66| my aunties gender reveal

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After the hectic week that the avengers had just gone through, a gender reveal party was the only way to end it. Wanda was super excited, but no one thinks that anyone is more excited than Y/n. She'd been running around the house, shouting that her auntie was going to have girls.

That was another thing, recently Wanda found out she was pregnant with twins which meant that Y/n would be getting 2 baby cousins, Wanda was over the moon she was going to have two little babies, the team was also happy because now there would be 3 little babies running about.

But today was finally the day that everyone was going to find you the gender of Wanda's children, the one person that knew was Bruce because he was the doctor and had to get everything ready for the reveal party, he didn't mind and he was waiting to see Wanda's reaction.

"Mommy! Auntie Wan Wan is gonna have 2 girls" Y/n shouted running up to Natasha and holding up 2 fingers in front of her face, Natasha chuckled helping Y/n up on the sofa and wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into her side.

"She might not be baby, what if she has two boys?" Natasha smirked, the other day after Y/n went to bed, Wanda and Natasha and a few others done the old wives tales, and every single sign was leading to boy but Natasha couldn't quite tell Y/n that yet.

"No! No. Mommy listen. It's going to be girl" Y/n said sternly grabbing a hold of Natasha's face in her hands and looking directly into her eyes, Natasha smiled poking out her tongue out and tickling Y/n's stomach making her wriggle and laugh.

"Stop it, stop it" Y/n called out, pushing Natasha's hand off of her and rolling about the bed, Natasha laugh picking Y/n back off the bed she'd just made and placed her on the floor, flattening the bed again after it was destroyed.

"When are we gonna find out mama!" Y/n shouts grabbing Natasha's hand and jumping up and down giving it a tug, her mothers smiles down at her, cupping her cheek and kneeling down to her level.

"Well honey, it's a bit early now and we'll need to do it when everyone else is back from work. Vision need to come home and-"

"Who's Vision?" Y/n asks in a confused state, Natasha cant help but widen her eyes and let her brows furrow, there's a little bit in her chest that aches now, a child that lives in the same house as him, and she doesn't even know who he is.

"Doesn't matter babe, when everyone's ready is the answer and it might be after dinner, after lunch or whatever" Natasha smiles kissing Y/n's cheek and standing back, Y/n lets out an understanding nod, grabbing Natasha's finger and following her downstairs.

"Hi Wan Wan!" Y/n screeches running up to Wanda, holding her arms in the air, Wanda chuckles leaning down and lifting Y/n up, she had a bump, it wasn't massive and didn't stop a lot of Wanda's daily activities.

"Eh, Y/n. Don't be patronising Wanda please, she's probably exhausted" Natasha scolded, Y/n let out a whine wrapping her arms around Wanda's neck and stuffing her face into her chest when she was placed on the counter.

"Are you excited for tonight sweetheart?" Wanda asked pulling Y/n back from her body and cupping her face in her hands, the girl gave her auntie an excited nod holding her thumbs up with a big smile as her heels started banging against the cupboard behind her.

"You're gonna have girls auntie Wan Wan" Y/n smiled reaching forward and playing with the necklace that was wrapped around Wanda's neck, Wanda let out a hum and raised her eyebrow with a smile.

"Is that so?" She spoke wiggling her eyebrows making Y/n giggle as she nodded her head, full with hope. Wanda watched in adoration as she kind of now hoped for girls as the excitement Y/n was carrying would be blew away if the color was blue.

"Mhm" Y/n hummed with a smile, holding her arms armpit for Wanda to lift her down off the counter, she placed her on the floor and the girl lay across the kitchen floor making Wanda laugh.

"Where's mama?" Y/n whines turning over and laying on her stomach, Wanda leant down and lifted Y/n up onto her hip, the girl leaning her head on her aunts shoulder and she patted her bottom softly.

Wanda took Y/n through to the living room and found Natasha sitting on the sofa talking to Steve about something, it didn't seem to important or serious as they both burst out laughing.

"Mama" Y/n mumbled wiggling down out of Wanda's arms and walking over to Natasha, crawling her way up and onto her lap, Natasha secured her tightly on her lap giving her a small pat and going back to her conversation with Steve.

Wanda sat on the single armchair and snatched the remote from Steve and turned on a different movie as the tv was just hovering on Netflix, even though she'd fallen asleep only a few minutes into it.

After a peaceful afternoon, Bruce had finished everything and it was now finally time for the gender reveal. Y/n was growing tired and Natasha could see that, but she convinced herself and everyone that she wasn't and was just cry excited.

"It's gonna shoot up in the air baby, and then if it's pink it's a girl and if it's blue, it's gonna be a boy" Natasha explained holding Y/n on her hip, Bruce bought a massive sign which read boy or girl and when the button was pressed, the smoke was gonna shoot up into the air.

"Pink!!" Y/n cheered hoping with all her might that it was going to be pink, Wanda and Vision walked up to the big sign, they were holding hands smiling, Bruce handed them what they needed and everyone started counting down, Y/n was smiling like crazy and was practically shaking.

On the final count, Wanda and Vision pressed the button in their hands and out shot the fog and smoke high into the hair, cheers erupted in the garden, which were all muffled to Y/n as she froze and watched the blue smoke slowly come down back down.

"Y/n, sweetheart are you with us?" Natasha said excitedly shaking Y/n's shoulder, Y/n looked at her slowly before turning her head back to the smoke which was still blue and didn't seem like it was going to change anytime soon, her small lip poked out as tears fell from her eyes.

"Hey, hey. No tears, it's okay, the boys are still going to play with you" Natasha comforted patting Y/n's back, Y/n dove into Natasha's neck and sobbed her little heart out over the news that her baby cousins were boys, which was not good.

"Woooo!" Wanda cheered coming over to Natasha who instantly embraced her in a hug, Y/n started crying harder into Natasha's neck. Wanda's smile faded slightly as her face morphed into a sympathetic look, she placed her hand on Y/n's back who pulled away from Natasha and looked at Wanda.

"I'm so sorry honey" Wanda frowned, Y/n sobbed some more and held her arms out to Wanda who took her on her hip and swayed side to side, Y/n lay her head on her shoulder and cried harder, she wanted baby girls not baby boys to play with.

"I wanted girl" Y/n sobbed pulling back from Wanda's shoulder and looking Wanda in the eyes with a small pout, Wanda kissed the girls head and tucked her hair behind her ears, Y/n frowned and looked down.

"I know sweetheart, but you can protect these boys and they'll play with you all the time" Wanda reasoned trying to calm her down, she just let out a slow whine and pressed her face against Wanda's chest with a sigh, Natasha smile sympathetically at Wanda thanking her for trying and took her daughter back in her own arms. Wanda went back off into the middle of everyone and started celebrating, Y/n clung to Natasha as they all started to pile back into the kitchen for some food.


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