37| too hot of a day

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Natasha woke up from her peaceful sleep to a damp head, a damp bed and a sweaty body next to her. This past week, it had been very hot, hotter than it has normally been in August, so it was Y/n's first time facing a heatwave like this.

Natasha rubbed her eyes with a groan whipping the sweat from her own forehead and turning her head to the side, she peaked an eye open seeing her baby asleep beside her, looking as if she'd ran a marathon in her sleep, but it was really just the hot weather.

She wiped the sweat from Y/n's forehead, chuckling slightly at the state of the two, being a pale redhead wasn't very easy in the summer, as all that happened was sweating nonstop. Natasha gently took a hold of Y/n's arms, giving it a light shake to wake her.

"Sweetheart, Y/n. Mama needs you to wake up now" Natasha sang softly into Y/n's ear, Y/n let out a small whine turning her head from side to side and bringing her small fist up to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes, she opened, looking at Natasha.

"Mama" Y/n whined dragging out the a, which made Natasha chuckle, she reached forward hooking her hands under Y/n's armpits and lifting her on top of her body. Her daughter sat up immediately tugging at the pyjama shirt she was wearing, Natasha took it off for her quickly.

"Why am i wet" Y/n asked tearing up, clearly still tired. Natasha frowned pulling her baby into her and sliding out of bed, making her way to the bathroom for a nice shower to wash off all the sweat that was sticking on to them currently at the moment.

"I know baby, it's just a bit hot today, come on jump in" Natasha said helping Y/n into the shower, Natasha following closely behind, Y/n turned her back to the water looking up at Natasha and holding her arms up, Natasha made her wait and scrubbed her body.

While Natasha was doing that, Y/n was fantasised by her mothers hair, tugging at her roots slightly and bending forward and hugging Natasha's head making it all a bit harder for her to see what she was doing, but she stood Y/n back up straight and finished off.

"There we go" Natasha sighed, Y/n held her hands up again signalling for her mama to lift her into her arms but Natasha needed to wash her own body, but she didn't want to upset her daughter, she let out a puff of air crouching down by her daughter.

"Can mommy finish cleaning herself up, then hold you?" Natasha asked, Y/n pouted but nodded her head looking down at the floor and falling down to her bottom with a splash, Natasha's heart broke and she washed her body as fast as she humanly could, before bending down again.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, come here" Natasha cooed lifting Y/n up and holding her on her front, they stood under the shower for another few moments just using it to cool off, before coming out and wrapping themselves in a towel each, Y/n was perched back on Natasha's hip.

"Mama it's hot" Y/n hiccups rubbing her eyes and pulling her body back from Natasha's and looking her in the eyes, Natasha nodded her head setting Y/n down on her bed and grabbing some lotion and some underwear, she may as well keep Y/n cool enough today.

"It is isn't it, do you want to just wear this today" Natasha asked holding the underwear up for Y/n who squealed and nodded her head, clapping her hands. Natasha chuckled, drying the rest of Y/n's little body off and slipping on her underwear, standing her back up.

"Mama turn" Y/n said excitedly rushing over to Natasha's drawers and attempting to open them and rummage through them so some clothes that Natasha could wear, but Natasha was quick to stop her before she found anything Natasha didn't want her to find, and sat her on the bed.

"Look, you tell me what i should wear and i'll get it, i don't want you getting hurt" Natasha wanted, she kept too many weapons in these drawers and she definitely didn't want her daughter cutting her finger open or slicing her arm off with one of these weapons here.

"Be like me!" Y/n cheered with a bright smile, her cute dimples showing in the sides of her cheek, her face turning pink with excitement and happiness, Natasha chuckled giving her head a small shake and pulling Y/n up onto her hip again , bringing her to her wardrobe.

"Okay, what clothes should mama wear though honey" Natasha asked letting Y/n look around for something her mother could wear today, she thought of a dress immediately and started to wriggle around to be put down, Natasha placed her on the floor and Y/n started running about looking.

"Dress, mama. Where are your dresses" Her daughter sighed crossing her arms, Natasha didn't own very many dresses, if any at all apart from a fancy dress that she'd wear to a party, but she did have a summer one hidden somewhere, so she knelt down trying to find it.

"What about this one baby, do you think mama should wear this" Natasha suggested bringing the summer dress out and fluffing it around to show Y/n, who gasped nodding her head instantly jumping on her feet and clapping her hands excitedly, smiling like crazy at how beautiful she'd look.

"It's pretty mama, come on" Y/n cheered swiping the dress from Natasha's hands and running back into her bedroom and placing the dress on the bed, climbing up herself and sitting on her knees waiting for Natasha to arrive back inside the room again, smiling as soon she did.

"Quick mama" Y/n groaned bouncing on the bed and flapping her hands, Natasha let out a dramatic sigh, making Y/n laugh and sat down on the bed and got herself dressed while Y/n talked about something completely random and off topic, but Natasha listened to her anyways.

After Natasha was ready, she took Y/n downstairs for some breakfast, as she walked into the kitchen she was met by a cold draft circling in to her surprise. All the doors in the compound were open, and the house actually seemed to be quite cool rather than hot.

"I'm dying" Thor dramatically said placing a hand on his forehead and falling to the floor, Y/n giggled loudly letting go of Natasha's hand and running over to Thor and taking a seat right on his stomach making everyone else in the room laugh at her, which only made her laugh at herself more.

"It's too hot" Clint murmured from the side, due to the back door being in the kitchen, everyone was huddled around there trying their best to keep cool in this excruciating heat. Y/n wasn't very aware of what was happening and was just running round trying or made everyone laugh, stopping at her aunt Wanda and crawling on her lap.

"Hey sweetie" Wanda said breathlessly fanning herself with a paper fan she'd made all by herself, Y/n giggled moving her head and body so now she was in view of the fan and the wind off it was hitting her face as well.

Natasha came and took a seat beside Wanda and Bruce using her hand to try and cool herself down, Tony came busting into the room holding a cooler and started to hand out some popsicles for everyone, they all cheered and thanked him, unwrapping their ice as fast as they could.

"Mama let me try" Y/n said leaning over Wanda's lap and poking her head against Natasha's opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out, Natasha placed the edge of the popsicle against Y/n's tongue before putting it away and lucky away the parts that were melting.

"Look Wan Wan's got a pink one!" Y/n said excitedly pointing over at Wanda's popsicle, she just laughed and pulled Y/n to her chest holding the popsicle in front of her so she could give it a try, Y/n squealed wriggling around on Wanda's lap before leaning forward and trying her popsicle.

"Mm, thank you" Y/n said politely licking her lips, Wanda laughed giving Y/n's belly a little tickle before Natasha took her from Wanda's lap so they could both share their popsicle. Once everyone was finished, they were all a bit more upbeat, the boys ran off to their rooms to find some swim shorts while Wanda and Natasha raced for their swimsuits, what a fun day this was going to be.


last bit isn't proof read 🫶🏻

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