136| learning russian with mama

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On Y/n's 13th birthday, she remembered very clearly that Natasha said to her that she could learn some Russian, and for the last few days Y/n has asked and asked so now Y/n was going to ask her again, Natasha was currently in her office, so the chances were quite low.

"Mama, can you teach my Russian today?" Y/n asked opening the door to her mothers office, Natasha looked up from her work with a strict look on her face, but it softens as she relaxes and looks at her daughter who was smiling like crazy.

"Sure poppet, mama needs a break anyways, where do you want to go" Natasha asked pushing her chair back she signed out of her laptop and stood up, walking over to her daughter who had her arms in the air, Natasha chuckled and lifted her daughter up onto her hip.

"In, um, i don't know" Y/n said digging her head into her mothers neck, Natasha chuckled as she patted her daughters back and started walking towards the stairs, all the men were in the main living room watching soccer so that was a definite no for that room.

"Let's go the upstairs living room, it'll be quiet and comfy in there" Natasha said walking up the stairs, Y/n nodded her head and wrapped her arms around Natasha's neck, the woman had been working in her office a lot and seemed a lot more stressed out than usual.

Natasha placed Y/n down in front of the sofa as she grabs a few pillows and puts them at the back of the sofa, she watched with a smile as Y/n jumps onto the fluffy sofa and lays her head on the side watching Natasha sit down next to her.

"Mommy is Russian easy" Y/n asked tilting her head, Natasha chuckled and shook her head, she was hoping that her daughter didn't have in her mind that she'd been walking out the room able to talk fluent Russian because there was no way that was going to happen.

"Not at all baby, it's one of the most hardest languages to learn in the world" Natasha smiled cupping her daughters cheek, Y/n let out a small oh as her face fell, she didn't realise that it was so difficult, Natasha smiled and kissed her nose with a laugh.

Natasha stood to her feet as she walked over to the cabinet and took out a notepad and a pen, she sat back down next to Y/n and let her shuffle up closely, she wrote at the top, learning Russian with mama, which made Y/n giggle slightly.

"I'm gonna write some words and all you need to do is copy them" Natasha said, Y/n groaned slightly, she didn't want to be writing right now, she wanted to learn Russian and be able to go to Russia and speak to people the way that they can speak.

Natasha started to write down a few simple and easy words, she bit her lip as she thought of two more, not wanting to over complicate anything for Y/n, when she was done she handed the pen and paper over to Y/n who sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It's like school work" Y/n sighed Natasha just smirked and shook her head, nudging her shoulder, just like when she was little, she hated school, and it was worse that now she was growing older and was way for reluctant to go to school, she didn't have a lot to look forward too.

"Get on with it" Natasha chuckled, Y/n laughed, the pair stared at each other for a while Natasha moved around and start moving Y/n's hand to the paper, Y/n grinned before sighing and looking down at what Natasha wrote, before trying it herself.

It wasn't an English word, and Y/n struggled to copy down English words so to copy a Russian word down was quite hard, but Natasha was beside her and kept praising her for every time she got a letter, it might have been a bit messy but it was okay.

"Good girl, now i'm going to say a few words to you and i want you to repeat them back to me baby" Natasha said placing the notebook down in the coffee table, she pulled her legs onto the sofa and crossed them over each other facing her daughter.

"Privet" Natasha said, Y/n smiled and started trying to say it, she was struggling at the start but kept repeating the word and trying to help Y/n along, it took a small while but Y/n was finally able to say the word, not the best but it was good.

"Privet" Y/n said, it didn't have the accent which made it sound a funny but Natasha didn't care and gasped before clapping her hands, Y/n smiled and covered her mouth as her mother praised her and started doing a silly little dance because she was happy for Y/n, her little girl was gonna speak Russian one day.

"Close enough my love, you did so well for your first word, do you know what it means? No, it means hello and you were able to say that when you were 1 years old" Natasha explained and smiled tucking a strand of hair behind her daughters ear and kissing her cheek and booping her nose, rubbing her thumb down her face.

"do svidaniya, that means goodbye" Natasha said, it was a little trickier this one but Natasha had faith in Y/n that she'd been able to give it a go, Y/n opened her mouth to say and immediately forgot what she was going to say making Natasha repeat it to her.

"Cant do that one" Y/n said with an slight whine, Natasha placed her hand on Y/n's shoulder giving it a rub, she didn't want Y/n getting upset over how to say them this early on, so she spread all of her good words to her.

"Yes you can, i know you can baby" Natasha said holding Y/n's hand and giving it a little shake hoping to help her say the word, Natasha spoke a little slower breaking down her words, she watched her daughters face twitch before she sighing and spoke.

"do syedania" Y/n stuttered, it wasn't correct but it was close enough and good enough for Natasha who cheered and high fives Y/n with a smile, she pulled her in and gave the top of her head a kiss, she was proud that Y/n didn't give up that easily.

"Well done baby, that was excellent, a little bit of work needs doing but it was brilliant especially for your first time, oh i'm so proud of you my darling" Natasha rambled stroking Y/n's cheeks as she smiled, so hard that her cheeks actually started to hurt.

Natasha and Y/n done a few more words together, some easy and some tricky, Y/n was trying a lot harder now, she was more confident and more lively and so was Natasha, she was putting in her best Russian accent and everything, although her girl tried copying and failed miserably.

"menya zovut, that means my name is" Natasha said, this was probably the hardest word they had yet, Y/n stared at Natasha in disbelief, there was no way that Natasha expected Y/n to say that, she was trying to say it but her mouth just wouldn't work.

"m- me- my" Y/n stutter looking nervously at Natasha, the woman smiled and nodded her head, she took Y/n's hands back in her own and ducked her head down to her height, Y/n was slowly getting herself worked up, Natasha gently blew on her face which allowed Y/n to take a deep breath.

"menya zovut" Natasha repeated slowly this time, Y/n opened her mouth again, but responded to Natasha with a whine ripping her hands out of Natasha's and hitting the sofa, Natasha picked them up again and kissed Y/n's forehead slowly to relax her.

Y/n kept on trying, over and over again she would try and say the word, she be giving up after every second hitting her hands on something, she even hit herself in the head which broke Natasha's heart, she didn't want her girl to be hurting herself.

"I cant do it mama!" Y/n sobbed, losing it, she flung herself back on the sofa and sobbed looking up at the ceiling which was soon replaced with Natasha's face, Y/n sobbed more and looked away, feeling as though she had disappointed Natasha with the face she couldn't speak Russian.

"Hey, you're okay darling" Natasha said groaning as she pulled Y/n up, she pulled her over onto her lap and sat her sideways against her chest, rubbing her arm and placing her chin on the top of her head, occasionally moving to give her little kisses now and then.

"Good girl for trying though, mama is super proud of you my sweet girl, we have forever to learn Russian, it all doesn't need to be today, alright?" Natasha soothed, Y/n's tears slowed down till they stopped and she nodded her head, rubbing her eyes and leaning into Natasha's side.


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