88| little doggie

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For some strange reason, Y/n had this weird obsession with dogs. Little fluffy dogs was all the girl talked about, no one knew why because they never owned a dog and when ever they went out in public, Y/n would looked quite scared of any dog passing her.

She never said wanted a puppy but she was just completely talking about them, the way they looked and acted she'd even be barking at times which was quite funny, but also a bit concerning. Natasha would never get a dog, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little scared of them.

Plus getting a dog was off limits, the avengers would probably forget about it after a few days and it would die. So a dog was off limits but it didn't stop the girl from talking about it, maybe it was just her topic for the day.

"Woof!" Y/n shouted running up to Natasha and falling down to her knees and looking up at her mother, Natasha chuckled and moved around Y/n who frowned and crawled following Natasha, wanting her to say woof back to her, she tugged Natasha's pants making her look down.

"Woof!" She said again, Natasha laughed again and shook her head, setting all the plates out for dinner, Y/n sighed and followed all Natasha's steps, causing the woman to almost step on her a few times, she ended up stepping on my finger making Y/n whine and clutch her hand.

"I'm sorry but maybe if you weren't acting like a dog then that never would have happened" Natasha spoke raising her hands in self defence, Y/n pouted and moved from sitting on her knees and sitting on her bottom with her arms folded over her chest.

Natasha sighed and leaned down, lifting her daughter up and onto her hip. Giving her head a kiss before calling everyone through for dinner, everyone came rushing through clearly very hungry. Y/n sighed when Natasha placed her in her seat next to her and Wanda, she leant back not eating.

"Why are you not eating?" Natasha asked scooping a bit of food onto Y/n's fork and holding it up to her mouth, Y/n accepted the food and smiled at Natasha who raised an eyebrow in confusion, she hadn't fed Y/n for ages and was wondering what was up now.

"Woof Woof!" Y/n giggled, Natasha shared a confused look with Wanda as some of the team laughed at her, Y/n fell forward onto Natasha's lap, her head resting on it as she looked up at her with a grin, Natasha's eyebrow stayed raised as she continued eating her own dinner.

After some more barking, Y/n was fed the rest of her dinner after refusing to eat it herself, the table was clearing and Natasha had just finished, Y/n was still laying half her body on her mothers lap, woofing every few seconds.

"Why are you constantly barking at me!" Natasha asked lifting Y/n off of her lap and placing her on her feet, but instead of standing up, Y/n fell straight to her knees and followed Natasha to the dishwasher as she put away her dishes, turning around and almost stepping on her.

"Woof, play with me mama, Woof!" Y/n giggle placing both her hands on Natasha's thighs, Natasha sighed shaking her head at Y/n and pulling her hands off her thighs and walking away to clean up the rest of the tables, Y/n sighed turning over and falling onto the floor on her back.

"Woof woof, there you go" Natasha said unenthusiastically, using her foot to tickle her daughters stomach which made her giggle, then making Natasha smile. Y/n sighed after due to the lack of doggieness in her voice, she scrambled to her knees and crawled over to Natasha.

"Play properly mama" Y/n whines tugging at Natasha's shirt wanting her to play proper puppies with her instead of sounding like a robot and not giving her what she wanted, Natasha smirked and turned around running her fingers through her daughters curls before speaking to her.

"You never said woof, you're not a real puppy sweetheart" Natasha teased booping Y/n's nose and turning back around, Y/n fell down to her bottom slowly, her bottom lip poking down as tears filled her eyes, Natasha didn't need to be so mean about it if she didn't want to play.

A small sob brought Natasha out of her proud state, she turned and looked at her daughter sitting on her floor, looking down with her shoulders shaking and her tears falling onto the floor underneath her. Natasha gasped quietly and bent down, cupping Y/n's cheek.

"I'm sorry honey, i didn't mean to upset you i was just joking" Natasha frowned feeling awful about upsetting Y/n, Y/n coughed and cried, rubbing her eyes and looking at Natasha, making her heart melt at the sadness of her daughter after she told her she wasn't a real dog.

"You're my little puppy Y/n, it's alright, i'm sorry for making you cry" Natasha chuckled lifting Y/n onto her lap and holding her against her chest, rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head, her cries died down slightly and became muffled in Natasha's shoulder.

"I am a puppy mama!" Y/n spoke coming out of Natasha's chest, Natasha nodded her head and cupped Y/n's small and round face in her hands, wiping her tears and nodded her head, leaning forward and pressing her lips against her forehead, making Y/n smile slightly.

"You are baby, don't worry" Natasha said and smiled as Y/n hiccuped, Y/n wiggled out of Natasha's grip and got onto her knees again with a watery woof, wiping her tear and placing her hands on Natasha's thighs and coming close to Natasha's face with her tongue sticking out.

"Oh wow, what a cute little puppy" Natasha played along, stroking Y/n's hair and booping her nose again, Y/n giggled and barked again, moving forward and sitting on Natasha's lap, Natasha chuckled and held Y/n's waist so she didn't fall and pinched her cheeks, talking about her cuteness.

"You're so cute" Natasha teased, Y/n smiled sticking her tongue out looking down, all before leaning forward and licking right up Natasha's face. Natasha let out a gasp, her eyes closed as Y/n started laughing, Natasha's eyes then opened up as she looked down at Y/n on her lap.

"Y/n! Don't lick me, that's disgusting!" Natasha said gently pushing Y/n off of her lap and grabbing a towel, wetting it and wiping her face, Y/n frowned looking up at Natasha, it was quite funny to her, that's what dogs done, they licked people.

"Don't cry, just please don't lick me" Natasha said picking Y/n up and placing her on her hip, Y/n nodded her head hesitantly and rested her head on Natasha's shoulder as she walked out of the kitchen and to the living room, sitting on the sofa to watch a movie.

"Stop licking me!!!"



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