121| best day of the year

465 31 30


Christmas day was a day that everyone had to love, especially children who got to open many gifts from Santa and even parents who's money was wiped from their bank accounts but they also got to watch their little loves enjoy the day opening presents.

Of course every year, Natasha was woken to Y/n shaking her. Each year Natasha continued to sleep in Y/n's bed with her, and every morning was the same with her being shaken away, or pushed out the bed or being jumped on, all sorts you could think of.

"Mommy, mommy! It's Christmas" Y/n said shaking Natasha's shoulders, Natasha groaned and turned her body around so she was facing away from Y/n, Y/n giggled and crawled onto Natasha's side, shaking her shoulders, Natasha was one more shake away from throwing Y/n across the room, but she couldn't do that.

"Stop shaking me or else no presents" Natasha mumbled, Y/n's mood immediately turned confused and sad, she wondered why Natasha was so grouchy this morning, it was a little bit earlier than usual, and earlier being 3 hours earlier, it was 5am and usually the pair would get it about 7/8.

"It is 5am, the sun isn't even up yet, go back to sleep" Natasha said bringing the duvet back up, Y/n huffed and climbed off off Natasha and sat beside her body, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked ahead of her.

"You're such a grinch" Y/n mumbled loudly then lay back down turning her body away from Natasha, Natasha rolled her eyes and fell back into a deep sleep. Y/n however was unable to fall back asleep, she crawled out of bed and made her way down the hall

Slowly she opened her aunts door, Wanda was laying in bed, curled up in a ball fast asleep, Y/n smiled and carefully shut her door and made her way over to the bed, she gently shook Wanda's arm and whispered her name until she woke up.

"Y/n, it's still dark go to sleep" Wanda groaned and turned away from Y/n, Y/n sighed and left Wanda's bedroom, slamming the door shut. Y/n huffed and sat at the top of the stairs, she pulled her knees up to her chest and lay her head down.

The girl ended up falling asleep, it was a strange position to fall asleep in but she managed it, being curled up right in the corner. When Natasha woke up, she groaned after not seeing Y/n beside her, hoping she wandered to someone else's room and not the downstairs.

"Oh Y/n" Natasha mumbled and sighed, she'd walked out Y/n's bedroom and seen Y/n on the floor, she bent down and slowly lifted Y/n up into her arms, Y/n shifted about and woke up leaning back out of Natasha's arms and rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Mama it's Christmas you grinch" Y/n mumbled half asleep into Natasha's neck, Natasha hummed and raised an eyebrow as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen, she made sure to grab Y/n's stocking from the wall before sitting down on one of the stools with Y/n on her lap.

"Stop calling me a grinch" Natasha said patting Y/n's legs, Y/n grumped and leant back as they waited for everyone to come downstairs, when they were all down, Y/n sprinted from the kitchen to the living room tugging at the locked door handle trying to get in.

"You know it's locked, stop pulling it" Natasha said pulling Y/n back, it was locked because sometimes Y/n would sneak down during the night and take a peak at the presents, it wasn't fun if she knew what her presents were, so they added a lock.

When Tony unlocked the door, Y/n sprinted in again, she knelt down in front of all the gifts with the twins beside and behind her, Y/n looked over at Natasha who threw her her stocking, she smiled and thanked her and started to rip open her stocking.

"Santa gave me lots of presents!" Y/n shouted clapping her hands, she was eagerly opening every single gift in her sight, ripping the wrapping paper and throwing it away, lifting her present in the air and cheering, rushing over to Natasha and embracing her in a tight hug.

"Mommy can i have some water please?" Y/n asked tugging Natasha's hand, Natasha sighed and rose to her feet leading Y/n out the room, Maria sat on the arm chair holding her hand out, Y/n's hand smacked Maria's in a high five before she ran after Natasha and clung onto her waist.

"Mommy i love you this much" Y/n told Natasha and held her arms out as far as she could, Natasha tickled Y/n's stomach and took her hand as they entered the kitchen, Natasha got some ice and a glass and poured Y/n a glass of water.

"I love you so much more" Natasha said rubbing Y/n's back as she slurped away at her water, she held intense eye contact with Natasha when doing so which made the woman quite uncomfortable but she shook it off and waited until the cup was handed back to her.

Natasha and Y/n walked back to the living room hand in hand, the living room was silent, and full. Natasha opened the living room door and instantly gasped, she was met with the sight of Maria on one knee holding a box with a ring, tears immediately brimmed her eyes.

"Oh my gosh" Natasha whispered covering her mouth with her hand, Y/n was looking up curiously as to why Natasha was covering her mouth and had tears streaming down her face it was a good present, she wrapped her arms protectively around her mothers waist and kissed her arm lovingly.

"Natasha, will you marry me?" Maria questioned, Natasha was silent as she looked around the room everyone was smiling and some had phones out filming, Natasha coughed a little bit clearly her throat to speak, she was at a complete loss for words at the moment and was struggling to comprehend what was happening.

"Yes!" Natasha blurted out, the room started cheering and Natasha ran up to Maria who embraced her in a hug and slid the ring into Natasha's finger, Natasha was lifted by Maria and swung about before they both shared a kiss, they hugged for a while before Y/n was invited in.

"Momma, why are you crying?" Y/n asked her mother innocently, Natasha chuckled a wet laugh and kissed her daughters forehead, tucking her strand of hair behind her ear and wiping away the tears that were still currently streaming down her face at a rapid speed.

"Because, mommy is getting married" Natasha whispered, Y/n gasped loudly and started to jump about excited flapping her hands and squealing loudly, she ran up to everyone and told them that Natasha was getting married as if they didn't just witness the proposal in front of them.


not Wanda gayfortasha

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