I've been in bed for literally 20 minutes.

I wrap myself in my blanket and crawl to the top of the stairs.


"You have a visitor." Mom says.

"Who?" I ask.

"Keisha, I'm not leaving until we talk."


"Then come here. I'm not coming down."

She runs up.

"Help." I say to her.

She laughs but grabs my legs and drags me back to my room.

She sits on my bed. I stay on the floor.

"Hey." I greet her.

"I'm surprised you didn't turn me away."

"I only turned you away yesterday because I was coming home to make Kahlil cookies."


"I wanted him to know that I was supporting him. And he loves my baking so win-win."

"Did he actually kiss you?"

"Huh? When?" I sit up.

"You are aware the entire school was watching y'all? You faked giving him a cookie and he got close and personal to take it away. Before you showed up Tasha smacked him so any thought of them together left peoples minds. Then you didn't stay when he came out so then people are on the fence about you two."

"He never kisses me without asking. No we did not kiss he is weird and bit the cookie out of my mouth. I don't know why people care. You are not to tell him, but in all honesty I showed up because Tasha pretty much begged me to."

"And you listened to her?"

"I know you two have your issues, but I truly think she's turned a new leaf—"

"Girly, a new leaf for you or for Kahlil?"

"Why does it matter?"

"You haven't rendered the possibility that she is still after—hold up. Do you still want Kahlil?"

I'm not gonna lie about that. I nod.

"But you aren't ready to be with him a hundred percent?"

I shake my head.

She sits beside me and I lean my head on her shoulder.

"Keisha, you didn't do anything wrong. Those guys were jealous and wanted to make you feel bad. Kahlil values you so much and would tell you if he truly felt off about anything."

"I am capable of being wrong. I know that. So when multiple people have the same view on the issue it's kinda like if I don't see the problem. I am the problem. And Kahlil has agreed with me even when he didn't want to in the past so I guess those instances just built their case. So I believed he wasn't entirely happy."

"On the phone he said he loves you?"

I snicker, "Did he take this call in front of everyone?"

"Yes. He did. The boys. Me and his mom."

"Okay then his mom already knew. He told me he loves me on Christmas Eve."

"Did you say it back?"

I smile remembering that walk. "Yeah, I did."

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