67| made her mad

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The way to end a perfectly happy month was not like this, today and yesterday, Y/n had been a little off. With her behaviour and her attitude, it was taking a turn and Natasha wasn't a fan of it, she was sick of the way her daughter was treating her.

Y/n wasnt a massive person to act up, she was a bit naughty and mischievous here and there but more than half of the time she was a pretty good girl in everyone's eyes, but when she wasn't good, she was terrible, not just a little bit naughty, very naughty.

"I am not very happy with your attitude!" Natasha scolded placing Y/n on the step, the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest with a sigh, leaning back and staring Natasha right into the eyes, Natasha narrowed her eyes at her and gave her a firm shake of her head.

"Sit here for 6 minutes please" She said sternly, Y/n rolled her eyes again but Natasha just left it not wanting to create to much of a big scene right now, it was just about lunch time and she wanted a peaceful lunch.

"Sit here for 6 minutes" Y/n mocked in a high pitched voice, Natasha froze and turned around to her daughter. Y/n let out a small giggle but covered her mouth as her mother started walking back over to her, crouching back down in front of her.

"If you do not quit now. You're going to bed. I'll take your toys out your room. You will not play" Natasha said sternly again, Y/n's eyes widened slightly as she shook her head quickly, Natasha nodded her head a little and then stood back up on her feet and walked away.

"What's going on with her?" Tony asked buttering some sandwiches and looking back at Y/n who was still sitting on the step, running her finger over the wood, Natasha let out a stressful sigh and shrugged her shoulders walking to make some coffee for herself which was needed right now.

"I have no idea, i'm not liking it though. I don't even know how to stop her" Natasha said running her fingers through her hair and shaking her head, she took her mug and held it to her lips, taking a large sip.

She was having a flowing conversation with Tony before a small body collided with hers causing her coffee to splatter everywhere and all over the floor, it took everything in her to not throw the mug on the floor but she held herself back and placed it on the counter, slightly roughly pushing Y/n off her and grabbing some paper towel.

"Why are you not on that step!" She asked, Y/n wrapped her arms around Natasha's waist and pushed her face into her mother's stomach, but Natasha managed to pull her back by her arm and crouch down in front of her.

"There was a spider on the step" Y/n pouted, and Natasha held her hand and took her back to the step forgetting she needed the paper towel to kill it with, she told Y/n to wait whilst she got it, Tony gave her a smirk as she rolled her eyes.

When she was making her way back to the step, she noticed Y/n was missing and there wasn't a spider anywhere to be seen, she held her scream in as she stormed into the living room checking that Y/n wasn't hiding about in there, ignoring everyone asking her questions.

Then she made her way to the bedrooms and her own but she wasn't in any of them, she looked out of Wanda's bedroom window and found her daughter jumping on the trampoline, anger bubbled inside of her as she stormed back downstairs and outside, opening the door angrily causing it to slam off the wall.

"Y/N ROMANOFF!!" Natasha shouted, Y/n let out a squeal but kept bouncing about on the trampoline. Natasha walked over to the trampoline, unzipping the zip and telling Y/n to come off, Y/n ignored her and kept jumping about.

"Y/n i'm giving you three seconds" Natasha spoke calmly, yet her daughter was still ignoring her and jumping about, in Natasha's head she slowly counted down from three giving Y/n a little more than three seconds before she reached zero and Y/n was still bouncing up and down.

"You know what, don't fucking listen to me then. I will not be doing anything for you today!" Natasha exploded, letting the words spill out her mouth before walking away. The girl stopped bouncing and watched as her mother walked away, she was confused and upset so she slipped off the trampoline and ran after her mom.

"Mama?" She called out running to the house, but before she could get there the door was slammed in her face, she grunted standing on her tip toes and tried to open up the door, she only just reached it and opened it up.

"Where's my mama gone?" Y/n asked jogging into the living room and asking anyone in there, most of them ignored her after watching the scene outside but Steve spoke up, in a strict way that Y/n hadn't heard before.

"Upstairs, to get some peace. Because all you have done, is give her attitude, she's your mother show her some respect" He said sternly, Y/n's chest hurt a little at his tone as she looked at everyone else who was just looking down or looking at her with disappointment, even Wanda, which made her tear up.

She ran out the living room and upstairs, banging on Natasha's door which was locked, she was banging her fists while sobbing her eyes out. She saw Clint come up the stairs and gave him a sad face, but he just shook his head and walked away, her face fell into a frown as she collapsed in front of Natasha's door.

"Mama i'm sorry!!" Y/n screamed banging the back of her head against the door, Natasha's door swung open causing Y/n to fly backwards, she looked up at Natasha who had a furious look on her face, Y/n scrambled to her feet and looked at Natasha.

"What do you want" Natasha spat, Y/n was shaking slightly with fear and took a step back, her eyes were searching her mothers face which was red from anger, Y/n let out a muffled sob and covered her mouth.

"M' sorry" Y/n spoke in a high pitched voice, her legs shaking with genuine fear. Natasha looked down at her daughters small body, her eyes widened slightly as she saw the state that her daughter was in, terrified of her own mother, Natasha went to take a step forward which made Y/n step back.

"Y/n" She whispered, Y/n erupted into some more louder cries, rubbing her eyes trying to get them to stop. Natasha bent down on the floor on her knees and gently placed her hands on top of her daughters, pulling them down from her face.

"Hi beautiful" Natasha whispered, Y/n's cries stopped in an instant as she looked at Natasha. She held her arms out and Y/n crashed into them, sobbing into her chest. Natasha held her daughter tightly, Y/n clung onto her mothers shirt pressing her face as far as it could go into her chest.

"I-I'm so sorry" Y/n sobbed furiously, Natasha shushed her and patted her back softly and gently, Natasha kisses her daughters head and stands back up to her feet holding Y/n on her front.

"Shh, calm down sweetheart" Natasha cooed bouncing her up and down slightly, Y/n wrapped her arms around Natasha's neck and gently laid her head down on her mothers shoulder.

"I'm sorry for attitude and i'll give you respect mama" Y/n cried out, remembering what Steve told her. Natasha frowned placing her hand on the back of Y/n's head and rubbing her thumb over her hair, gently pulling her head into her chest.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for shouting at you, and i definitely shouldn't have said a bad word to you, that was very bad from mama" Natasha spoke, Y/n nodded her head and hiccuped, snuggling right up to Natasha.

"Shall we get some lunch?" Natasha asked brushing the hair out of Y/n's face, she gave her mother a small nod and pulled back to look at Natasha, who smiled and leant forward placing a kiss to Y/n's cheek which made the girl blush.


didn't know how to end it 🤷🏻‍♀️

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