7| three months already

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It was confusing how 3 months has already gone by since Y/n was born, Natasha was so happy that her girl was already starting to grow and get a lot bigger than she was as a newborn.

Natasha felt as though she was a proper baby now and not just some tiny little girl anymore, shes definitely grown well and liked flapping about. Y/n was able to lift her head just a small bit, but obviously still needed some support.

Y/n had smiled for the first time the other day and Natasha had never smiled more, and the more that Natasha smiled, the more her little girl would smile. She was yet to giggle and Natasha couldn't wait for that to happen, her little girl giggling away sounds like a dream to her.

Natasha arranged a walk today, in Y/n's stroller. Wanda decided to tag along which was kind of her, she was definitely the most excited about the walk. Natasha has taken Y/n on a walk before in her stroller but she was a lot younger and asleep, but this time Y/n's stayed awake and hopefully this would put her to sleep.

The girls started out by just doing a lap around the compound, but when that didn't work and they looked down to see Y/n's massive eyes looking back up at them, they decided to go for a coffee at the cafe. That way, they were warmer inside and could maybe get a snack also.

"She really is perfect Nat" Wanda smiled looking down at the little girl in the stroller who was smiling away at the woman in front of her, Natasha was letting Wanda push the stroller, so while she done that, Natasha decided to pull some funny faces which made Y/n smile uncontrollably.

Entering the cafe, Wanda went and took a seat at the table and took Y/n out of her stroller placing her on her lap. Y/n was content enough with chewing on her fingers as Wanda waited for Natasha to come and take a seat.

After a little wait, Natasha was coming over with a tray in her hands and 2 coffee's resting on top of it. Natasha placed it down on the table and let Wanda pass her daughter over, she grabbed the nursing blanket from understand the stroller and draped it over her shoulder, she got Y/n situated underneath letting her latch on and drink away, as Wanda and Natasha did with their coffee's.

Y/n was placed back in her stroller once she was sound asleep after being burped and having a nice little lunch. After Natasha and Wanda finished their coffee's they decided to stay and order some food.

Wanda getting a bacon roll and Natasha went with a sausage sandwich roll, both girls where happy with their choice of food, and both chewed them down like it was their last meal. Both girls were laughing by the end of their small meal at how fast they'd both managed to finish their lunch, while Natasha went to the toilet, Wanda took Y/n back outside and waited in the warm sun her.

"It's too warm out here, let's go back" Natasha sulked, she wasn't a very warm heated person and loved winter a lot more than summer and to be honest it wasn't that warm right now, due to the fact it's just been winter, the little bit of warm was what everyone was treasuring at the moment.

"Nat, it's not even that warm" Wanda chuckles but makes her way back to the compound with Natasha who just gives her a side eyed glare and hurries along to get back inside. She'd put no sun cream on today and everyone knows that a ginger can burn like no other, Natasha's arms were revealed and they were the last thing she wanted burnt, along with her scalp.

"I'm gonna burn" Natasha whines like a child covering her head with her arms as her pace quickens, Wanda chuckles also speeding up, not too fast as she still has the stroller but fast enough to keep close behind Natasha.

"Gonna burn, gonna burn" Natasha mumbled over and over rushing through the doors of the compound, she took one side of the stroller as Wanda took the other side helping it into the building.

"Look, the sun wasn't even out. You'll be fine" Wanda says trying to re-assure Natasha who was getting her daughter out of the stroller carefully in hopes that she wouldn't wake her up.

"Alright Maximoff, just because you put sun cream on" Natasha smirked before walking away to the living room with Y/n in her arms, she took a careful seat on the sofa, cradling her girl in her arms to make sure she stayed asleep.

Once Y/n woke back up from her nap, Natasha laid her down on the floor on her tummy, Natasha copied her daughters actions and laid in front of her. Y/n smiled and lifted her head up slightly, looking at her mother and reaching her hand forward gently.

"You're so pretty" Natasha cooed pinching Y/n's cheeks, Y/n blew spit at Natasha in response but the assassin didn't care and only babied her girl more. Y/n soon got tired of her front and semi-collapsed down, Natasha swung her legs around and moved to sit on her butt, lifting her daughter up and onto her lap.

Natasha played with Y/n a bit more before one of the boys came in and took Y/n from Natasha to play with Y/n a bit more, not that Natasha minded, she shook her arms and turned on the Tv, deciding to catch up on a series she was into watching right now.

Soon later, her baby was handed back to her, asleep. Natasha took her instantly and pulled her up close into her warm body, grabbing a blanket from beside her and gently placing it over Y/n's body to make sure she was warm enough, the Tv was still playing but Natasha simply couldn't take her eyes off of her princess, it was impossible, she was the most beautiful girl in the world, Natasha thought.


i've decided to finish my scarlett one shot book and just focus on this one, thank you for everyone was supporting that book ily❤️

Also thank you for 1K views on this already it's only been 7 days, thank you!!❤️

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