130| a teenager

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Natasha had never been so excited for a birthday before, she couldn't believe that her small baby was turning 13 years old already. She spent the whole middle of the night making the living room and kitchen look amazing, the presents she had laid out made it look like it was Christmas.

Natasha waited all night for Y/n to crawl into her bed, but she never did. That made Natasha realise that Y/n was growing up, she wasn't going to be crawling into her bed every night, but Natasha couldn't handle that, so she left her bedroom.

Slowly she opened her daughters door, Y/n was sprawled out on the bed on her back. Natasha smiled and snuck into the bed next to Y/n, immediately the girl sat up which scared Natasha an awful lot, Y/n rubbed her eyes and groaned turning around to look at Natasha.

"Mama" Y/n groaned, Natasha kept silent as Y/n moved up the bed and placed her head and hand on Natasha's chest, she smiled and stroked the back of her hair leaning down and kissing her girls head, she was back asleep within seconds.

That night Natasha held her girl just that little bit tighter, she was becoming an older girl and was starting to behave different, in school she blended in, instead of sticking out when she had her meltdowns in front of everyone, and meltdowns at home and in public became less frequent now, of course still happening, but let frequest.

The next morning, Natasha woke up first, with a small sigh of sadness she rubbed her eyes and looked down, Y/n had moved so she was fully laying on top of Natasha. Natasha smiled and rubbed her daughters back which made her wake up, a small groan passed Y/n's lips as her eyes opened.

"Good morning birthday girl" Natasha said stroking the top of Y/n's head, the girl looked up at her mother and gave her a smile, Natasha smiled back and stroked her thumb across her cheek, Y/n let out a yawn and pushed herself up to sit on Natasha's stomach.

"You're a teenager my love" Natasha smiled cupping her daughters face in her hands and pulling her back down, Y/n laughed and wrapped her arms around her mothers neck, smooshing her face into Natasha's neck, Natasha rubbed her hand up and down her back.

"Does that mean that i cant cuddle you anymore" Y/n frowned, Natasha also frowned and sat herself up, she pulled Y/n out of her shoulder and stroked all of the hair out of her face, she took a moment to look at her daughter and just admire her.

"No baby, of course it doesn't, you will be able to cuddle me until the day you die. You can come cry to me, and not that i'd advise you too but you can also come shout to me, just because you're a teenager, doesn't mean anything is changing" Natasha explained with teary eyes.

"But i cant hit you" Y/n said shaking her head and shaking her finger in front of her mothers face, Natasha chuckled and took Y/n's fingers taking it down from in front of her face, rubbing her thumb over her knuckles and smiling, she loved the little childish side of Y/n.

"You cant hit me my love, that's not aloud. But there is so much more to look forward too, you'll get to do new things and learn new things, maybe mama can teach you a bit of Russian" Natasha said wiggling her eyebrows, Y/n gasped loudly covering her mouth and crazily nodding her head.

"тогда дело сделано" Natasha said using her Russian accent, she laughed at the way Y/n's face fell when Natasha spoke, Y/n smiled again but her face was still masked with confusion as to what her mother had just said to her, she was intrigued to know.

"Then, it's a done deal" Natasha smirked and repeated in English, Y/n hummed and nodded her head with a laugh. Natasha laughed also and started getting out of bed, Y/n took her by the hand and followed her downstairs, the walls on the way downstairs were decorated with the number 13.

"Woah, mama it's all decorated" Y/n mumbled in awe, Natasha nodded her head and continued leading Y/n towards the living room, she stood behind Y/n and covered her eyes with her hands and opened the door, the cold air wafted onto them and then took a step forwards.

"Oh my gosh! Mama it's so... AHH" Y/n fumbled around her words and just screamed, she turned to Natasha and the woman could've cried from the excitement on her daughters face, Y/n wrapped her arms around her waist and started to jump up and down

"You like it huh baby" Natasha chuckled rubbing her back, Y/n nodded her head and let go of Natasha and with a nod of her head she was sat on the floor unwrapping presents, slowly and one by one everyone started to come into the living room, wishing both girls a happy birthday.

"Look! A captain America shield!" Y/n squealed holding it up, it was obviously made out of plastic but Y/n didn't think that as she ran over to Steve hugging him tightly talking about how they can now be the same and fight the bad guys.

"Mama, i'm uncle Steve now" Y/n giggled rushing over to Natasha who gasped and took Y/n's face in her hands, she pressed her lips tightly against her face giving her a big kiss, Y/n giggled and pushed herself back from Natasha and ran back over to her presents.

"Mommy, i love this. I wanna be a teenager forever!" Y/n cheered jumping on Natasha's lap, Natasha awkwardly chuckled as she knew they teenage years weren't the best for both the parent and the child, she held Y/n on her lap as everyone came round giving kisses and cuddles.

"Everyone gives me kisses" Y/n giggled pushing everyone's face away from her, Natasha laughed and watched everyone shower Y/n with love, after doing so to Y/n, everyone gave Natasha a group hug for her birthday, although it made her skin crawl she sat in the middle and enjoyed it, as did Y/n who was squealing and giggling.


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