101| meeting them

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6 months ago, Y/n had asked her mother to meet her family. Natasha was worried that she wouldn't be able to reach out to them, but quicker than expected her family replied to her and said they would be delighted if Natasha paid them a little visit.

They didn't know about Natasha's daughter, she was hoping that Natasha could surprise them by her, either they'd be happy about it or they wouldn't be, but Natasha was hoping for a happy side. She had yet to tell Y/n, and was super excited to spill the news to her.

Whilst the girl was at school, it was her last day before the Christmas break, Natasha packed her a suitcase. Where her family lived, the pair would have to travel in a plane so they needed to pack. They'd be back in time for Christmas day, they were only staying a few nights.

Wanda was bringing Y/n home today and Natasha needed to finish packing, she could hear the moment that her daughter got home, her screams for her. She quickly pushed the suitcase under the bed and kept sitting on the floor, Y/n opened her bedroom door with a squeal.

"Mommy!" Y/n screamed rushing over and into Natasha's arms, despite being 10 years old, Y/n still had the same issues with school she did when she was younger, meltdowns where frequent still, becoming more and more relentless and she was becoming more stubborn which wasn't very good.

"Mommy has a little surprise for you" Natasha smiled pulling her daughter down onto her lap and stroking her hair, Y/n's eyes widened as she shook Natasha's hoodie asking what the surprise was, Natasha chuckled and calmed her baby down and taking a deep breath and explaining.

"You know your family that you wanted to meet, grandma Melina, grandpa Alexei and Auntie Yelena? Yeah" Natasha asked and nodded her head, Y/n's body started to tense at the thought of meeting them but Natasha's words could also mean they may not be meeting them, she just didn't know.

"Well, i've contacted them, and they have said that they'd love if we went to go and visit them" Natasha spoke, Y/n gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes filling with tears slightly, she bounced on Natasha's lap and shouted that she wanted to go.

"So, calm down, so. I think that if you can find your suitcase, then we can go in 2 hours to the airport" Natasha smirked, Y/n gasped again and started running around her room, she finally looked under the bed and found her suitcase, pulling it out from underneath the bed.

"Mommy i found it, can we go? Can we go!" Y/n shouted happily running back over to Natasha and jumping onto her lap, Natasha laughed held her daughter tightly giving her a comforting squeeze and nodding her head placing her back on the floor and standing to her feet.

"Bring that down and then we can go say bye bye to everyone" Natasha said and walked out the room, she went to her room and grabbed her own suitcase and then followed her daughter downstairs, they placed their luggage at the door whilst saying bye to everyone.

"I'll miss you Wan Wan" Y/n pouted sadly, Wanda smiled and brushed the hair out of her nieces face and gave her head a small kiss, and then moving her into a hug and giving her a big tight hug, telling her she'd be back quickly and she'd miss her too.

"I'll see you soon love" Wanda kissed the girls forehead and she moved into her uncles and told them all goodbyes, Natasha said bye to Wand and then headed to the door, Tony followed them as he was giving her a lift to the airport.

Usually they'd take the quinjet, but Natasha wanted to take Y/n onto a plane instead of their own jet. They'd booked first class and were on their own so there wouldn't be any people with them, the girls waved goodbye and hoped into Tony's car both with a smile on their face.

Y/n was bouncing happily the whole way to the airport, Natasha thanked Tony for giving her a ride there and Y/n gave him a big hug. He waved them off as they walked into the airport, Y/n was dragging her suitcase behind her following her mother.

"Careful baby" Natasha seated Y/n in her seat, buckling her in and draping a blanket over her. Y/n leaned over and and leant into her mother, Natasha wrapped and around her and patted her sides and the plane started to take off.

The plane ride was smooth, there wasn't any complications and surprisingly Y/n slept the whole time, she'd clearly had a long day at school and wore herself out before she could get home. Natasha ended up carrying her off of the plane, wanting her to sleep for a little longer before waking her up in a few hours.

Getting into a cab, Natasha buckled Y/n in then slipped in beside her. They got driven to where Melina and Alexei were staying, Natasha took a deep breath, she had the suitcases beside her and Y/n in her arms, staring at the small house in front of her.

Slowly, Natasha started walking to the house. Y/n was starting to stir slightly, just waking up before she rang the door bell. The girl let out a groan and lay her head on her mothers shoulder looking at the wooden door, suddenly it opened reaching a woman.

"Natasha!!" The woman beamed and embraced Natasha in a hug, Y/n tensed in her arms and Natasha took a step back with a small smile. Melina smiled brightly and her eyes slowly started to travel down to the little redhead resting in the older redheads arms, confusion lacing over her face.

"I'll explain when we're inside, it's freezing!" Natasha said, Melina nodded and stepped out of the way letting the girls into the house, Natasha placed her bags down and followed Melina through to the living room and took a seat on the sofa with Y/n sitting on her lap.

Alexei started stomping through the house and into the living room, booming his loud voice at Natasha. Y/n jumped in her mothers arms at his voice as she shot him a glare, he raised his arms in surrender and took a seat on the armchair looking at Natasha with a smile.

"Care to explain?" Melina asked motioning to Y/n, Natasha sighed and leaned back on the sofa, she tired pulling Y/n out of her chest but the girl was too shy and too scared and Natasha wasn't going go force her to come out and speak.

"This is my daughter, Y/n. She's 10 years old" Natasha briefly summed up, Melina and Alexei's eyes widened slightly and Melina let out a small gasp. Natasha looked down at Y/n who was slightly peaking out the side of her, she smiled at her and gave her head a kiss.


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