139| surprise for someone special

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Natasha had the biggest surprise of her life, for her daughter, right now she didn't know how to put it in any words, she was beyond excited and was even more excited for her daughters reaction, she'd had to keep this secret for a week and it's been the hardest task of her life.

The woman was literally skipping down the corridor, yes the deadly black widow assassin was skipping like a 5 year old, she entered the kitchen with a smile on her face making all eyes turn to her as she stands awkwardly with a smile on her face.

"I have a surprise for someone special" Natasha squealed, everyone smiled, they all knew because it was a big decision to make, plus they all wanted Y/n's 14th birthday to be very special, Y/n gasped and rose her hand in the air flapping it back and forth.

"I'm special, is it me?" Y/n asks, it was true she was quite special, in quite a lot of ways, of course Natasha loved how special Y/n was in every way, even all the tantrums and meltdowns and misbehaving, especially the cuddly and clingy, shy side of her, she loved her little girl too much.

Everyone started laughed, as adults and children have two different meanings of being special, Y/n did laugh along with them though, she looked up at Thor who was beside her and placed her fingers over her mouth as she laughed with them, which was adorable.

"It may be, little girl, possibly" Natasha was acting so strange, she was standing like she needed to pee, she was crossing her legs and holding something behind her back which made her look so suspicious, the girl gave her a confused look as to what she's doing.

"Mama, are you okay" Y/n asked looking her mother up and down which made Tony laugh, Natasha pulled a face and uncrossed her legs standing straight, she sighed slightly before giving Y/n another look, yet she couldn't hold back the excitement she had in her body and was back squirming.

"Me? I'm fine, i'm perfect, how are you?" Natasha said, a few heads titled, the adults knew but the way Natasha was acting was very strange, she literally looked like she had ants in her pants and was trying to cover it up as best she could, obviously failing.

Y/n tilted her head in confusion, her mother looked so off at the moment, Natasha gave her a sweet smile, the smile was off too and it looked very forced, Y/n's eyes widened as she turned around to look at Thor who looked just as confused as her.

"Tell us the surprise, come on!" Tony cheered, he knew the surprise but it wasn't too fun for Y/n who looked far too confused for a simple surprise so he just had to get it out of Natasha, Natasha nodded her head and went to speak until she was interrupted.

"Yes mama! Tell us about the surprise!" Y/n shouted, she was growing really impatient because all Natasha was doing was standing like a total freak, Y/n squealed and stood up running over to Natasha and tugging at her arms, shaking her and trying to get the surprise out of her.

"Well, uh, it's your birthday tomorrow, isn't it?" Natasha said taking Y/n's hands in her own and waving them about, Y/n gasped nodding her head excitedly jumping up on down on her feet pulling on Natasha's arms, Natasha copied her daughter and started jumping.

"And yours mama!" Y/n reminded her, Y/n didn't like it when all the attention was on her because it was also Natasha's birthday and she didn't want anyone to forget that, she always had to remind everyone that it was Natasha's day too, they already new but Y/n's was just an extra reminder.

"Right, yes, of course darling, anyways, i've got paper, open it up for me" Natasha said happily handing over the envelope, Y/n took it from her and inspected the paper looking Natasha in the eyes with a weird look on her face but she nodded her head.

"It's a big bit of paper" Y/n wiggled her eyebrows making her mother laugh, Natasha turned Y/n around so the team could see her reaction, she went a little bit shy and stepped back so she was touching Natasha, who wrapped her arms around her and put her chin on her head.

It was a slow and painful wait as Y/n opened up the envelope, and then she had to ready it, and the girl was an extremely slow ready, Natasha placed her fingers under each word and got Y/n to read them out loud to everyone.

"WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY LAND?!?" Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs, Natasha nodded her head as the team cheered and clapped their hands, Y/n jumped up and down the room clapping her and laughing placing her hands over her mouth in shock.

"YES WE ARE BABY" Natasha also screamed holding her arms out, Y/n screamed again and ran into them allowing Natasha to lift her up and onto her hip, Y/n giggles and squealed her arms and legs around her mother as tightly as she could in a thank you.

"Who's going?" Y/n bounced in her arms, Natasha ignored Y/n for a moment and pulled her into her chest, holding her tightly there was nothing better than watching her daughter happy, squealing and screaming because of her happiness, this was all Natasha wanted for her and her daughter.

"Everyone?" Y/n asked after not receiving an answer off of her mother, Natasha nodded her head and pointed to everyone who was watching the mother and daughter duo with a smile on each of their faces, they also throughly enjoyed watching Y/n happy, and Natasha, before Y/n, she never smiled.

Y/n wriggled down from Natasha's arms and started to run over to the team, and as if she was playing duck duck goose, she patted everyone on the head with a giggle and ruffling their hair quickly, she made sure to get everyone before running over to Natasha and tapping her head.

"Leave them alone you stinker, right we've gotta pack you a bag because we leave at 3am" Natasha gasped putting Y/n on the ground, Y/n giggled twisting her hips side to side and clinging onto Natasha's arm as she finished speaking to the men.

Eventually Y/n tugged Natasha along and rushed up the stairs with Natasha following quickly behind her, she ran into her bedroom and crashed into the floor looking up at her mother, Natasha smirked and shook her head, making her way into the closet, pushing the suitcase out to Y/n.

"Thank you so much for this mama, you're seriously the best mama in the whole entire world" Y/n spoke pulling the suitcase over to her, Natasha smiled and looked at Y/n who was distracted by trying to open the suitcase, she felt her heart flutter and tears slightly brimming her eyes.

"Your so welcome baby, you deserve everything good in life" Natasha spoke collecting a few more outfits, she then walked over and sat beside Y/n, placing the clothes on the floor and opening the suitcase which Y/n couldn't seem to open up, before adding all the clothes she needed.


okay, prepare, my next chapter may or may not be 2800+ words..

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