129| too old to trick or treat

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Today was the 31st of October which meant it was Halloween that night, Y/n was super excited. Although, Natasha was on a mission until later tonight which would be the time that Y/n was back from trick or treating, and so was Wanda which meant she couldn't go with the boys.

Natasha left Y/n's costume on her bed ready for her, so after dinner Y/n ran upstairs to Natasha's bedroom, it was a little bit difficult but Y/n managed to put the costume on on her own, after doing so she raced down the stairs.

The boys had been a bit grouchy today so Y/n was hoping they would take her out or else her little heart would be broken, she skipped into the living room, running into the middle of the Tv and looking at the boys with an excited look.

"What are you wearing Y/n?" Steve asked, Y/n frowned and gave them all a little twirl, she smiled hoping the boys would click on and stared at them as they all stared at her in confusion, silently asking her why she was dressed up in a big costume.

"We're going trick or treating, aren't we?" The 12 year old squealed jumping up and twirling her hips again, the men looked at each other with eyes widened and silently using their eyes to have their own conversation in front of Y/n, she looked very small and innocent waiting.

"Y/n-" Tony was cut off by Y/n squealing and jumping up and down running over to Steve and shaking his arm, she then processed to run to all the boys messing with them in hope that they will take her out to go trick or treating like they should.

"What? Mommy left me my costume" Y/n said showing the boys the question for the hundredth time this evening, Steve sighed and looked at Tony, Y/n looked confused and she sat on the arm of the sofa waiting to be told to grab her coat and put her shoes on.

"Y/n, you're too old to be trick or treating" Steve said, Y/n's face fell into a bigger frown, she was not too old to be trick or treating, she was still Natasha's baby, which meant that she was still aloud to be trick or treating.

"No i am not" Y/n said stomping her foot down on the ground, Tony raised and eyebrow which told Y/n to stop stomping, the girl crossed her arms over her chest and let out an unhappy whine, Bruce cleared his throat making Y/n look over to him.

"You are Y/n, you're 12 years old" Bruce said, Thor backed him up on it as Clint nodded his head, Y/n shook her head and stomped her foot again shouting how she wasn't too old to go trick or treating, she was still a child, like everyone else.

"Let me go trick or treating!" Y/n shouted jumping up and down on both her feet, Y/n started sobbing and hitting Steve's arm, the men sighed realising that now they were going to have to put up with a meltdown because they wouldn't take Y/n trick or treating.

"I wanna go trick or treating" Y/n sobbed rubbing her eyes, and jumping on her feet. Tony sighed as he stood up and tried sitting Y/n down, Y/n sobbed and pushed him off of her and fell to the ground, she sat on her knees and cried.

"Mommy and Wan Wan would take me trick or treating" Y/n sobbed, kicking her heels off the ground. The men all looked at each other not knowing what to do as the 12 year old sobbed on the floor, they all say frozen as she had her meltdown.

"Take me trick or treating" Y/n screamed throwing her head back and banging it off the wooden floor, some of the men cringed at the bang before Y/n started sobbing harder, clutching the back of her head, Clint sighed and stood up making his way over to the girl.

"Come on Y/n, let's go up to bed" Clint said attempting to pick Y/n up off the ground, the girl swung at him and started kicking and hitting him, trying her very hardest to get out of his strong grip, she was wiggling around too much for him though.

"Get off of me!" Y/n screamed kicking Clint's legs and screaming her way trying to get out of Clint's grip, Clint signed and lifted Y/n up and over his shoulder, the girl screamed, hit and kicked the man's back and stomach trying to get down.

"Y/n, it's bedtime now, not meltdown time" Clint said taking Y/n out the room and making his way upstairs with her, he placed her on her bed and caught her quickly as she tried running away, she clawed at his arms trying to get away from him, successfully doing so.

She ran down the hall and into Natasha's bedroom, she jumped on her bed and started sobbing into the pillows, Clint wasn't aloud in Natasha's room, no men were, although hopefully Natasha wouldn't mind if her daughter was having a meltdown right, by the time it took Clint to think, Y/n was asleep.

He sighed and walked away and back downstairs, just in time Natasha and Wanda came into the compound giving him a nod, he rushed over to Natasha explaining what had happened, she gave him a look of confusion before scoffing and rushing away from him.

"Y/n?" Natasha said rushing into her room, she saw her daughter curled up on her big bed, still in her halloween costume that she clearly hadn't been out in according to Clint, Y/n stirred about opening her eyes and looking up at her mother, leaping into her arms.

"Mommy they didn't take me trick or treating!" Y/n started sobbing again into Natasha's shoulder, Natasha cooed and frowned using her hand to rub Y/n's back, the girl sobbed violently into her mothers shoulder, her hands going up into her hair and twisting strands to calm herself down.

"That was very mean of them baby, i told them they should take you, how about me and you make a cake tomorrow and we can buy all the candy you want to decorate it" Natasha suggested, Y/n pulled out of Natasha's shoulder and nodded her head wiping her tears.

Natasha lifted her girl off the bed and searched for some pyjamas, she took the Halloween costume off of Y/n and changed her into some pyjamas, lifting her back on the bed, Y/n crawled over to her side and slid herself down, allowing Natasha to tuck her in.

"I'm going in the shower, you better be asleep when i come back, monkey" Natasha teased ticking underneath Y/n's chin, the girl let out a giggle and ducked her chin down, Natasha smiled and leant forward kissing her daughters forehead, giving her one last pat before going into the bathroom, letting Y/n fall asleep.


rude men

I will always, choose youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें