149| injured again

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Y/n was in a hectic rush this morning, she had a football match and it was earlier than usual which meant not only a grumpy Y/n but also a grumpy Natasha who was having to drive 20 minutes to the fields, both girls were screaming at each other this morning.

"Y/n, you are going to be late!" Natasha shouted throwing Y/n's boots at the floor, the girl groaned and picked them up slipping them on her feet and placing her foot on Natasha's thigh and tying her shoe laces tightly, enough so they wouldn't fall off.

"Maybe if you stopped shouting at me, then i wouldn't be late!" Y/n shouted back, slamming her door back down on the ground and lifting her other one up to tie, Natasha lifted her head with a raised eyebrow and looked at her daughter who now shrunk on the step.

"Quit that attitude" Natasha sternly spoke, Y/n crossed her arms and leant back on the stairs rolling her eyes. Natasha ignored Y/n before she could blow up at her even more and tied her shoelaces again, placing her foot down on the floor and standing up.

The girls quickly ran to the car, buckling themselves up, Y/n curled into the seat whilst Natasha started the car and started to drive towards the fields, Y/n was slightly irritating the whole way, but Natasha kept her cool and kept driving with the radio on louder than Y/n's voice

Once they both arrived at the fields they jumped out the car and just in time caught up to Ellie and her mother, Y/n squealed happily and walked with Ellie to the pitches, waiting at the gates for Natasha to catch up, Natasha kissed her goodbye and the girls went onto the pitch.

"I really hope we win" Ellie says jogging up and down the pitch with Y/n, it had been a small while since Y/n played a game, she'd been having a few issues with her foot after going over it in a dance lesson, which caused her to be injured.

"Me too, i can't wait to be back on the pitch" Y/n said excitedly, grabbing a ball and passing it about with Ellie, Ellie smiled and passed back to Y/n as they moved around the pitch as a little duo together.

The game kicked off, and it was all going well, Y/n and Ellie's team had most of the possession of the ball, they had more shots than the other team, as in the other team haven't actually had any shots, with Y/n being off for a little while, her shots weren't the best.

Even though Y/n had been off for a little bit, she was still outstandingly good, the other parents were telling Natasha how good her daughter was, which she got quite often, she was proud that Y/n could stand out amongst the other so well, in a good way of course.

"Y/n, i'm free, i'm free!!" Ellie shouted when Y/n was running down the wing, Y/n looked up quickly, skilled a defender and crossed the ball along to Ellie who got her head on it and scored, Y/n cheered running over to Ellie and hugging her, laughing happily.

After scoring the goal Y/n and Ellie hugged and laughed before walking back to the half way line where the team would quick off again, Natasha and Ellie's mom were proud of their girls, both of them had amazing chemistry which improved their performance.

A few moments after the other team kicked off, the half time whistle blew and claps were heard all around, the coaches had a chat with the team and congratulated Ellie and Y/n, afterward, Y/n quickly ran over to Natasha for a little word with her.

"You're doing excellent my love, keep it up baby" Natasha smiled and gave Y/n a quick kiss, Y/n nodded her head and smiled, reaching forward and hugging her mother quickly, nodding her head into her neck, taking a deep breath, loving the smell of Natasha's familiar perfume.

"I will mama" Y/n gave Natasha a quick kiss before running back onto the field, she high fives Ellie and ran to the circle to take the kick, the whistle blew and the second half had started, Ellie and Y/n obviously on top of their game and working very hard.

The second half was even better than the first half, more goals were scored and this time Y/n had scored two which brought her to a hat-trick for the whole game which was ecstatic about, Y/n was also feeling very proud of her self for her first game back.

Although the other team's formation had moved a little bit and a new defender was brought up and she seemed quite intimidating towards Y/n, the girl was now nervous and wasn't playing as well as she was before hand, but her and Ellie managed to get back on it.

Y/n had the ball again, running up to wing as per usual, getting ready to cross it into Ellie for her to score, that was their main way of scoring, through crosses with each other, obviously the new defender had been keeping an eye on Y/n and came in for her.

The defender slide tackled, but with Y/n's quick feet, missed the ball and ended up sliding Y/n's ankles, the girl let out a scream before she hit the floor, rolling onto her side and clutching them tightly due to the pain.

Y/n rolled onto her back and used one hand to cover her eyes and the other hand to cover her leg as it was aching badly, the coaches had ran onto the pitch with Y/n falling down and tried to get her to explain her pain, but her cries were getting the best of her.

The coaches called Natasha over and she came jogging onto the pitch, kneeling down beside Y/n and stroking her hair, Y/n moved her head so she was crying into Natasha's stomach, Natasha lifted Y/n up so she was sitting up which made her cry more.

Natasha ended up carrying Y/n off of the pitch and setting her on the side lines, the coaches grabbed a few first aid stuff, taking her boot off and her sock, placing a tissue over the bleeding, using other stuff to help clean it up.

"There we go, all done" Natasha soothed rubbing Y/n's back, Y/n sobbed into Natasha's shoulder as Natasha then took a seat on the grass, she pulled Y/n onto her lap so they would both be able to watch the rest of the game that was still going well.

"It's on the same foot as my dancing one" Y/n mumbled taking a string of Natasha's hoodie and twisting it about her finger, Natasha frowned and rubbed her back, kissing her head and her cheek, letting her lips linger for a soft moment whilst Y/n cuddled into her more.

"Awh honey, it's only, it'll only grow back stronger, because pain only makes you stronger" Natasha whispered, her eyes slightly watering over, just a slight bit, Y/n smiled and nodded her head, leaning back to rest on Natasha's chest again, Natasha pulled the front of Y/n's hair back and kissed her head.


istg teeny tiny conversations with my favourite teacher can turn a shit day into a good one i love her too much

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