Chapter 41

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When I get home with Grandpa I am kinda scared.

But he isn't. He is determined.

I open the door and I hear cooking.

We walk to the kitchen and Mom has her back to us.

"A little orange bird flew, but did she soar?" He says and she freezes.

Mom was born with orange hair. Dad told me Grandpa has orange hair. I guess the grey took over with the age.

"He locked himself in your car and you tried to tell me and I hung up?" Mom sighs. Still not looking at us.

"I did try."

Mom turns around with tears streaming down her face. "You are so old." She smiles.

"I was nearly 50 when you were born. Come here."

They hug and I can see that their bond was never really broken.

"I reported you missing so many times. She told me you ran away, Robin. She told you ran away." He holds her a bit tighter.

"I begged her not to make me leave. I tried for nine months. She destroyed everything. She burned the can."

"You saved ten thousand dollars in cash." He gasps.

"All went into the fireplace." 

I take over what Mom was cooking while I listen to their conversation.

"You are married now?"

"You remember that man you told me you hated so much because he was very good to me? I asked him to marry me."

"He ran scared didnt he?" Grandpa laughs.

Mom does too. "Of course he did. But he came running back. And I kept him. He is a wonderful support system and my best friend."

"I didn't get to walk you down the aisle—"

"Dad there wasn't an aisle. There wasn't a wedding. There were signed papers and a lot of work and jobs and school to stay afloat."

I begin plating food.

"Robin look at this place. You have done so well. Your boy is strong. I can tell. You raised him well. Now the only thing I do not approve of—"

"Is that his father isn't actively in the house."

I hand out plates of pasta.

We all take a seat.

"Dad, Draymond went overseas for a better income. We needed the money. I needed to finish school. Kahlil is fine."

"Where is his role model? Who can he look up to? An active father in the house is beneficial for a young man."

I speak up. "My Dad and I don't always see eye to eye but whenever he is around I believe I learn more. I am better than if he were completely absent. Mom did a very good job at reassuring me even through my doubts."

I hear a key in the front door.

"There is no way!" I stand and walk to it.

When it opens, Dad makes eye contact with me.

"Have you lost your damn mind! Do you know how worried you made your Mom! Come here!" He hugs me.

"Who is yelling at my Grandson—"

Dad freezes up. "M-Mr. Mur." I think that's the first time I've ever heard him stutter.

Grandpa notions for him to approach him.

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