94| i want to meet them

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A while back, Natasha told her daughter about her family, Melina, Alexei and Yelena. Y/n didn't speak about it as much as Natasha would've thought she would, but whenever she did speak about it, it went on for ages and felt like it wouldn't end, it was good she was curious but she'd rather talk for hours about other things.

Most things they talked about was just informations, what they look like, their hair color, if they were nice or if they were loud or quiet, their birthdays and how old they were and where they all lived.

Secretly, Y/n wanted to ask Natasha to meet them, but when she would speak to Natasha she would always notice that after a certain while of talking to Natasha about them she'd start to get uncomfortable with the subject and Y/n would always stop, she had the sense of her mother.

After coming home from school today, and once again being picked on by some boys about her family, she sucked up all of her courage and was going to ask her mother if she could meet her family, she was just gonna jump straight into the question.

Before she asked her question, she was playing upstairs in her bedroom. She needed to figure out what she was going to say, she didn't want to hurt Natasha's feelings by saying wrong or anything mean. She practiced saying stuff to herself, also ruling out a few things she wasn't going to say.

"Hey baby girl, what you playing?" Natasha asked standing in the door frame, Y/n looked up and smiled instantly, completely forgetting about her plan of asking her mother a question, she ran over to Natasha and tugged in her hand, eager to get her to play with her.

"He's destroying my castle, you need to help me save him, we can do it together!" Y/n said placing a princess in Natasha's hand and grabbing one for herself, Natasha chuckled and took a seat on the floor and listened to Y/n's instructions on how to play.

"You need to make him move fast, he's going too slow!" Y/n whined, Natasha apologised and started to speed to prince up with one hand and make the princess slower in her other hand, Natasha's legs were starting to ache after half an hour but her daughter seemed to happy to stop.

Due to half an hour passing by, Y/n had remembered what she wanted to ask Natasha, Y/n shifted uncomfortably on her bottom, becoming really unsure on how to ask her mother the question, Natasha noticed how distressed Y/n seemed and decided to pick up on it.

"Baby, what's up, you've gone all quiet" Natasha asked placing her characters down, Y/n kept her head down and twiddled her thumbs together as she tried thinking of the right words, after Natasha came into the room, she'd forgotten about what she was going to say.

Natasha reached forward and lifted her daughter onto her lap, she held her sideways and cradled her against her chest, patting her bottom softly and kissing her head every few seconds. Y/n took a deep breath, closing her eyes, it was either now or never and now was a perfect opportunity.

"I wanna meet them" Y/n spoke quickly, Natasha only just catching what she was saying which left her confused, she had no idea who them was, was them someone to be worried or scared about, where they safe and did Natasha know them, she needed to know them to meet them.

"Who do you want to meet baby, does mama know them. Who?" Natasha asked, Y/n nodded her head and waiting a few seconds before responding, it was scary asking her mother on such a touchy subject, she knew one messed up word may make Natasha upset.

"Family, Melina, Alexei and Yelena" Y/n mumbled, Natasha's eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat, it was a question she hoped that her daughter wouldn't ask, she'd not spoken to them for years, they didn't even know that Y/n existed, there was no way Natasha could contact them.

"Uhhh- well. Y/n, i- I'm sorry, um. I don't know how to do that, i'd travel across the world for you baby, but i wouldn't know what to do, i don't have contact with them and haven't spoken to them for years, sweetheart" Natasha rambled on, Y/n's eyes glossed over by she nodded her head, understanding what her mother was saying.

"I'm sorry honey, i would if i could. At the moment i cant, but i promise you, before you turn 11, i'll take you. I just need to speak to them, and i don't know how too but i will" Natasha said wiping Y/n's tears and her own.

"Okay, mama. I'm sorry for asking" Y/n cried sitting up straight on Natasha's lap and crying softly into her neck, feeling guilty that she made her mother cry, Natasha's arms tightened around her daughter, rocking her gently.

"Oh don't be sorry my lovely, asking questions if good, you're just curious. It's okay my love. Please don't apologise" Natasha cried holding her daughter tightly, Y/n nodded her head and cried some more. Both redheads crying into each others shoulders, feeling guilty for one another with what they said.

Natasha rose to her feet and walked into the bathroom with her daughter, placing her down on the counter and grabbing a tissue, dabbing it under Y/n's eyes and wiping her tears, kissing under her eyes and then all around her face making the girl giggle slightly.

Y/n reached over and got a tissue, kneeling on the counter wiping Natasha's tears and then proceeded to copy Natasha and kiss all over her mothers face, Natasha chuckled and gave Y/n one more kiss before bringing her back down from the counter and placing her on the floor.

"You hungry cutie?" Natasha asked slowly going downstairs with Y/n, who shrugged her shoulders and jumped off of the last step with a loud bang making her giggle, running after Natasha, wrapping her arms  around her waist and holding her back as she walked, making the girl laugh more.m

"I want the chicken bits mama!" Y/n asked, last night she was trying little bits of chicken off of Thor's plate and very much enjoyed it, Natasha wiggled her eyebrows and opened the fridge door, Y/n crouched down and walked awkwardly through Natasha's legs and looked into the fridge.

"There they are!" Y/n said standing on her tip toes and pointing to the chicken, Natasha chuckled and ruffled Y/n's hair, grabbing the plate and walking with Y/n standing on her feet and over to the microwave, placing it on and heating it up for her to enjoy.


fuck off i forgot to update now my date thing is gonna be messed up fucking hell. Istg gonna off myself can't cope anymore

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