103| outburst at dinner

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The team had just completed a very important mission, it took a month, different members of the team were in and out. Natasha was away for a week total, Wanda would stay behind and watch Y/n and her kids and then swap with Natasha when it was needed.

Tony had thought of a brilliant idea of going out to dinner together. Unfortunately with the splitting of Wanda and Vision, the boys and Vision wouldn't be going. Which meant that for the first time in a few years, Y/n would be the only child again, which made her happy.

"I get to wear a dress!" Y/n said running up to her aunt Wanda and tugging on her t-shirt, Wanda covered her mouth and finished the food that was in her mouth, placing her biscuit down and brushing her hands together, leaning down and picking the girl up.

"You do, don't you! What color dress are you going to wear?" Wanda asked carrying Y/n to her bedroom, Natasha had to finish the remainder of the mission reports so Wanda took on the role of getting Y/n ready, Y/n hummed and swung her legs at the thought.

"Blue or Pink" She replied, she was torn between the 2 colors and didn't know which one to go for, her favourite color changed all the time and she had a beautiful blue dress, but then she wore the blue dress last time and had a nice pink one as well.

"You wore blue last time, why don't you wear the pink one" Wanda suggested placing Y/n down and switching the closet light on, Y/n nodded her head and ran into her closet rushing over to her pink dress and tugging it down, and running back to Wanda.

"Beautiful sweetheart, get dressed and meet me downstairs" Wanda kissed the girls head and disappeared, Y/n sat on her bed and changed herself into the pretty sparkly dress, once dressed she started to run downstairs to Wanda again, accidentally bumping into Natasha when she left her bedroom.

"Oh hello there darling" Natasha smiled, the girl looked up with a grin and held her arms up. Natasha chuckled and bent down, lifting her girl into her arms. Y/n giggles and wrapped her arms around her mothers neck, Natasha kissed her daughters cheek and placed her down on the bed.

"Are you excited for dinner sweetheart" Natasha picked out her suit and started getting changed, Y/n nodded her head and jumped around Natasha's bed, Natasha chuckled and reached back for Y/n when dressed and started to tickle her stomach making the girl squirm and giggle loudly.

A few hours later, everyone was ready to go out for dinner. Y/n was bouncing around holding Wanda and Natasha's hand, getting ready to leave the house. They were just waiting on Tony getting the last things together, they were taking the minivan which Y/n was excited about.

"I'm in the middle!" Y/n squealed and jumped into the van and sat herself in the middle of the seats, Natasha and Wanda got in either side of her. Y/n was squirming in her seat excitedly wanting Tony to drive faster to the restaurant making the rest laugh.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Y/n jumped over Wanda's lap and ran out the van, taking Steve's hand and jumping about she was excited to go out for a meal, she'd not been out in ages with everyone, especially after Tommy and Billy were born, Wanda would have to stay behind.

"Uncle Thor, stop being silly!" Y/n ordered pointing her finger at him, he was dancing around like an idiot. He raised his hands in surrender making everyone laugh at Y/n's bossiness, Natasha took Y/n's hand and led her into the restaurant so she'd stop shouting at her uncles.

"In between you and Wanda" Y/n said pushing Wanda into the booth and then crawling in beside her, she placed her hands on the table then reached out for the coloring, she picked the crayons and started to color happily, ignoring everyone around her.

"Pasta? Pizza or chicken" Natasha listed out, Y/n pointed to the pasta and then went back to coloring. Wanda ended up joining in with her drawing hearts around the page, she was enjoying herself very much. When Y/n was finished coloring, Natasha gave her her phone to keep her entertained, just until the food came.

Soon, the food was arriving. Natasha took her phone back and Y/n was patiently waiting, when her pasta came she was excited to dig into it. She excitedly took her fork and stabbed, circling and taking a massive chomp out of the food, immediately spitting it out after a bite.

"Mama! Mama! no, no" Y/n squealed kicking her legs, Natasha's head snapped to her daughter at her sudden outburst, Natasha panicked as tears started falling from Y/n's eyes and she started shaking her head rapidly, banging her body off of the booth behind her.

"Woah, calm down Y/n. What's the matter?" Natasha asked holding Y/n's body against her side and trying to calm her down but the girl sobbed into her mothers arm, pointing to her pasta that was sitting on the table and the fork was toppled over on the napkin.

"It's chunky" Y/n sobbed wiping her eyes, Natasha sighed and leaned forward poking around the food with the fork, she took a bit and took a bite, it wasn't even that chunky, Natasha rolled her eyes and placing the fork back down and lifted Y/n back up to sit straight.

"It's completely fine, eat up please your causing a scene" Natasha ordered, Y/n was left to cry silently to herself as Natasha ate her own food. Y/n was close to having another meltdown, Natasha was trying to get her to eat more but the girl seriously wasn't having it.

"No! It's too chunky" Y/n screamed pushing her body back against the booth behind her, banging her head right off of it, catching many adults attention. Natasha sighed and lead Y/n out of the booth, she lifted her girl into her arms and carried her out of the restaurant.

"Why are you crying" Natasha asked lifting Y/n higher up her body but the girl was wriggling like crazy and squirming about trying to get out of her mothers grip, she was hitting and kicking not wanting to be held so tightly by the woman.

"Stop this, enough Y/n. You're 10 years old, not a baby anymore" Natasha said placing Y/n on the ground by a wall, Y/n stomped her foot and rubbed her eyes furiously. Natasha sighed and took her hands in her own, rubbing her thumb over her knuckles and pressing kisses to her head.

"Enough now" Natasha whispered, Y/n hiccuped and wrapped her arms around her mothers neck and pressing her face into her shoulder. Natasha gave her a hug, squeezing her tightly and rubbing her back in hopes to calm her down fully enough to go back into the restaurant.

"Are you ready to go back in?" Natasha asked lifting Y/n back into her arms, Y/n gave her a shrug and Natasha took that to go back into the restaurant, as soon as she walked through the doors and the chatter and music started again, Y/n covered her ears with her hands.

"No mommy!" Y/n cried into Natasha's neck kicking her legs, Natasha gave the team a look and turned back around and left the restaurant. It was only a 10 minute walk home, she started slowly, carrying her daughter in her arms.

It wasn't a struggle as she lifted weights that were heavier than her daughter, Y/n was sniffling sadly into her neck apologising for her behaviour but Natasha was too soft to be mad as it wasn't her fault and she was just clearly overwhelmed by the food, music and people in there.

"It's okay baby, stop crying honey. Mama's not angry at you, it's not your fault" Natasha cooed rubbing her daughter back, even though she was 10, she was still Natasha's baby and still needed to be taken care off regardless of her age, Natasha would always be there for her, to carry her and to baby her.


Being a bridesmaid tomorrow!!!

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