18| halloween

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Tonight was a night that Natasha has been waiting for, halloween. Last years halloween didn't go to plan, Y/n wasn't feeling very unwell and Natasha didn't want to take her out into the chilly air and make her more sick than she already was.

So this year, Natasha was going full out. She bought Y/n a little kitty cat outfit, it was all black and included a tail and some ears. The little paws of the cat were mittens that went over Y/n's hands so at least they will keep her warm, it was also a footed outfit so Y/n's feet would also be warm.

"Come on honey, put it on, you're gonna love it sweetie" Natasha frowned not wanting Y/n to refusing putting on the outfit anymore, Y/n let out a whine having previously just woken up from her nap that Natasha gave her because they were going to be out late tonight.

"Don't wanna" Y/n mumbled folding her arms over her chest angrily, Natasha sighed, dragging Y/n by the feet across the bedroom floor which earned her a giggle which made her smile herself and while Y/n was distracted laughing, Natasha for the costume on her.

"Oh my gosh! Look at you my little cute kitty" Natasha cooed turning Y/n around and standing her up so she could face the mirror, Y/n walked over to the mirror standing right in front of it, giving her reflection a slap.

"Alright enough slapping, let's go see everyone else's costume" The team were all dressing up, Y/n couldn't go out trick or treating alone so they were all gonna tag along, Natasha wore a white dress with some fake blood dotted around it with a bloody vail hanging down her head.

Having to stop the laugh from escaping her lips, Natasha let out a forced cough giving her chest a pat as she sets Y/n down on the floor, Wanda was dressed up as Harley Quinn and Vision stood next to her, as a toaster which made Natasha laugh out loud.

Next was Steve, he was dressed as an old man, the fake wig and the fake walking stick as he arched his back, and Tony was next to him as a billionaire boy, money was stuck to his as he had golden glasses covering his eyes.

Thor was dressed as a pop tart which wasn't really a surprise to Natasha as Thor eats nothing else and Clint was, well Natasha didn't really have an answer to that, he just had this outfit on and blood around him it was confusing but Natasha let it go, Bruce had a bloody doctor costume on with blood dripping down his face and arms there was more too it but Natasha had to catch her daughter before she ran out the door.

"Look at them Y/n, don't they all look silly" Natasha said bouncing Y/n who was giggling and nodding her head and chewing on her fingers causing them to go all wet and slobbery, it didn't go a miss that Vision was glaring right at Natasha and her daughter.

"We aren't seriously going outside in these, right?" Vision asked turning to Wanda who tilted her head in confusion she went to answer him but Steve had interfere with his walking stick putting on that old man voice making a few of them laugh.

"Well toaster, that's what halloween is for as i've heard, you go out get some candy and come back and eat until you're sick" Steve plays with a smile, Vision does nothing but storm out of the room complaining how everyone is adults and trick or treating is for children which caused Wanda to apologise to everyone for his outburst.

"Wanda, you don't need to apologise for his actions, just give it a moment until we are about to go out and see if he wants to come" Natasha said reassuringly placing her hand on Wanda's shoulder, Wanda nodded with a bit of a sniffle making Natasha frown and pull her in for a hug.

The team watched as the no heart, no emotion black widow assassin comforted the young girl and made sure that her own little girl was alright when she started whining, if you told them that this was going to happen 3 years ago, they would've laughed in your face.

"Alright, enough tears and sadness. Let's get trick or treats!" Natasha cheered brushing her finger against Y/n's bottom lip making her smile and giggle, then throw her small arms in the air with a bounce against Natasha's body.

When the team knew that Vision definitely wasn't coming, they headed out. Y/n was walking slowly in front of everyone as they trotted around the houses of New York, Natasha lead Y/n to the first house having her walk up the steps and to the front door.

"Knock on the door baby, and when it's answered say trick or treat" Natasha said holding onto Y/n's hand and crouching down beside her daughter, Y/n's fist lightly banged on the door and Natasha gave it another knock just to make sure it was heard.

"Well hello there!" The old woman smiled answering the door to the young cat girl, Natasha gave Y/n a bit of a nudge but the girl was too shy and turned her body into Natasha's hiding her face away in her neck causing everyone to chuckle including the old lady.

"Here, take some for her" The old woman said holding out some candy, Natasha pulled Y/n out a bit and pointed to the bowl of candy, Y/n's eyes lit up as she looked at the old lady with a toothy grin and reached into the bowl picking something out and putting it into her little pumpkin tub.

"Thank you so much" Natasha thanks making Y/n's little hand wave to the old lady before walking away out to the street again, everyone following behind her. Natasha sighed a little and stopped walking, turning on her heels to face everyone.

"How about we just walk about and enjoy ourselves, Y/n's not old enough to do the knocking and speaking and eating so much candy so we might as well just enjoy" Natasha confessed, the team liked that idea and all split up into two's or something and began walking about.

"Can i walk with yous" Wanda asked sweetly joining Natasha by her side, Natasha nodded instantly telling the girl that she didn't need to ask for anything when it came to Natasha, and the night went on happily.

Everyone was joking around with their costumes, some of the boys scaring little children who went off screaming which made them laugh hysterically until the child's parents went up to them, but for the girls first outdoor halloween it was decent, hopefully next year Y/n could actually do the trick or treating part though.



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