143| sleepover fails

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Y/n was never good with sleepovers, she always ended up leaving early or in the first place she would just never go. This weekend, Ellie invited Y/n and some more soccer friends to her house for a sleepover and surprisingly she agreed which was the first in a while.

Of course Natasha was on board and was excited for Y/n to go to a sleepover, she hadn't had a single night away from Natasha (unless she had a mission), she'd spend days in Wanda's room and sleepovers with people in the compound but never sleepovers with someone away from her mother.

"Are you excited for your sleepover?" Natasha asks turning to Y/n with a smile, she was just checking Y/n's bag as sometimes when she packs bags for holidays or something, she tends to pack so much unnecessary nonsense, but right now it all seems to be alright for her.

"Kind of, but what if i want to come home" Y/n asked nervously placing her finger in her mouth, Natasha smiled and zipped up her bag and stood to her feet placing the bag on the bed and went over to her daughter.

"If you want to come home, then tell Ellie's mom to call me, but give it a good try Y/n, it'll be fun" Natasha said removing Y/n's finger from her mouth and pulling her in for a tight hug, Y/n nods her head and wraps her arms around her mothers waist.

"And i won't be a baby if i do?" Y/n looked up sadly into her mothers eyes, lately she's been have almost a fear of being a baby, after what Daniel said to her it's kind of just stuck with her in the head now.

"Of course not honey, some people just simply don't like staying at other peoples houses" Natasha smiled kissing her daughters cheek, Y/n nodded her head and brought her hands up to fiddle with a lock of Natasha's hair, twisting it round her finger and bringing it up to her mouth.

"Stop eating my hair silly! We need to get going" Natasha laughed and tickled her daughters sides making the girl shriek, Y/n pushed herself off of her mother and ran out of the room, Natasha assumed she was going to find Wanda so she took her bag and followed her.

As she expected, the arms that Y/n jumped into were indeed Wanda's and now the girl was sat on her aunts hip messing with her hair, Natasha smiled and winked at Wanda who laugh and placed Y/n on the ground letting her burn off her excitement.

"We need to go Y/n, come on, everyone will already be there" Natasha said holding out her hand, she grinned and rushed over to Wanda, giving her a hug and kissing her cheek before running back to Natasha and holding her hand and pulling her along with her.

"Mama i'm so excited" Y/n said kicking her feet off the floor whilst Natasha drove off to Ellie's house, Y/n rambled the whole way, Natasha drove with a smile on her face hearing how excited her daughter was, although Natasha knew that she'd probably end up coming home.

"We're here honey, grab you bag" Natasha said turning off the engine and jumping out, Y/n grabbed her bag and ran over to Natasha, following her to Ellie's front door, Natasha rung the doorbell and the pair patiently waited for the door to open, when it did Y/n was greeted by a smily Ellie.

"Y/n! You made it!" Ellie squealed hugging Y/n, Y/n awkwardly stood and smiled until Ellie let go and took her hand pulling her into the house by surprise, the parents laughed as Ellie's mother invited Natasha in for a quick cup of coffee.

Natasha obviously accepted and walked into the house also, following Ellie's mom to the kitchen, she could here the loud talking of all the girl next door which made her smile, she was happy that Y/n did have some friends, maybe not in school but around her.

After Natasha's coffee, it was time for her to leave as her and Maria had plans for that night and she needed to be back for them, Ellie's mom shouted through to Y/n that her mother was leaving and the girl rushed through like a bullet, jumping into Natasha's embrace.

"Bye mama" Y/n giggled and gave Natasha a kiss, Natasha chuckled and kissed Y/n back before placing her on the ground, Y/n gave her one last hug and goodbye before Natasha left the house to go back home to Maria, Y/n sprinting back into the living room.

Hours past and Y/n was having so much fun, if she was honest she never wanted to leave the house, there was a part of her that very much missed Natasha but she pushed it down and focused on having fun with her friends at the sleepover.

"Let's do movies" Ellie announced and turned on the Tv, all girls got a blanket and snuggled up on the couch, Y/n was always on the end of the couch and that's just how it worked, she was happy when she got her space and curled into the side of it.

The movie was one of the animated mother and daughter Disney movies and all it made Y/n think about was Natasha, she was awfully missing her a lot right now, she tried to focus on the movie but the movie was making her think about Natasha even more.

The movie was on for another 2 hours, and by the end of the 2 hours, it was midnight, some girls had already fallen asleep but some were still up, Y/n was close to tears, she wanted to go home now because it wasn't fun anymore, she didn't want to sleep here.

Reluctantly, she pushed herself off the sofa claiming she was going to the bathroom, but in reality she was going to find Ellie's mom who happened to be cleaning the kitchen, when she noticed Y/n's presence she looked up immediately and stopped what she was doing.

"Y/n, sweetheart. Is everything alright, you look awfully upset" Ellie's mother worried placing her sponge down and walking over to Y/n who was biting the nail of her thumb, she shook her head slightly and looked down at the ground, Ellie's mom bending down in front of her slightly.

"Do you miss your mom" Natasha had told Ellie's mom a lot about Y/n and what could happen, Y/n was extremely thankful that Ellie's mom understood that she missed her mom and didn't have to speak to her about it, Ellie's mom smiled and nodded her head.

"Shall we give her a ring, see if she's still awake" Ellie's mom said, Y/n nodded her head and sat down on a kitchen chair whilst Ellie's mother rung Natasha, after a few rings Natasha picked up the phone, answering with a slight hint of confusion in her voice.

"Hello?" Natasha's voice came through the phone and it was loud enough for Y/n to hear, Y/n's head shot up as she looked over at Ellie's mom who was now having a conversation with Natasha, nodding and shaking her head, Y/n heard Natasha say her goodbyes and the phone was placed down.

"Your mom's on her way sweetheart, why don't you go pack your bag up again" Ellie's mom said with a smile, Y/n nodded her head and ran up to Ellie's room and shoved everything back into her bag, biting her lip so she wouldn't start crying.

Y/n went back downstairs and waited in the kitchen for her mother as all the girls had fallen asleep in the living room on the mattress on the floor, just before Y/n could get anymore upset, the door bell rang, Ellie's mom went to answer it straight away.

When Natasha walked into the kitchen, Y/n launched out the seat and ran over to Natasha, wrapping her arms around her waist and pushing her face into her chest, happy to have the comfort and smell of her other again, Natasha immediately wrapped her arms back around her daughter.

Natasha explained that Y/n just wasn't a sleepover type person but Ellie's mom was lovely about it, after the pair thanked Ellie's mom, they left the house, Natasha helping Y/n into the car as the girl was extremely tired from the fun day they had had.

"I love you" Natasha whispered to her half asleep daughter who was now, eyes closed leaning on her car seat, Y/n let out a long hum to which Natasha assumed what her saying her loved her back which made her smile, she shut the door and got into her own seat, starting to drive back home.


So, so, so sorry for not updating yesterday!!

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