Chapter 93

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I drop Kahlil home and race to Amia's.

When I get there Jrake just came home from school.

He looks terrified when I speed into his driveway.

I hurry and get off the bike.

I rip off my helmet. "Jrake it's me!"

"Keisha!" He hugs me. "Callen said you went missing."

"I'm okay. I promise. I was not missing. My phone just died. Now come on. Your sister and her boyfriend are waiting for me."

"You're boyfriend said I can have my pool birthday party at his house next week. I want you to come. Will you be there?"

"I'll definitely be there. Now don't you have homework or something."

He gives me a look of disgust. "I hate homework."

"Trust me. It helps." I send him on his way and enter the kitchen.

"Biker Simone. Haven't seen her since the illegal days." And I've found Bex.

I roll my eyes. "Says you who did every thing in the book. Theft. Check. Drugs. Check. Drinking. No doubt. Loitering and bothering me? Check." I give him a smile as he laughs.

"So, where's Hayes? I doubt he let you here willingly?"

"I took him home. He needs to rest and I told him I was coming without him."

He nods and calls Amia.

When she gets here she immediately apologizes. "I feel like the biggest idiot ever. Your parents are pissed. My parents are pissed. I'm so sorry for kicking you out—"

"Chill out. I'm fine."

"No. I was just mad I thought he was cheating or something outrageous and you weren't telling me."

I laugh. "Trust me. If I knew he was doing you dirty you'd be the first person I'd tell."

"I would never. Tell your boyfriend that."

"Why would Kahlil care?" Amia asks.

"Kahlil thinks he's an underage escort. And someone let it slip that you saw below my belt so he's been extra cautious."

"Who else knows this?" Emmet blushes hard.

"Okay originally it was only Tamera. But she said it in front of our entire friend group when I told her that you and Bex were the same person."

"He's going to kill me."

I roll my eyes. "Kahlil is not going to kill you."

"I've seen the damage he's caused. Can I ask you a serious question?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"You still care about him?"

He's talking about Bryson.

"As much as I don't want to, I do. He's not doing well. Yeah, he deserves it, but he doesn't deserve the pain."

"What are you talking about?" Amia cuts in.

I haven't told her about Bryson.

"Okay more secrets," she says slowly.

"Let's talk outside."

We all sit on the porch and I tell her the truth. "So you've definitely heard of Bryson by now?"

"Yes. He's your older brother."

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