8| growing up fast

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Y/n was growing well, she was definitely the little soul that the Avengers needed in the compound because she just seemed to make everyone happier, especially Natasha. No one had ever seen the woman so happy, but these past 7 months, have been the happiest she's ever been.

Turning over in her bed, Natasha opens her eyes to see Y/n sat up in bed staring at her mother with her big open green eyes, Natasha smiled tiredly as Y/n started babbling once she noticed that her mother was now up and awake.

"Hello there, hello!" Natasha coos reaching her hand out, Y/n gurgles spitting everywhere and reaching for Natasha's fingers, bringing them to her mouth. Natasha lets her daughter get in with whatever while she rubbed the remaining of the sleep out of her eyes.

"Are you hungry" Natasha questions sitting up, taking her fingers away from Y/n's mouth, Y/n attempted to turned over half way to see where Natasha's fingers had gone.

"I'm here hun" Natasha called out before lifting Y/n into her arms, she took the sleep sack off the wriggling baby and took her back into her arms. Y/n called out using her voice and wriggling around in Natasha's arms, Natasha lifted her shirt all the way up to underneath her chin and pulled Y/n into her.

Y/n eagerly latched on, suckling quickly on her first breakfast. Her hands gripped both sides of Natasha's breast pulling it down to get everything she could out of it making Natasha laugh.

"You little greedy monster" Natasha laughed stroking her thumb up and down her red heads little cheek, her hair was growing in fast and it was a vibrant ginger color, her eyelashes where also very long. Y/n griped her mothers thumb and held it in her palm while she suckled away looking around the room.

Natasha just watched her little girl feed and hum, while kicking her legs happily. All Natasha could do was watch her, she was sure there was no body in this world that she could love more than the little baby sitting in her arms right now.

"Yeah, that's mama's hair, Ow!" Natasha cooed, being cut off by a large tug. Natasha pried Y/n's fingers out of her hair and tucked it behind her shoulders and ears making sure it was out of reach.

Sometimes, when Y/n woke up in the mornings when Natasha was still sleeping, Y/n liked to give Natasha's hair a little pull to let her know her was up. Overall, Natasha didn't know whether she'd rather her baby scream her house down, or tug at her hair.

Y/n has also started to teethe a little bit, there isn't a sign of her tooth just yet but she has been screaming quite a lot with her gums being irritated, so once Y/n started to chew on Natasha's nipple, rather than drink from it, she knew it was time up and ready to get her diaper changed.

They weren't getting up just yet, once Y/n's diaper was changed, she usually falls back asleep so, Natasha takes that time to either shower or take another nap. Recently Natasha's been worrying a lot more though, she only takes showers when someone is watching Y/n.

"Look at you, stinky bum" Natasha plays lifting Y/n's legs high in the air to tuck up her baby vest, she untapped her diaper, trying her best not to be completely grossed out by the mess and quickly got to cleaning.

"You stink so bad" Natasha mumbles, Y/n giggles to herself kicking her chubby legs and flapping her arms about. Natasha playfully rolls her eyes throwing away the dirty stuff into the bin beside her bed and dressing Y/n back up.

"You slept the whole night, are you gonna go down for a nap now?" Natasha cooed placing Y/n back in the little bedside crib, smiling when Y/n yawned and looked back up at her.

"Sleepy time" Natasha whispers reaching over and grabbing her pacifier and slipping it between her baby's lips, Y/n suckled happily keeping her eyes up on Natasha's, Y/n's hand care up and gripped Natasha's hair.

"Hun" Natasha sighed tried to untangle her daughter's fingers from her hair, she stopped though when Y/n's eyes fluttered shut, she realised it wasn't a harsh grip and more of a soft grip, one that was letting Y/n know that Natasha was still there beside her.

"I love you so much, you've grown a lot already" Natasha whispered, kissing her sleeping girls head and laying her head down on her pillow, she didn't mind that her baby's hand was still in her hair, she let her be as long as she was happy.

A few hours later, Y/n was awake again. Natasha was still sleeping so Y/n lay still and peacefully just staring at her, soon getting bored Y/n started to babble, grabbing her feet and pulling them to her mouth.

When Natasha still didn't wake up, Y/n tried turning on her side and grabbing Natasha's face, her fingers curling on her cheek making Natasha's eyes flutter open with a small smile on her face.

"Hi baby" She whispered lovingly, Y/n spat with her tongue happily with a big smile covering her face, any affection that her mother would give her, would send her into a fit of giggles and smiles.

Natasha reached to the side and lifted Y/n over and laid her flat on her stomach on top of Natasha's, Y/n pushed her body up with her hands with a large smile settled her face as she stared right into her mother's eyes.

"Look at you big girl, well done" Natasha praised pulling Y/n closer to her and kissing her nose making the girl squeal and laugh to herself. Natasha swung her legs out of bed, resting Y/n on her hip and leaving her bedroom to go downstairs to everyone else.

"Ohhh, if it isn't my favourite girl" Wanda's voice rang and her feet where heard coming down the hall way, Natasha laughed to herself wondering how on earth Wanda knew they were both coming without seeing them, although, Y/n's screams are quite loud so she wasn't too surprised.

"I'll take her Nat, you get a coffee and breakfast, Auntie Wanda is gonna have some fun, yes we are, yes we are!" Wanda cooed taking Y/n out of Natasha's hands and disappearing away down the hallway, Y/n's laughs still being heard from where Natasha was standing.

Natasha shrugged rolling back her shoulders and made her way into the kitchen to start her day, saying hi to a few people who where sat there and took a seat at the table, preparing herself for the hectic day to come.


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