155| the night before

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This night, Y/n was the most energetic Natasha had ever seen her before. The time had finally come, Natasha was getting married tomorrow, Y/n felt as though she could run about the whole of New York at this moment of time, she was so excited for her mother.

"Mommy, you're getting married!!" Y/n shouted jumping on top of Natasha causing her to groan and shove her off of her, Natasha laughed and tickled under Y/n's arms making the girl scream and wriggle about, until she fell off the sofa and smack down onto the floor.

Right now, Wanda, Yelena, Y/n and Natasha were the only people in the compound. Every other person was somewhere else, wether it was a hotel, Clint's farm or wherever, there was no one else aloud in the compound apart from them, and already the girls have had so much fun.

"I can't believe it!" Natasha exclaimed happily, she looked about wondering where Yelena and Wanda where but didn't see them anywhere, Y/n brought her hands up to cup Natasha's cheeks so she was looking at her, then out of no where, Yelena and Wanda came jumping on top of her.

"You're gonna be a Mrs!" Yelena laughed, all the girls were now on the floor after Yelena and Wanda's little attack, Natasha laughed and nodded her head looking over and Wanda who was having a small tickle fight with Y/n, Natasha helped out by also tickling Y/n.

"Lena! Lena help me" Y/n cried out with laughter, Yelena smirked and reached over, tickling Natasha causing the woman to jump, Natasha lunged for Yelena whilst Y/n tried to free herself from Wanda, kicking her and standing up, running to the wall to catch her breath again.

"No more tickles!!" Y/n shouted, Wanda looked over Natasha and Yelena and raised her arms in the air, Yelena and Natasha copied Wanda and raised their arms up, the girl cheered and ran over to Wanda, jumping on her lap and cuddling into her chest, playing with her hair.

"Are the brownies ready?" Y/n asked tugging Natasha's arm, Natasha laughed and pulled herself back up to her feet and took Y/n's hand telling the others to follow, Y/n ran into the kitchen, hiding behind the door and waiting for someone to walk in, that person being Yelena.

"Holy Shit!" Yelena screamed stumbling back into Natasha and placing her hand over her chest, Y/n and Wanda burst out into a fit of giggles and laugh as Natasha caught Yelena just in time before she feel, Yelena lunged forward for Y/n but the girl ran behind Natasha.

"Alright, alright let's not kill each other before tomorrow please, save it for afterwards" Natasha smirked, Yelena rolled her eyes and made her way over to the oven, she opened it up, allowing all the smoke to come out, she carefully pulled the brownies out and placed them on the stove.

"They're ready!" Yelena spoke with a  smile, Wanda clapped her hands and went over with a toothpick giving it a little prick, she nodded her head and left them there to cool down for a little bit, Y/n smiled and sat on Natasha's lap as everyone sat around the

"Right so tomorrow, does everyone understand what they're doing?" Natasha asked placing her hands on the table, Y/n nodded her head and also brought her hands up on the table to play with Natasha's fingers, Yelena and Wanda also nodded their heads with a smile.

"When is grandpa coming?" Y/n asked looking back over to Yelena who smiled, she explained that Alexei was coming tomorrow morning as he was still getting the last little bit ready, he'd come over in the morning when everyone was ready to leave, him and Natasha would leave in a wedding car.

When the brownies had cooled down, it was time to add a little bit of frosting to them as Y/n requested she wanted some, the girl was super excited and went full out with the frosting, adding so many to most of them, half of them were plain chocolate brownies then others were, were Y/n's creations.

After the brownies were finished, they were brought into the living where a pillow fight had quickly started up between Yelena and Y/n, Natasha and Wanda tried their very best to shield the brownies and make sure they would be ruined by them.

"Stop! You're gonna ruin the brownies" Natasha ordered, Y/n sighed and threw the pillow at Yelena with a grunt, unhappy that Natasha made them stop, Y/n went to turn around to walk over to Natasha but a pillow came in contact with the side of her head knocking her over.

With it being 1 in the morning, Y/n didn't take it well, and got up and crossed her arms, storming over to Natasha and hiding her face in her chest, which did make Yelena feel a tiny bit bad thinking she upset her.

"Don't you dare sulk, you threw one at Yelena first" Natasha said placing the brownies down, Y/n looked at Yelena and stuck her tongue out, jumping out of Natasha's arms and into Yelena's, taking her by the head and pushing her into the couch, laughing to herself.

"Right no more, you're gonna hurt her" Natasha said with a sigh pulling Y/n off of Yelena as she saw Yelena trying to get Y/n off of her when she started to sit on her head, Y/n huffed and made her way over to Wanda, snuggling into her shoulder.

The girls ate the last of the brownies whilst watching a movie, the night was getting later and they needed to be going to bed soon as they needed to be up super early in the morning, after turning everything off the girls split ways and went to bed.

Y/n found her way to get into bed with Natasha and snuggled up against her chest, Natasha wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter, running a hand up and down her back, before she even managed to shut her eyes, everything went black.

Wanda and getting ready for bed, taking out a book just to make her that extra bit tired so she could fall asleep easier, as soon as she turned the page, everything went black.

Yelena was also getting ready for bed, although she was super excited and couldn't calm her nerves so done a little bit of cleaning the bedroom and as she bent down to lift a hoodie, everything went black.

I think everything went black?

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