74| where's my attention gone

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Natasha was furious with Y/n after her incident with school yesterday. She'd not spoken to her, she was beyond angry she knows that Y/n knows that violence is unacceptable, having a mother who fights is no excuse to have a fight yourself, are the words that Natasha spoke to her daughter before leaving her in her room.

It upset Y/n, she knew how angry and disappointed Natasha was at her and it was hurting her because Natasha wouldn't even look at her and if she did she could see the anger on her face and when she spoke the madness in her voice.

Falling asleep last night was a nightmare, and while she was only 7, her mind was racing with thoughts, all she could think about was that what if her mother hated her. It wasn't her fault she just lost complete control and if the girl hadn't stole her jacket in the first place, then nothing would have happened. She ended up crying herself to sleep softly, it was all the girls fault that her mother didn't like her anymore.

Breakfast was awful for her, she sat in the middle of many adults who all ignored her, she tried speaking but no one was listening. She ended up eating her food and wandering off to the living room where her aunt Wanda was sitting, with her twins.

"Hi Wan Wan" Y/n spoke with a smile, hoping that her second favourite person wasn't ignoring her, but the look her received from her told her other wise, she looked down at the floor. Surely everyone was overreacting, it wasn't a fighting fight but it was wrong so Y/n understood why she wasn't getting any attention.

The room slowly started filling up, and Y/n was still stood in the middle of the room with a finger in her mouth, not knowing what to do or where to do, who to go to or who to talk to. Soon enough, the whole team was in the room, one every sofa watching a show on the tv.

"Y/n can you move" Tony said rather harshly, Steve chirped up, also telling her to move so she walked away and stood behind the sofas by the door and watched as everyone relaxed, her eyes burning the back of her mothers head. She took a seat on the floor, crossing her legs and watching the tv.

"Such a cute baby" She heard her mother coo, her head shot up as she watched her own mother play around with her aunts baby. Tommy was took from Natasha by Steve and Billy was being passed around also and she watched everyone obsess over them, totally ignoring her own presence. She slowly stood to her feet and walked over to Natasha, softly placing her hand on Tommy's head.

"Careful Y/n, let's not be hitting the baby either" Clint joked making the room laugh, including her aunt and also including her mother. The young girls eyes filled up with tears, making her eyes burn. She let out a soft sob and ran out the room in tears, crying loudly as she ran up the stairs and straight to her bedroom.

"Alright, that wasn't funny" Tony snickered, the room stopped laughing when Y/n ran out but Tony was still laughing slightly, covering his mouth. Natasha bit the insides of her cheeks as she was lost in thought wondering wether to run after Y/n or not but when she heard a loud bang upstairs followed by a scream, she passed Tommy over to whoever was next to her and ran upstairs.

"Y/n??" Natasha called out, following the sounds of her daughter cries. She walked into Y/n's bedroom and found her sitting on the floor in front of her bookshelf with books all around her and clutching her head tightly as loud and painful wails escaped her mouth.

Natasha rushed over immediately and knelt down beside Y/n, taking her hand off her head and replacing it with her lips, letting them sit for a while before pulling back and lifting Y/n onto her lap and holding her against her chest and rocking her slightly, pressing kissed against her head.

"What happened, hm" Natasha asked softly running her hand through Y/n's hair and patting her back gently but all she got was cries as an answer, she gently shushed Y/n and rocked her again to help her calm down better.

"They all fell" Y/n hiccuped turning around and pointing to all the books on the floor as if it wasn't obvious that that had happened but Natasha just frowned and nodded her head asking why all the books had fallen down on top of her because it doesn't just happen randomly.

"I was going to b-bathroom and i couldn't see and ran into it" Y/n cried wiping her tears from her eyes, Natasha furrowed her eyebrows wondering as to why Y/n wouldn't be able to see, so that was the question that she asked her daughter.

"You all laughed at me, so i cried and ran here and couldn't see because i was crying" Y/n pouted sadly, her eyes filling up with fresh tears as she remembered everyone laughing at her, even Natasha. Natasha closed her eyes and punched herself in the face mentally, she took Y/n back into her chest and apologised.

"You've been so mean to me" Y/n's little voice squeaked, Natasha let a tear slip from her eye, she hated the thought of hurting her baby or making her feel upset and she knew what she had done and she felt awful for it.

"I'm so sorry" Natasha whispered kissing her daughters cheek and wiping her eyes with her shoulders, Y/n cried into her chest and clutched at her t-shirt, tugging it violently trying to be closer to Natasha, after the past day of no affection.

"You all ignore me and be'd mean. I didn't mean to fight her and i-i you laugh at me and not be nice to me. She took my jacket and i-i was comfy, you all ignored me last night and i never got a kiss or a cuddle" Y/n rambled out, mixing all her words up and creating incomprehensible sentences.

"Oh my baby, i'm so sorry. She shouldn't have took your jacket, hm? I'm sorry mommy was so mean to you, i'll never do it again and i promise it wasn't on purpose. I love you so much and i never want to hurt you" Natasha cried into Y/n's hair, holding her small head in her palms and kissing her forehead.

"Mkay, mama" Y/n whispered, feeling exhausted. Although breakfast had just passed an hour ago, crying as hard as she did and running into a bookshelf clearly tires you out, she cuddled up against Natasha's chest and wrapped her hand as best she would around Natasha's bicep.

"I'll make sure everyone apologises to you baby, you don't deserve anything like that at all" Natasha mumbled, pressing Y/n against her chest, Y/n gave her a weak nod of her head and let out a long sigh letting her eyes fall closed, mumbling something which Natasha couldn't tell what before falling asleep in her mothers arms, who swore from now on to protect her better.



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