42| mama's back on a mission

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It was another day Natasha had feared and didn't want to come, another mission day, unfortunately this mission was going to be longer, a whole month Natasha was going to be away from her little baby, when she told Y/n, both of them where in tears and her daughter was terrified she'd never come back.

The day was hard for Natasha and the girls finally leave each others sight, they were completely attached to each other for that week, Y/n wouldn't let go of Natasha's hand at all, she'd be on the sofa with her, on her lap during meals, she'd take showers with her and even stand with her at the toilet.

But, today was the day. The day that Natasha was going to have to leave for a month and she was not ready for it, once her girl fell asleep last night, clutching her hand she'd quietly cried herself to sleep.

At first she thought that she wouldn't love her little baby and she'd hate being a mother, but being a mother is that best thing that has ever happened to Natasha, she genuinely can not think of anyone she loves more than her little girl.

Natasha tried her very best to slip out of bed, but of course as soon as she tried too, Y/n woke up. She rose straight up and looked at Natasha, she raised her arms and Natasha instantly scooped her up and cradled her against her chest, with a loving kiss to her head.

"Mama needs to get ready doll" Natasha said peeling Y/n back from her chest, Y/n let out a high pitched whine clearly remembering that her mama was leaving her today, her face scrunched up as she hid her face in her mothers neck and let her tears fall.

"I know, i know. I'm doing this to keep you safe my princess" Natasha struggled holding back her tears as she walked over and picked out her suit, after a bit of a struggle, she placed Y/n down on the bed in front of her, then sitting next to her and changing into her new clothes.

"I want you to stay" Y/n whimpered from behind her, wrapping her small arms around Natasha's muscular ones, Natasha frowned placing her hand on top of Y/n's and giving her knuckles a gentle rub and her head a kiss.

"I want to stay too baby, but i'm doing this for you, because i love you" Natasha mumbled pulling Y/n's head into her chest, Y/n nodded her head at her mothers words and slowly slid herself onto her lap, sitting up on her knees and wrapping her arms around her neck.

"I'm gonna miss you so much mommy" Y/n cried, Natasha blinked a couple times to hold back her tears as her little girl sobbed into her chest because she was leaving for a month, that meant no more cuddles before bed or late nights for an entire month.

"Please don't go" Y/n cried harshly, coughing on her cries, placing her hand over her mouth as tears just streamed down her face uncontrollably, Y/n was starting to get to wound up now and Natasha was slightly worrying as her face turned a shade of red.

"Okay, it's okay. Deep breath baby" Natasha instructed, giving Y/n's back a gentle pat. Y/n coughed some more, then started to choke on her coughs and cries together, Natasha gasped quietly and stood up, placing Y/n on the bed in front of her, leaning over her small, fragile body.

"Ma-ma" Y/n sobbed reaching her arms up for Natasha, who gently took them in her own hands and rubbed her thumbs over her palms, Natasha moved her arms so they were both now beside Y/n's head and leant down slightly so their faces were level.

"Calm down, listen to me baby and calm down for mama" Natasha said remaining calm herself even though she was freaked out herself as Y/n had never been in this state before, she gently blew against Y/n's face, causing her hair to fly back slightly.

"Breathe for me honey, because you've thrown yourself into a panic attack" Natasha said trying her best to explain to her baby what was happening, not even bothering, Natasha wiped Y/n's snotty nose with her thumb and her tears with her knuckle trying her best to dry her face for her and started to blow again.

"Can you blow back on my face baby, can you do that for mommy" Natasha asked pushing her face closer to Y/n's, who took a shaky breath and attempted to blow slightly on Natasha's face, she felt it but it wasn't enough at the moment.

"Can you blow with more power baby, try get my hair to blow" Natasha said inching closer again watching Y/n take a breath and blow again, more strength this time but yet again it still wasn't enough, but it was all definitely helping her because she was able to breathe better now.

"again honey, get my hair" Natasha brought her thumbs up and rubbed the edges of her daughters forehead, Y/n took a bigger breath and blew on her mothers face, finally getting her hair to blow, it flew back a little bit, obviously not a lot but it was enough.

"Well done, that's it. Good girl honey" Natasha praised reaching for Y/n and lifting her into her arms and close to her chest, Natasha hushed her gently and rocked her side to side. Y/n's sniffles filled the silent room, she rubbed her eyes gently as Natasha made her way out of the room.

"Oh, Natasha hey, what's up" Wanda asked opening her bedroom door, Natasha had knocked gently, it was time for her to leave and she needed someone to take Y/n. She was lucky that Wanda was looking after her, she was the person she could trust most.

Natasha motioned with her head that it was time for her to go, Wanda clicked on, nodding her head and following Natasha downstairs, Natasha even walked outside to the quinjet with Y/n before saying her goodbyes, wiping the remaining of her tears.

"I love you, more than anyone and i'll be back very quickly, goodbye baby" Natasha whispered pressing her lips to the sleepy girls head, that event must have worn her out with the way she's struggling to keep her eyes open at the moment. She handed her baby over to Wanda who protectively held her, giving Natasha a quick hug before waving her off.

Natasha blew a few kisses before completely entering the transportation and the doors shut, Wanda turned around and started making her way back into the compound with a whimpering girl in her arms who only wanted the comfort of her mother.

"Down" Y/n mumbled shifting about uncomfortably in Wanda's arms, Wanda instantly let her down on the floor and Y/n took off, running straight upstairs to Natasha's room and slamming the door, Wanda followed closely, trying to open the door but it was difficult as Y/n was sitting behind it, blocking anything from getting in.

"Y/n sweetheart, it's Wan Wan and i want to take care of you, please open the door" Wanda pleaded, it took a while but Y/n finally moved out of the way so Wanda could enter the room and it broke her heart seeing her niece all upset.

"Come here pumpkin" Wanda pouted holding her arms out for Y/n to crawl into, which she did and situated herself on Wanda's warm lap, snuggling deep into her chest, closing her eyes hoping that this would be the fasted month of her life.

"She'll be back so fast my dear" Wanda whispered, rubbing her hand firmly up and down Y/n's back, Y/n nodded her head parting her lips so it was easier for her to breathe due to her nose being a little bit stuffy, but she managed to fall asleep soon after.


I will always, choose youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin