144| hard working

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Natasha was a hard worker, everyone knew that, it was just something that defined Natasha, in a good way of course, but there was times where she could get carried away with her work and become too much of a hard worker, to the point where it became a small problem.

Y/n adored her mothers work, she believed herself that her mother was the strongest person in the whole world, especially with everything she has been through on her own, but she was also noticing how much extra work Natasha was doing and definitely how grouchy it was making her.

The girl wanted to have a night with her and Natasha, she was feeling quite clingy today and only wanted to be near Natasha, Natasha would let her stay in her office and play with her stuff in there quietly, but if she was too loud she'd be sent out.

"Mama, i'm so bored" Y/n groaned looking up from her coloring book, Natasha ignored her daughter and kept her fingers typing on her computer keyboard at a rapid pace which made the girl sigh, she continued coloring but it just got more and more boring over time.

"Mommy! This is boring, do something with me" Y/n pouted looking up at Natasha again who sighed and closed her eyes, running her hand through her hair and looking down at the ground in front of her desk at her daughter, giving her a stern look with her eyes.

"Y/n. How many times have i told you to be quiet when i'm working, you need to stop distracting me, i'm so behind on it all, please quieten down or get out" Natasha said quite harshly, usually this would probably offended Y/n but she was angry at her mother, so rolled her eyes instead.

"You're being mean" Y/n huffed crossing her arms over her chest, Natasha gave her a sarcastic smile before sighing and looking back at her computer screen, Y/n leaned forward on her arm and stuck her tongue out at Natasha, shaking her head.

"Stop it" Natasha spoke sternly, she saw Y/n out the side of her eye and watched as the girl sulked and went back to her coloring, scribbling loudly with her pencil which was ticking Natasha off but she held it in as it wouldn't be fair to tell her off.

"You're boring, i'm leaving!" Y/n announced standing up to her feet, Natasha smiled and wiggled her fingers in goodbye as her daughter slammed the door shut, giving it a kick once it was closed, Natasha groaned again and shook her head slightly, going back to focusing on her work.

Y/n stormed through the compound corridors and made her way to the living room, scanning the room and looking for Wanda, she quickly rushed into the living and grabbed the woman's arm, pulling her off of the sofa and hauling her out of the room by the hand

"What's wrong honey" Wanda smiled following her niece as she followed her into the snug room, Y/n sat Wanda down on the sofa and then sat herself on Wanda's lap, wrapping her arms around her neck and rubbing her face against Wanda's neck, Wanda could practically feel the sadness off of Y/n.

"I want mama, but she's really busy" Y/n mumbled into Wanda's shoulder, Wanda lightly smiled and brought her hand up to rub the girls back, Y/n snuggled deeper into Wanda's comfortable body, letting out a soft but comfy sigh and running her fingers through her hair.

"I know you do sweetheart, but this is how your momma is sometimes when she gets so much work, it's been like this for ages baby it's okay" Wanda explained looking down at the teenager on her lap, Y/n looked up through her eyelashes and let out another sigh.

"But i want mama now" Y/n grumbled furrowing her eyebrows, Wanda chuckled and placed her chin on top of Y/n's head, placing her hand on the side of her face and rubbing her thumb over her cheek, coming up with a relatively good idea for the pair.

"Why don't you go into her office and ask nicely, nicely Y/n, if you and her can have a little cuddle, how about that?" Wanda suggested, Y/n nodded her head and with one last kiss to her head slipped off of Wanda's lap and made her way back to the office.

She knocked on Natasha's door and waited for her cue to come in, but with the woman being so lost in thought and focused on her work she didn't even hear it, so got a little bit frustrated when Y/n walked into the room, but she looked so innocent to Natasha.

"Whatever your question is, yes. Yes, just do it" Natasha could sense Y/n was going to ask a question and right now she didn't care what it was and who it involved, she just needed to get this done and then she could go to bed and get rest.

"So, you'll cuddle with me?" Y/n smirked, she thought that was pretty smart of her, so did Natasha as she looked up at Y/n and scoffed, Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her stomach pouting at the older woman.

"Don't be smart" Natasha mumbled started flicking through some documents scattered over her desk, Y/n sighed and made her way over to the desk, looking at all the writing and words on the white paper, she leaned over and started reading some stuff until Natasha told her to stop.

"Can we cuddle please, i want a cuddle, it's not fair" Y/n whines bouncing on her feet, Natasha knew with the tone of voice Y/n used and the actions she shown that if she said no, the girl would end up in tears, especially with how it was almost bedtime.

"You know what, fine, fine" With a sigh, Natasha pushed her chair out and patted her lap, Y/n looked at her, placing her finger on her lip, Natasha let out a soft smile, a nice one and patted her lap again, Y/n followed her instructions and sat down.

"You're really busy" Y/n mumbled into Natasha's shoulder, Natasha sighed and nodded her head, pulling her chair back into the desk, Y/n's legs were either side of Natasha's and dangling down from underneath the arm rests, Natasha's arm around Y/n's waist leaning over so she didn't fall.

"I know my love and i'm sorry if i'm grouchy and mean" Natasha said sadly, feeling slightly guilting about how she spoke to Y/n earlier, Y/n smiled into Natasha's shoulder and moved her head sideways so she could look up at Natasha, quickly looking away when Natasha looked down.

"You're sleepy too, go to sleep, mama's got you" Natasha smiled leaning down and kissing Y/n's face softly, Y/n yawned into Natasha's neck and tried to decline saying she wasn't tired, but with the bright screen in a dark room, she was finding it difficult to keep her eyes open, so she let herself drift off in her mothers arms.


I'm so sorry again for not updating yesterday, i feel asleep at 6 after school and didn't wake up till 7 this morning, i'll be getting another chapter out this morning

I will always, choose youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant