156| wedding day

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That morning, Natasha woke up to her alarm with a smile, she looked down at Y/n who had transferred to the other side of the bed, curled in a ball and holding onto Natasha's arm tightly, her fingers against her mouth, which was open just a tiny bit.

Natasha let out a bigger smile and rolled her body onto her side and wrapped her left arm around Y/n, pressing her lips to the back of Y/n's head, Y/n groaned and pushed herself over so she was on her stomach and dug her head underneath the pillows.

"Wake up sweetheart, it's wedding day" Natasha whispered and shook Y/n's body, the girl let out a groan and a grumble and sat up on her knees straight away, rubbing at her eyes and letting out a loud yawn, she opened her eyes and saw Natasha watching her with a smile.

"Wedding day" Y/n mumbled and crawled over to Natasha's wrapping her arms around her neck and cuddling comfortably into her chest, Natasha chuckled and nodded her head placing her hand on the back of Y/n's head, giving it a soft rub, pressing her lips to the side.

"Should we go wake Wanda and Yelena up? We need a shower before the stylists get here" Natasha asked, Y/n tiredly nodded her head and Natasha stood up out of bed, scooping Y/n into her arms and carrying her out the room, placing her down outside of Wanda's room.

Wanda would be the easiest to wake, she slept like a little princess to which Yelena on the other hand was like Y/n, and would more than likely end up take a long time to wake up. Y/n knocked on Wanda's door, smiling to herself when she opened it up.

"Wan Wan!" Y/n shouted and ran over to Wanda's best, shaking her body, Wanda groaned immediately and turned her face around and hid it in the pillows like Y/n did when she first woke up, Y/n giggled and kept shaking Wanda till she woke up.

"It's wedding day! It's wedding day, get up, get up, get up!!" Y/n shouted and giggled, Wanda hummed before sighing and sitting up, Y/n cheered and wrapped her arms around Wanda's neck and jumping on her which caused her to fall right back down, Wanda looked at Natasha with a smile.

"Thank you for waking me angel" Wanda smiled and kissed Y/n's forehead, Y/n laughed then rolled off of Wanda's bed claiming that she needed to go wake up Yelena next, she waved bye to Wanda and sprinted off to Yelena's room leaving Natasha and Wanda to talk.

Y/n barged right into Yelena's bedroom, not having a second thought before jumping on her aunts body causing her to groan loudly, Y/n squealed with laughter as she shook her aunts body heavily hoping that she'd wake up, over and over again she shook.

"Lena, Lena! It's wedding day, you need to wake up" Y/n sighed and shook Yelena's shoulders once more, her arms were tired now from shaking her so she just sat on Yelena and waited for her to sit up, when she did she finger came in contact with her sides.

"No Lena! You cant tickle me on wedding day!" Y/n screeched, Yelena laughed to herself and patted Y/n's back, Y/n smiled and leant back looking at Yelena who was now awake, the woman yawned and ran her hands through her nieces hair which was a little crazy.

"It's finally wedding day, hm" Yelena said, the girl nodded her head happily and shimmied off of Yelena's bed, she ran over to the door opening it back open and seeing her mother standing there with a smile, Y/n squealed and wrapped her arms around her with a smile.

A few hours later

After a while, everyone's hair was all completed and makeup was finished, Y/n, Wanda and Yelena were all in their dresses and were just waiting for Natasha to put on hers, Alexei had arrived a little bit ago, soon they'd be leaving the house.

"I see mama!!" Y/n screamed and jumped up and down on her feet pointing to the top of the stairs, Natasha smiled and started walking down the stairs, the photographer catching photos as she did, Y/n gasped and covered her mouth with her hand happily as her mother was gorgeous.

"Your mama is very pretty huh" The photographer asked, Y/n shyed away behind Wanda making Natasha and Yelena laugh, Natasha finally reached the bottom of the stairs and leant down a bit and pressed a kiss to Y/n's head, running her thumb along her cheek softly.

"Quick photos and then it'll be time to leave" The photographer spoke, Natasha smiled at Y/ n and stood back up as everyone made the way outside to the back door, the all stood on the concrete and all got their photos done, individually and done together as well.

"Quick one with bride and flower girl, how do you want her, can you lift her or not?" The photographer asked, Natasha looked at Y/n who was innocently looking up at her, Natasha smirked and bent down slightly hooking her hands under Y/n's armpits, in one swift motion Natasha was able to lift Y/n over her head.

The girl squealed and giggled and she was raised in the air by Natasha's arms, this was so Y/n wasn't sitting on Natasha's dress and crumpling it, the photographer took a few snaps and smiled before letting them go into the car.

"Why aren't we going with mama in the special car?" Y/n asked taking Wanda's hand and hopping into the other marriage car, Y/n looked out the window as her car started to drive off, confusion rolling over her as they started driving away, she looked at her aunts confused.

"It's okay, mama's coming in a different car" Wanda said placing her hand on Y/n's thigh, the girl nodded her head and took a shaky breath looking back in front of her as the car kept driving, Y/n had gone all quiet with nervousness by the time they arrived.

"Photographer is here, it's a bit windy so make sure your dress doesn't fly up" Yelena warned and helped Y/n out the car, the were instructed to enter the building and wait in front of the big doors, soon Natasha came out with Alexei and smiled.

"Be careful when you walk, good luck" Natasha smiled and kissed Y/n's head, Y/n took a hold of Wanda's hand who she was taking with and then when it was time to go, the girls started walking, followed by Yelena and then followed by Alexei and then Natasha.

Y/n was shaking quite a bit as she walked and as she walked through the doors, Wanda let go of her hand and took the place behind her, Y/n nervously brought her head up and kept walking, using her white flowers to decorate the floor beneath her for Natasha.

The girl went as quick as she could, this place was full, with no spare seats, everyone was here, after Y/n finished walking down the isle, she stood up at the front where she was supposed to, Wanda and Yelena coming in behind her and standing on the left side of her.

Y/n looked up at Maria and saw as her eyes filled with tears as Natasha walked down the isle, Natasha had a single tear falling down as she kept walking until she was at the top next to Y/n and Maria, it was taking a lot for Y/n not to hug her.

The vicar said the vows and Natasha and Maria repeated them to each other back and forth, Y/n was swaying on her feet finding it incredibly boring, the girl was not able to focused for more than a mintue so this was dreadful to keep still.

"And if we could get your daughter in" The vicar spoke, Y/n's head shot up as Natasha then took her by the shoulder and stood her in the middle of her and Maria, Y/n finding it the perfect excuse to hold Natasha's hand.

The next vows were for Y/n, to love and care for her and all that, Y/n still wasn't able to stand still and as the vicar was speaking, she was swaying her hips making her dress twirl, Natasha was looking down at her watching with adoration, she was so precious.

Y/n looked up at Natasha, as her back was more to her, she was bending backwards and smiled, Natasha smiled back and pinched the girls cheeks together, Y/n held back her giggle as she stood back up straight and looked at Maria with a sweet smile.

"Natasha and Maria, both place a kiss on either side of Y/n's face please" The vicar spoke, suddenly two pair of lips came in contact with Y/n's two cheeks making her shriek with laughter, Natasha gave her one more and rubbed her back watching as she giggled some more, before she went back to Wanda and Yelena.

"And now, Maria and Natasha, i now pronounce you, wife and wife, you may kiss the bride!" The vicar spoke, the guests all cheered loudly and clapped their hands as Maria and Natasha leaned into each other kiss, yet, just before Natasha and Maria's lips were able to touch, for the whole room, everyone in it, everything went black.

I have a feeling everyone hates me for this but that's fine because there's only 3 more "everything went black" chapters left 😙🙃

I'm writing this based off of my aunties wedding so i got no idea if this is what weddings are like

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