108| a small tumble

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"Hi mama, what's for lunch?" Y/n asked racing downstairs, most the team were on a mission this morning and it was just the girls in the house, Wanda was currently showering and Y/n had just finished playing with her toys and found herself rather hungry for some food.

"Hey sweetheart, I made you your favorite, mac and cheese, and for dessert, we are having chocolate chip cookies" Natasha spoke Y/n cheered shouting excitedly and throwing her arms up in the air with her first and jumping up and down, running over to Natasha and giving her a hug.

"I'm glad you're excited, baby! I knew you'd be happy with this lunch I made" Natasha spoke rubbing her daughters back, Y/n giggles happily and tightened her grip around her mother, she hadn't had mac and cheese in ages and was buzzing to have it again, with cookies as well!

"Now, now! Enough with the cheek-kissing! Let me help you sit down at the table, sweetheart. It's time to eat" The girl giggled and stopped kissing her mothers cheek, Natasha lifted her up and placed her in the chair and place her food in front of her.

Just then Wanda came down the stairs in a fresh pair of clothes, skipping into the kitchen excitedly, ready for her lunch also, she kissed Y/n's head and sat next to her as Natasha passed her her bowl, she thanked her and waited for Natasha to sit down before they started eating.

"It's nice mama" Y/n said with a mouthful, Natasha raised her eyebrows and Y/n chewed quickly and swallowed before repeating her words to her mother again making the women in the room laugh at her, Y/n giggled at herself and went back to eating.

"Thank you sweet girl, How's your school going, hunny. Everything going well?" Natasha had always asked Miss Kate how Y/n's day had been but never really asked Y/n how they went, the girl shrugged and nodded her head uninterestedly, she hated school with everything in her body.

"Good to hear, Y/n. I'm very proud of you. You know you always try to do your best at school. Have you made any new friends at school, i know you have 2" Natasha frowned, it was sad her daughter only had two friends as the rest of the kids picked on her, Y/n shook her head sadly

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear you haven't made any new friends, babe! It's okay though, things like this take time" Wanda chirped in, rubbing Y/n's back, Y/n just shrugged she didn't really mind as when she was alone it was peaceful most of the time.

"i just sit at my own at lunch it's quite peaceful sometimes when Elsie or Daniel aren't in or when they go and sit with their other friends" Y/n shrugged again, Natasha looked at Wanda sadly who rubbed her shoulder and ran her fingers through her hair.

"That does sound peaceful, baby. It's okay to want time to spend by yourself. Sometimes I like to spend quiet time alone, and I know you do too. But I don't want you to feel isolated or lonely at school, okay" Natasha said soothingly, Y/n smiled at her and nodded her head.

"Yes mama, i'm all done though" Y/n said pushing her bowl towards Natasha, Natasha raised her eyebrows and took her daughters bowl and put in the dish's washer followed along with Wanda's and her own, she took the cover off of the cookies and let the smell fly around the room.

The young girl instantly reached for one but Natasha pulled her hand back and gave her a little smirk and shook her head slightly, the girl whines and went to reach for them again but Natasha wasn't letting her and brought her over to the sink.

"We both need to wash our hands before we eat the cookies. You don't want to get your hands dirty, do you, don't think i didn't see you earlier with your finger up your nose" Natasha smirked, Y/n's face went red with embarrassment as she started washing her hands rapidly.

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