154| tears here, there and everywhere

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The week for Y/n hadn't been going to well, Miss Kate hadn't been in because she was ill, she emailed Natasha just to warn Y/n before hand and the girl didn't take it too well, at school she'd just cry and no one would be there for her.

Outside of school, Y/n had been an emotional wreck, she'd been crying until early hours of the morning then wake up crying during the night, Natasha didn't even know how Y/n had anymore tears left inside of her to cry, she'd been crying for the past 3 days.

As usual, Y/n wanders downstairs in tears, she looks for Natasha and runs into the kitchen after hearing her voice, Natasha looks away from Steve, who she was talking to and sees her daughter come into the kitchen, sobbing once again, Natasha let out a little sigh and titled her head.

"Y/n, what's with the tears again?" As much as Natasha loved Y/n, the tears were now starting to get a bit irritating, there wasn't any need for them and they just kept coming and coming, looking as though they wouldn't be stopping any time soon.

"Mommy" Y/n sobbed digging her head into Natasha's chest, letting her tears all run free again and dampening Natasha's t-shirt, Natasha rubbed her daughter back and knelt down a little bit, as much as she tried most days she wouldn't be able to stop her tears and she'd just tire herself out.

"I know honey, i'm here, but why are you crying so much?" Natasha asked wiping the tears off of her daughters cheeks, Y/n sobbed more and placed her hands over her eyes and cried into them, Natasha sighed again and took them down and in her own hands.

"Pick me up" Y/n sobbed and lifting her arms in the air and jumped on her feet, Natasha raised an eyebrow and squinted her eyes slightly, Y/n cried more and waved her arms about and looked up into Natasha's eyes, crying for her to lift her.

"Hey, stop that Y/n, you're 15, stop acting like 3 year old" Natasha said shaking her head and standing back up to her feet, Y/n cried more and cried loudly lifting her arms up as high as she could and tapped Natasha's shoulders, crying for her.

"Lift me, now!!" Y/n screamed and sobbed, Natasha shook her head once more and held Y/n's hands in hers and placed them down making the girl squirm to release them and hold them up again, she cried more wondering why Natasha wouldn't pick her up and hold her.

"Right, i was going to lift you up if you were kind and polite to me, so quit your crying and be nice Y/n" Natasha said strictly pulling Y/n's arms down from her shoulders again, Y/n shook her head and bounced on her feet with her arms up again.

As the girl sobbed, Natasha ignored her and turned back to Steve with a small eye roll and tried her best to continue the conversation she was previously having with him before Y/n came in and interrupted it, it was hard to talk over Y/n's cries and even harder when Y/n hit Natasha.

"Enough now! Stop behaving like a toddler" Natasha said sternly and pulled Y/n's arms off of her once more, Y/n sobbed more and looked over at Steve, he instantly looked away from the scene not wanting to get himself involved in anything.

Whilst Natasha was trying her very best to calm Y/n down and also try get her to notice her mistakes, she lost it when Y/n's foot came in contact with her leg and Y/n's hand also came in contact with the top of her head.

"That is it!" Natasha shouted and turned Y/n around, walking her out the room, when Y/n stopped and refused she pulled her arm and dragged her over to the bottom of the stairs, sitting her down and holding her shoulders in place so she wouldn't move and run off.

" 'M not sitting on the step" Y/n sobbed and tried her best to find her way out of Natasha's arms, Natasha shook her head with a loud sigh and held Y/n in place until she stopped wriggling around too much, she noticed the look on her mothers face which said she wasn't playing.

"You will sit here until i say that you came come off Y/n" Natasha said sternly looking Y/n in the eyes, it was hard to look at her daughter when her eyes were all ready and dripping with tears, her little lips in the shape of a pout that she wanted to kiss away.

"I'm not a baby" Y/n said through gritted teeth, Natasha rolled her eyes and took her hands off of Y/n and told her to stay were she was, Y/n knew the consequences if she left the step, she'd been on and off the step for years.

"You're acting very much like a baby, and if you act like one, then i'll only treat you like one, stay here" Natasha spoke before walking off, Y/n pulled her knees up to her chest and dug her head between them, sobbing again.

Natasha left Y/n on the step for a whole 15 minutes, and finally took a breath when her cries stopped and little sniffles were coming from her, when the timer was up, Natasha made her way to the step and knelt down beside Y/n.

"Can you look at me please" Natasha asked softly, Y/n let out a small hiccup and lifted her head up to look at her mother, Natasha's heart clenching when her big teary eyes locked with hers, Y/n's lips formed into a pout again as her eyes filled with tears.

"No, don't start crying again. You're aloud to cry Y/n, but when you act like this and cry for days on end, it becomes a little silly, doesn't it" Natasha explained, Y/n hiccuped again and nodded her head, bringing her hand up and wiping her tear.

"I'm sorry" Y/n stuttered and hiccuped, rubbing her eyes, Natasha nodded her head and watched as Y/n ducked her head down and wiped more tears, Natasha smiled lightly and placed her fingers under Y/n's chin and brought it up gently, making eye contact with her again, which Y/n avoided.

"Apology accepted Y/n, please just don't do it again, it was very childish, okay?" Natasha spoke, Y/n nodded her head again with yet another hiccup which made Natasha laugh, although Y/n didn't smile and just sadly looked down at Natasha's shoulder, wiping her tears.

"Kiss and cuddle?" Natasha asked holding her hand out, Y/n looked up at Natasha who had a soft smile on her face, Y/n leaned forward giving Natasha a kiss and then wrapped her arms around her shoulders and slipped down a step into Natasha's warm and comforting embrace.

"You wanna sit outside for a bit?" Natasha asked, Y/n nodded her head and Natasha lifted her up, Y/n smiled into Natasha's neck and wrapped her legs around her, Natasha chuckled and patted Y/n's bottom and brought her outside, as soon as Natasha's foot touched the grass, everything went black.



me and buzz light year

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me and buzz light year

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