98| a broken heart

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Wanda was sick of it, she physically couldn't stand it anymore. She watched for 2 years as Vision interacted with his own children, which Wanda adored him for, yet he'd ignored Y/n for her entire life. She understands that Y/n isn't his daughter, but he should've payed some attention to her.

As an uncle he should he there for her, there has been multiple occasions where Natasha was stuck, she needed someone to look after her daughter and Vision was the only man free yet, he wasn't trusted by anyone so he couldn't have her, Wanda hated it.

Any time Wanda tried speaking to him about it and it would always end in an argument, her in tears in Natasha's bed as she cried about his terrible attitude, each time she argued it was like the love for him was disappearing, she was on her last nerve.

Earlier today, Vision was walking out the room, Y/n was playing with Billy and Tommy and they were playing some sort of game which involved crawling about on the floor, which is fine, they're kids, but as Vision was walking, he accidentally walked into Y/n, her head hitting off his metal leg.

Yet that wasn't the worst part, when she cried and clutched her head he told her to grow up, Wanda had to avoid him for a few hours before she was going to blow up at him later but she was far to angry when she found out to speak to him.

Who would tell a 9 year old to grow up after they've technically hit their head off of metal, what was wrong with him. Wanda couldn't stand him anymore, as much as she loved her boys, she couldn't keep doing this with Vision any longer.

She had to end it.

She'd spoken to Natasha about the idea and Natasha was in for it, she just wanted Wanda to be happy and she was practically carrying their relationship on her back alone, so Natasha told her to cut things with him, they could share the boys on weekends and weekdays.

Wanda agreed with Natasha, she and Natasha knew that by tonight, Wanda wouldn't be with Vision anymore, a divorce was needed but she was going to be single by the end of the night, by law or not she wouldn't be with that man a night longer.

"Natasha i'm so worried" Wanda panicked shaking her hands, Natasha placed her own hands on the witches shoulder in attempt to calm her down, Wanda was taking deep breaths out of her mouth, following Natasha's rhythm before she threw herself into a panic attack over this.

"Okay Wanda listen, this is scary i know, but it needs to be done. You need to stop him from hurting you and your family" Natasha spoke, Wanda took one more deep breath and nodded her head before walking out the room, Natasha watched as the young woman walked away, showing confidence.

"Where's Wan Wan going mama, i want her to play with me" Y/n frowned tugging Natasha's bottoms, Natasha chuckled and knelt down beside Y/n and then sat in the floor, picking up one of Y/n's toys and inviting herself to play with her instead of Wanda.

"She's gone to do a little job angel, can mama play with you instead?" Natasha asked, Y/n looked up at her mother, about to say yes before a smirk came over her face and she had an evil sentence in her head as she shook her head with a giggle.

"Grandmas cant play toys" She giggled, Natasha gasped and placed her hand in her chest acting offended, Y/n burst out into laughter at her own joke. Natasha reached forward and pulled her daughter into her, attacking her with tickles, the young girl screamed for help but it was useless.

Wanda could hear the pair upstairs, she'd froze on the bottom step, Vision was only in the kitchen so she only had to take about five steps before she saw him and then spoke to him, it was either now or never, that thought running in her head as she walked.

"Vision" Wanda spoke making her presence clear, Vision let out a hum and kept his eyes on the newspaper in front of him, Wanda sighed and walked over to him, she was tempted to rip the paper out of his hands but went against the idea and just pulled it down.

"We need to talk" She spoke firmly, Vision sighed and rolled his eyes with a small shake of his head, looking at Wanda telling her to start talking, then bringing the newspaper back up to his face. Wanda angrily ripped the newspaper away, throwing it on the floor.

"Listen Vision!" She shouted slamming her hands down on the kitchen table, Vision stared at her as she stared back. As scared as she was right now, sorting this out was much more important than herself. Vision sat up straight in his seat, leaning her arms forward and listening.

"What is your deal with Y/n. Because i can not do this anymore" Wanda asked angrily, it'd been 9 years and the only time he spoke to her was if he was telling her off or telling her to move out of the way, which was not the correct way to treat a kid.

"Then don't" Vision shrugged, Wanda's chest stung. She swallowed the lump in her throat, shaking her head slightly and trying to blink back her tears. She cleared her throat and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, asking him what he was implying.

"Don't do it anymore, you're more concerned about the kid than our relationship" Vision spoke angrily, Wanda scoffed and rolled her eyes looking at him with absolute fury, Vision was a grown ass man and Y/n was a small girl, a little girl who needed more attention from her aunt than he did.

"She's a child! How dare you Vision, she's tiny, you're way more independent that her! She needs me Vision" Wanda shouted back, Vision scoffed himself and shook his head, Wanda stared at him blanky, why was he such a rude person.

"Wanda. I am here too, the whole world doesn't revolve around Y/n, you have other kids too" Vision spoke, Wanda sighed again and rubbed her forehead with frustration. Vision sighed and stood from his seat as Wanda sat in tears, she was shaking with fear scared of what Vision as going to do.

"I know i have other children Vision, but when they were born i completely forgot about my girl for almost months, she was heartbroken" Wanda explained with tears streaming down her face silently. Vision sighed with a chuckle and shook his head again.

"Why are you so bothered anyways, it's not affecting anyone" Vision mumbled, Wanda let out a sob and wiped the tears that fell down her face, Vision looked over with no sympathy giving Wanda a small eye roll, becoming annoying with this conversation.

"Because it's ruining us, it's making you look so bad and it's making me not love you anymore i'm loving you less and less everyday" Wanda spilled out, she covered her mouth with her hand and cried, she slightly expected Vision to come over and comfort her, telling her he was sorry for his behaviour and that he was going to change.

"I didn't love you anyway Wanda! I've hated you ever since i got here, i just felt bad because you were alone, you're worthless!" He shouted, his hand colliding with Wanda's face, Wanda's eyes closed as she fell down to her knees, letting out loud and sharp sobs. Feet patters were heard as Y/n ran into the kitchen, she gasped and ran straight over.

"Why is Wan Wan sad" Y/n mumbled and crashed down onto the floor next to Wanda, she crawled into the spot on Wanda's lap and cuddled into her chest, Wanda moved to sit on her bottom and held Y/n on her lap tightly, rubbing her back firmly.

The hug from Y/n was helping Wanda, she calmed down a lot faster than she expected too. Y/n was a big help with her cuddles, Natasha came rushing down soon after, she'd went to the toilet and left Y/n, and when she came out she was gone and could hear cries downstairs.

"Oh Wanda" Natasha frowned seeing the young woman on the floor, she knelt down on the floor next to her and wrapped her arms around her, it was clear the conversation ended terribly. Wanda clung onto Natasha's arm and cried into her neck, Natasha tried comforting her the best she could, Wanda was going to have a broken heart.


uhhh yeah, i'm in need of some recommendations for my next book and was wondering if anyone had any cos i'd need to start writing it soon 😽

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