59| pretty fireworks

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November rolled around quickly, and everyone knows what November means, Natasha was nervous about fireworks especially with Y/n but the young girl was eager to watch one of Tony's shows due to the last few years being inside crying, because of the loud noises and flashing lights around her.

It took a bit of convincing but Natasha did let her come out, she wanted to be with her the whole time though to make sure she was extra safe, wrapping her arms around her as music playing and fireworks launched, she wanted to have a good time with her big girl.

"Are you sure you want to go tonight" Natasha asked nervously, pulling Y/n's shirt over her head, Y/n nodded her head happily, reaching forward and wrapping her arms around Natasha's neck and placing her head on her shoulder, Natasha placed a kiss on the side of Y/n's head and stood up.

"I'll be okay mama, i want to hold your hand though" Y/n said cutely, Natasha smiled once more, giving Y/n a kiss and then placing her back down so she could run off and play. Natasha stood against the wall, watching her play with her little figures before turning on her heels and heading down to her room to change.

"Hey! Where are you going" Y/n called running down the hall after her, Natasha smiled to herself, turning around all of a sudden and scaring Y/n, Natasha chuckled and pulled Y/n into her arms lightly then swung her body side to side as she walked to her room.

"I was going to get changed" Natasha said opening her bedroom door and closing it behind the pair, chucking Y/n onto the bed making her giggle loudly. Y/n nodded her head and crawled up to the top of Natasha's bed and tucked herself under the freshly made sheets.

"Can i sleep in here tonight?" Y/n asked with a smile, knowing she'd get her answer after sleeping in here for the past 5 days, Natasha turned around with a smirk and shook her head, Y/n let out a dramatic sigh, smacking her hands on the sheets.

"You've been in here for 5 days honey, time to sleep in your bed" Natasha smiled apologetically, throwing the clothes she was going to wear on the bed. Y/n nodded her head, crawling out of the sheets, flattening them again and crawling over to Natasha, wrapping her arms around her neck.

"I need to change dear and i can't do that with you clinging onto me like that" Natasha said tickling Y/n's arms, Y/n giggles letting go of Natasha's neck and falling on her back on the bed with a laugh.

"Are you going to put make up on mommy?" Y/n asked placing her chin on Natasha's shoulder after she slipped her shirt on, Natasha hummed looking in the mirror wondering if it was necessary as she'd gone to whole day without it.

"Do you like mommy need it, my love?" Natasha asked pulling at her face a little bit, Y/n looked into the same mirror that Natasha was looking in a gently shook her head with a small smile, Natasha also smiled taking Y/n's face in her palm and kissing her cheek.

"Can i have make up please, i wanna look just like you when you have make up on, please" Y/n begged placing both her hands Natasha's shoulders and shaking them, Natasha laughed, pulling Y/n's hands away and holding them in her own bigger ones.

"Not until you're 20 years old" Natasha joked, giving Y/n's stomach a tickle making the giggle squeal, Y/n screamed loudly trying to push Natasha's hands off her, rolling about on the bed and kicking her small feet in the direction of her mothers hands.

"Not 20! That's too old" Y/n panted, she'd crawled all the way to the top of Natasha's bed after wriggling out of her grip, Natasha let out a hum and twitched her eye before turning back around and finishing her hair, Y/n snuck up behind Natasha, standing up and falling onto her shoulders.

"Raaa!" Y/n shouted, giggling at herself even though she'd fallen down the side of Natasha and almost fell off the bed, Natasha playfully rolled her eyes, scooping her daughter up and placing her on her lap, letting her sit there whilst she pinned and tied the rest of her hair back.

"Pretty mama" Y/n mumbled fiddling around with her mothers necklace, Natasha thanked the small girl and placed a kiss on her head and stood up with her in her arms, making her way out of the room and downstairs, heading outside where the fireworks were taking place.

"Auntie Wan Wan" Y/n mumbled, rubbing her eyes and pointing over at her Auntie Wanda who was laughing along whilst talking to Clint, Natasha carefully placed her daughter down on the grass, expecting her to run over to Wanda, but all the small girl down was collapse down, falling to her knees.

"Uh oh, up we get" Natasha said bending back down and lifting Y/n onto her hip, Y/n let out a hum and snuggled her face into Natasha's neck with a yawn, Natasha gave her back a firm pat, not wanting Y/n to fall asleep before this show.

"Hello, you" Wanda said happily, taking Y/n out of Natasha's arms and holding her in her lap, Y/n fell forward into Wanda's chest with another yawn and started to rub her eyes again while Natasha brushed her fingers through her hair from behind Wanda.

"I think she's exhausted, i need her to stay awake for this though" Natasha said to Wanda, she nodded her head and pulled her niece out of her chest and started to play with her a little bit but gently pulled her back down when she started fussing.

"Y/n, i need you to stay awake to watch the pretty colors" Natasha said softly bending down beside Wanda and stroking Y/n's head, Y/n let out another yawn and nodded her head, sliding off Wanda's lap and playing on the grass below her body with a slight smile.

After a few more minutes, Tony went to announce that he was going to start with the firework show. Natasha scooped Y/n up onto her hip and told her to look up at the sky, Y/n looked up and waited a few moments before there was a loud bang making her jump.

"Look up baby, at the pretty firework" Natasha said patting Y/n's back, she'd turned her head into her mothers chest and tired blocking out the sound, Natasha was almost getting deja vu from all the previous years. Wanda turned to her with a sympathetic smile, Natasha smiled back before turning around and going back into the house.

"I'm sorry honey, is it just too loud" Natasha asked taking Y/n upstairs, the girl nodded her head, sniffling in Natasha's chest. Natasha took her to the middle of the hall where a big window was placed, no noise could be heard from here so the duo watched the fireworks from inside.

"Pretty" Y/n mumbled pointing at the window, Natasha hummed in agreement, nodding her head and watching the explode in the air, Y/n soon fell asleep on Natasha's shoulder, snoring lightly. Natasha smiled, kissing the side of Y/n's head, swaying her hips until fireworks were finished and made her way down to her bedroom.

Y/n was placed on the left side of the bed as Natasha quickly changed herself into an oversized T-shirt and then climbed into bed next to her daughter, pulling her closer and kissing her head, whispering a goodnight.


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