134| picnic

535 38 17


It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was shining and the grass was dry, everyone seemed to be in a good mood this morning and when half are in a good mood, it normally radiates onto the other half which then makes everyone happy which is what they want.

As soon as Natasha woke up, she had the idea of going out for a picnic, she'd never had a proper picnic with the blanket and a basket of food, so what better way to spend the day than going on for a picnic, it'd been on her mind for a while.

She asked Wanda this morning if she wanted to come and tag along, of course Wanda agreed to do so, she even offered to make the food and went out to buy and decent sized basket for the food they were putting in, Natasha was on her way to tell her daughter about her idea.

"Hi my baby, what are you up too?" Natasha asked leaning against the door frame, the door was wide open and Natasha watched as Y/n ran about the room picking stuff up, Y/n's heard turned to the door when she heard her mothers voice.

"I'm just cleaning my room" Y/n shrugged with a smile, Natasha chucked as she didn't know any children that would willingly clean their own bedroom without being asked, she walked into her room and took a seat on the freshly made bed and patted her lap for Y/n to sit on.

"How wonderful of you darling, i have something to tell you" Natasha smiled wrapping her arms around Y/n's waist as she sat on her lap, Y/n smiled and twirled Natasha's hair around her finger before she wrapped her arms around her neck and have her a quick hug.

"What is it?" She mumbled into her neck, Natasha chuckled and pulled Y/n back so she could look at her, she ran her pointer finger down the bridge of her nose and gave her a little boop at the end which made the girl giggle sweetly.

"We're gonna go for a little trip today to central park, and have a picnic!" Natasha said enthusiastically, Y/n gasped happily and nodded her head re-wrapping her arms around Natasha's neck and giving her another hug, she pressed her face into her neck tightly and let Natasha shower her with kisses.

"Yay! I love the park mama" Y/n bounced on her lap, she was lucky she chose today as Y/n seemed to have a lot of energy, the chances of Natasha carrying Y/n home after were high, she could probably use a little afternoon nap.

"Is Wan Wan coming?" Y/n asked perking up again, the top of her head just missing Natasha's chin which would have been sure, Y/n tended to that a lot, she'd sit up to fast and come in contact with Natasha's chin, she did it when she was younger as well.

"Of course she is, what's a picnic without Wanda! She's making the food right now" Natasha squeezed her daughters hips, which made her squirm slightly and giggle until she completely slipped off Natasha's lap and onto the floor, she rolled onto her stomach before standing up to her feet.

Y/n took off downstairs running at a fast speed, worried that her mother was running behind her and was going to tickle her again, she ran through many corridors and took the long way before she got to the kitchen where Wanda was making some sandwiches for them all.

"I hear we're going on a picnic!" Y/n cheered jumping into the room, Wanda jumped slightly before turning around to Y/n with a smile and nodding her head, Y/n rushed over to Wanda and stood on her tip toes against the high counter to see what sandwiches she made.

"I heard that too munchkin" Wanda chuckled looking down at Y/n, the girl was tiny, so much she had to stand on her tip toes for the counter, but in her defence the counter was extremely high for no reasoning at all apart from Tony's.

"And you're coming" Y/n said looking up at her aunt, Wanda smiled letting out a laugh, wrapping up the sandwiches and putting them into the basket, she clapped her hands together to get all the bread crumbs off them and have them a little rinse under the water before drying.

"Indeed i am Y/n" Wanda chuckled lifting the basket off the counter and placing it on the table, Y/n followed her around until her arms were empty, she immediately wrapped her arms around her aunts waist, pressing her face into her stomach, Wanda chuckled and patted her head.

"Come on then Wan Wan!" Y/n cheered and started running out the room, she bumped into Natasha doing so and grabbed her hand, the woman was pulled along to the front door as they waited for Wanda who came out with the basket floating beside her in red wisps.

Natasha opened the door and Y/n sprinted out the house, she giggled as she ran down the drive way, Natasha locked up the house and slid the key into her pocket, her and Wanda walked down the street having a loving conversation as their girl skipped off in front of them.

When they arrived at the park, Y/n had already chosen a spot for them to sit at, she was sat on the grass and watched the women walk over to her, Natasha smiled and kissed her head as Wanda sat down and laid a blanket on the grass.

"What food did you make?" Y/n asked looking at Wanda, whilst Natasha scolded Y/n for not having any manners Wanda opened up the basket, Y/n ignored Natasha and peeked over looking into the basket of food, she gasped as she dug deep and took out a box of strawberries.

Still continuing to ignore Natasha's words, Y/n ripped open the strawberries and plopped one in her mouth, she looked up at her mother who was still blabbering on, she reached for a strawberry then leaned up and shoved one into Natasha's mouth, Natasha raised an eyebrow and took it out.

"You're welcome" Y/n sassed before standing to her feet and running off, she ran over to a patch of flowers and ran her fingers through them, she laughed at the way they tickled her palms before reaching in and pulling some out, then running over to her adults and handing them over.


i like cute chapters

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