24| little sick one

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A bug had been been floating around these past two week, everyone but Y/n had got it, and Natasha but she was never sick and never had been since she was younger and was in the red room when they'd never feed her enough or not give her the warmth she needed.

Of course Y/n was going to get sick and today happened to be the day that she got it, Natasha wanted to protect Y/n at all costs, Y/n's had that newborn illness once but she knew that this illness was something different to her recent one.

Turning over in her bed, Natasha placed the back of her hand on Y/n's forehead immediately feeling her burning. Y/n shifted uncomfortably at Natasha's cold hand against her head and slowly opened her eyes, which had been stuck together with that sleepy gooey stuff making Natasha cringe slightly.

"Hey my sweet girl" Natasha whispered keeping her voice low incase Y/n had a bit of a headache, Y/n let out a loud whine kicking her foot against Natasha's mattress and looking up at her sadly with an obvious sad and sick pout on her lips.

"How do you feel baby" Natasha murmured wiping Y/n's eyes with her thumb, Y/n only whined again reaching for Natasha's hand and bringing it over her eyes to keep the room dark, Natasha let out a smile and let her hand rest over Y/n's eyes to shade out the light.

Natasha carefully slipped out of bed and when her hand retracted from Y/n's eyes, she shot up and looked at Natasha with an offended look which made her mother laugh. It was all fun and games until Y/n's stomach started hurting and her throat felt tingly, she shifted uncomfortably letting out a whimper.

Before Natasha could ask what was wrong, it happened and it was everywhere. Y/n let out a loud cry as she sat in her own vomit that was piled in front of her on Natasha's duvet, Natasha's eyes widened and reached out for Y/n sliding her off the bed and carrying her to the bathroom, stripping her clothes off her.

"Shh, you're okay" Natasha soothed running her hands down the sides of Y/n's head, she sat Y/n down beside the bath as it ran and handed her a small bucket incase she had to throw up again, she said she was just going to put away the dirty bedsheets but once she left the room, Y/n was quick to follow her.

Natasha didn't even know her daughter was trailing behind her until she turned back around after throwing her duvet in the garbage outside because she didn't want to even have to look at it again.

"Oh sweetheart, what are you doing here" Natasha jumped, she pulled Y/n's shirt over her head and threw it beside the washing machine when she passed it then lifted Y/n to her front and carried her back upstairs to her bathroom.

"yucky!" Y/n cried, Natasha's steps sped up as she knew that Y/n was probably going to throw up again, she sat down with Y/n on her lap against the bathtub and held the container in front of her, Y/n's back against Natasha's lap, gripping at her fingers.

Twisting her body, Natasha stopped the taps to make sure that the bath wasn't going to over fill. As she turned back around, Y/n threw up into the container again. Crying when doing so, she'd never thrown up before and it was very much creeping her out.

"Mama don't like" Y/n whined wriggling about on her mothers lap as Natasha meant forward and emptied the container into the toilet, rinsing it out and placing it on the floor, she undressed the rest of Y/n, wiping her down and placing her into the bath.

"I know sweetheart, it's not a nice feeling huh? It's okay, after this we can stay in bed all day" Natasha calmly spoke even though she was panicking inside as she really had no idea of what she was doing. Y/n gave her mother a clear nod of the head and sat sadly in the bath that didn't have bubbles this time.

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