My mother's face falls. "You don't remember?"

"No, I remember," I tell her very quickly. "I remember getting into the car accident, but I assume that I passed out or something."

Krist clears his throat and sits down on the end of the bed. "You got into the accident right in front of a store, so a worker in there called 9-1-1. The fucking motherfucker that caused the accident checked up on you and everything, but knew you. Turns out that he's a Nirvana fan and knew your name and that you're dating Kurt. After you came here, he let them know who you were. In your records, Mom and I are registered as your emergency contact. They called us and Shelli, Dave, me, and Kurt all drove here. I also called Mom and let her know what happened. She, herself, almost got into a car accident on the way here."

I chuckle and she immediately perches us. "Excuse me, but I had to make sure that my daughter was okay."

"I'm fine," I assure her, even though she knows that by now. "Where's everyone else?"

"Shelli and Dave took Kurt out of here," Krist explains. "He was going insane because you weren't waking up."

"How long has it been since the accident?"

"Four hours. So, it's not like you were in a coma or anything, but none of us knew when you were going to wake up. The doctor said that you would wake up soon, but we still were hesitant to believing them."

"But I knew how amazing you were and that you're going to make it," My mom gently squeezes my knee. 

I hear the door creak open and I look to the left and see Shelli walking in. She squeals as soon as she sees that I'm awake. She runs over to me and gives me a hug. 

"I'm so glad you're okay," She smiles. "You don't know how worried we all were."

I try hard to focus on her, but I'm distracted by seeing Dave arguing with someone, but I can't see who it is because the window ends and there's a wall next to where he's standing. Could it be Kurt?

"Are you feeling okay?" Shelli asks me. "God, that must've been so scary. Are you okay? Are you-"

"Shelli," Krist sighs. "Calm down, okay? She just woke up."

"Sorry," She steps to the side and I hear the door open once more, but not shut. I close my eyes, knowing that it's Kurt, but I'm too scared to get a look at him. 

"See, she's not even awake!" Dave calls out into the hallway. "You're fine!"

I peek open my eyes and see Dave's body in the room while his head is poking out. He must be talking to Kurt. I don't know who else he could possibly be talking to that would come to see me. 

Unsurprisingly, I see Kurt emerge from the side of the wall with his head bowed down and he walks inside of the room. I get a surge of electricity through my body, suddenly nervous that he's here. I don't know why I am, but there's no stopping it. 

He looks up at me and his eyes widen as he sees me. All of the nervousness flows away and I immediately want him to pick me up out of the bed and hold me close to him. I've never needed to feel someone's touch as much as I do right now. 

Kurt slowly starts making his way towards me. I can see tears forming in his eyes. Everyone in the room takes this as a cue to leave, leaving just us two alone. 

Seeing Kurt holding back his tears causes me to cry. Knowing that he probably thought that he was really close to losing me breaks my heart. I never want to lose him and I know that he doesn't want to ever lose me. 

This is the closest that we've ever been to losing each other, despite breaking up. Deep down, I knew that he was going to be in my life even after we broke up since Krist is my brother and also happened to be in Kurt's band. 

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя