31| discussing school

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After Y/n turning 3 two months ago, it was time for Natasha to start looking into preschools for her baby, it had been a crazy 3 years and now was when it was starting to really happen, because her little girl was growing up so much faster than she wanted her to.

So, one Y/n was down for a rare nap, Natasha got her laptop and took a seat at the kitchen island typing around for a good place for Y/n go, she tried blanking everyone out who came into the kitchen, but she kept looking up and then getting distracted in a conversation.

By the time she finished her conversation with Tony, Y/n was awake upstairs, crying loudly for her mama. Natasha flipped Tony off, feeling annoyed she hadn't found anywhere and now she was going to have to look for places with Y/n which was going to take longer.

"Hey, what are the tears for" Natasha asked softly opening the door to her bedroom, Y/n reached her arms out for Natasha, sniffling back the great of her tears and curling her fingers towards Natasha who leans forward and scooped her baby off the bed.

"Tell mama why you were crying sweetheart" Natasha coos wiping the tears from Y/n's face with her palm, Y/n hiccups shaking her head and leaning forward curling into her chest and wrapping her arms around Natasha's neck tightly. Natasha let out a soft sigh, making way downstairs and back to the kitchen.

"Look baby, mama's doing something important, do you want to help out?" Natasha asked sitting down on the chair, she gets no response from Y/n and looking down thinking she fell back asleep, she was just met with her baby staring off behind her, clutching tightly at the neckline of Natasha's shirt.

"What help with" Y/n asks turning her head around to look at the computer screen behind her, Natasha has lucky tight hold against her as she had sort of flung herself back a little bit to see, she squinted her eyes leaning closer to the screen and running her finger across it.

"Looking at schools for you dear" Natasha spoke pulling Y/n back against her chest who sat down on her lap placing her hands both side of the computer key board and rocking slightly feeling excited for what they were going to look for.

"There is loads of them, we're gonna have to choose one" Natasha said becoming focussed and scrolling down, checking information and the photos, none of them were nice though so she just kept strolling, Y/n as about to fall back asleep from boredom and Natasha was about to give up.

"This is boring!" Y/n shouted jumping off of Natasha's lap and running out the room to go find her aunt Wanda, Natasha let out a frustrated sigh, she was giving herself a new more minutes to find a place before she was going to tap a random one and hope for the best.

Even though Natasha said a few minutes, it was another hour, but finally she found a school. A school that she thought might be amazing for her little girl to go to, she'd had one breakdown already and a massive crack down the screen, which was a little extra but Natasha wasn't very patient.

"Hey, i think you need a break" Steve said coming into the room and placing her hands on Natasha's shoulders, she shrugged them off in annoyance and got back to typing, she was so close to finishing.

"I will, i'm almost done, get lost" Natasha said harshly shooing her hand, Steve held his hands up in surrender and turned away, Natasha filled out the last of what she had to, she cheered silently to herself when it was all through, rising to her feet and heading to make a coffee.

"Mommy's finished!" Y/n exclaims coming into the room, sitting on Wanda's hip and pointing over to the older redhead who turned around mid sip to look at her daughter, she sent her a wave and placed her mug down walking over to her daughter and lifting her out of Wanda's arms and giving her cheek a kiss.

"Mommy is finished, and you're going to pre-school in September!" Natasha said excitedly bouncing Y/n on her hip, who looked a little confused, looking up at her mama with a tilted head as she poked her cheek.

"Whas at momma?" Y/n questioned pulling at the skin on Natasha's cheek, making herself giggle. Natasha chuckled as well pulling Y/n's hand down from her face and walking around to sit her on the counter, Wanda came close behind standing by Natasha's side, she also couldn't believe how fast her little niece was growing.

"Pre-school is a place where you go for the day, and you get to learn thing. Like numbers and letter, you learn how to spell and read books!" Tony said making an entrance into the kitchen waving his arms about, for one Natasha was relieved that he interrupted her, she'd never been to school, so it wasn't easy to explain.

"Yes, exactly what uncle Tony said" Natasha let out a shaky breath nodding her head, Y/n smiled brightly kicking her legs and nodding her head along with Natasha's, Wanda also had a smile on her face, she could see how relieved Natasha was that Tony came in.

"i'm hungry" Y/n whines pulling Natasha, she chuckled and lifted her girl into her arms and throwing her in the air excitedly, she giggled loudly kicking her legs and squirming her little body around.

"I'm going to the store, anything you girls want" Wanda said coming back into the kitchen, after slipping out discreetly, and sliding her coat onto her body, Natasha thought if she wanted anything, she had everything she needed right now but maybe just a little snack for later on.

"Surprise me with a treat" Natasha said holding Y/n's hands as they starts gripping and tugging harshly at Natasha's shirt, Wanda nodded her head with a chuckle and made her way out the kitchen to the front door, Natasha sighed taking a seat and sitting Y/n in a perfect position.

"Why are you so impatient" Natasha joked booping Y/n's nose as she latched on, Y/n let out a grin behind Natasha's nipple, blushing and trying to hide her face, Natasha chuckles running her hand through her baby's red hair, staring down into her eyes as she usually does, mumbling how much she loves her.


i have no idea how you get into a school so yeah. i hate this book so much i can not right now

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