43| gone for too long

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It's not a very nice feeling when your mama has been gone for so many days, Y/n was always sad. A lot sadder than she was the first time Natasha left for a mission, she would spend her days in Natasha's room, playing, eating and sleeping, she'd never leave, she couldn't.

Wanda knew it was the best option for her to be with Y/n to make sure nothing was going to happen so after making sure with Natasha, she spent her days also in Natasha's bedroom with the small girl, helping her eat, play, wash and change.

Of course it wasn't a problem as that is what an aunt is for, to help their nieces and best friends. Wanda was by Y/n's side the whole time, every time she cried she was there helping her out, she couldn't imagine what it was like for her, spending all her time with her mother then she disappearing for a month.

It'd only been a week, and at Y/n's age, she didn't quite know how long a month was, and she was getting confused with a week and a month so she'd thought that Natasha was coming home today, which broke Wanda's heart.

"Mama's home today" Y/n wiggled happily on the bed, reaching forward for her feet and pulling her socks off, tumbling back on the bed and jumping up and down as Wanda watched her, she slowly walked forward pulling the young girl down so she was sitting.

"Y/n sweetheart, mama isn't coming home today. You're getting confused with a week and a month, you've still got 3 more weeks love" Wanda said slowly, watching as Y/n's face completely fell and a frown plastered over her face, Wanda frowned cupping her nieces face in her hands as tears started to fall.

"I'm sorry" Wanda spoke sadly, Y/n's bottom lip poked out as her body began to shake with cries, tears spilling down her face for the fifth time in the last 12 hours which was understandable. Wanda lifted her up, placing her on her hip and made her way downstairs, deciding to grab some lunch to distract Y/n for a bit.

"I want my mama" Y/n cried into Wanda's neck, her cries echoed in the elevator as Wanda rocked her slightly giving her back a soft pat in sympathy, Y/n clutching so tight onto Wanda's shirt that her knuckles where turning white.

"I know you do my darling and she'll be home very soon but all we have to do is wait my sweetheart" Wanda said stepping out the elevator and making her way to the kitchen, pulling out some bread and cheese:

"Cheese sandwich?" Wanda asked, Y/n nodded her head sadly, as she leant forward helping Wanda unwrap the cheese and grate it all over her bread, giggling when the cheese would fall. After assembling it all together, it was handed over to her and a massive bite was taken out of it.

"Mm! Is yummy Wan Wan" Y/n said happily wiping her tears and holding up the bread which had a bite taken out of in front of Wanda's face so she could see, Wanda hummed nodding her head and taking a bite out of her own cheese sandwich.

"Wan Wan copy me!" Y/n squealed with a giggle and kicked her legs as she took another bite, Wanda hummed again, turning on the radio and started to sway her hips with her arms up in the air, Y/n burst out into a fit of giggles as her aunt danced.

"Wan Wan, you're so silly" Y/n spoke, Wanda laughed along with her, blowing her a kiss as the chorus came up and Wanda started dancing even harder causing Y/n to end up in stitches, more tears falling down her face this time with happiness.

"That was fun, we should have a dance party tonight!" Wanda joked walking back over to Y/n and taking her hands in hers, leaning over and rinsing them off in the sink as she'd finished her sandwich and needed a hand wash from all them crumbs and cheese bits.

Days had past, many days. Y/n was still missing Natasha very much, she'd wake up crying almost every night for Natasha, startling Wanda slightly when she did. All she wanted at the moment was to be curled up in Natasha's arms, and because she still didn't know how long a month was she wasn't very settled.

"It's okay, Y/n. Do you wanna know a secret?" Wanda says with a small smile placing a sobbing Y/n down on the floor hoping she would stand but she just collapsed down to her feet, but Wanda saw the nod she made her with head.

"Well my sweet girl, Mama is coming home today" Wanda blurted out, Y/n's cries immediately stopped and her head shot up to look at Wanda, she sniffles bringing her arm up to wipe her nose and eyes, looking at Wanda to make sure she wasn't lying.

"Mama's home?" Y/n asked tilting her head slightly, Wanda chuckled leaning down and lifting Y/n back up and onto her hip, giving her cheek a kiss and nodded her head, telling her that it was later on today though, she'd never seen Y/n so excited before.

"Mama's coming home!" Y/n cheered loudly throwing her arms up in the air, wriggling out of Wanda's grip, Wanda placed her on the floor and the girl was off like a bullet running through the compound, going up to all her uncles and telling them that her mama was coming home today.

"Really? Mama's coming home today?" Tony asked pulling Y/n onto his lap, who screamed nodding her head and kicking her little feet happily and falling back against Tony's chest, clapping her hands, Wanda smiled at Y/n and sat down on the sofa opposite her.

"Wan Wan" Y/n mumbled pulling herself out of Tony's arms and rushing over to Wanda, jumping on her lap and cuddling into her chest with a yawn, every time that Y/n would cry for Natasha she'd find herself shattered afterwards, she didn't want to sleep now thought because mama was home soon, so she forced herself to stay awake for her.

"Do you want to nap my love?" Wanda asked looking down at Y/n who was now seriously struggling to keep her eyes open, but Y/n shook her head firmly gripping on tightly to Wanda's arm.

"You're so tired though, look at you" Wanda said brushing Y/n's hair backwards, she shook her head again stubbornly and then sat up on Wanda's lap with a yawn and rubbed her eyes again, smiling tiredly up at Wanda who had an eyebrow raised but it didn't bother Y/n.

They decided on watching a movie, hopefully that way if Y/n was that tired she'd fall asleep watching it, but that girl was talented and she wasn't falling asleep yet, after movies and movies she stayed awake, Wanda was confused on how she hadn't had her nap and woke up already it'd been that long.

"What's that?" Y/n asked covering her ears, Wanda grinned and everyone else in the room smiled, Wanda swung Y/n up onto her hip and headed for the back door even though the little girl was curled up against her body with her hands over her ears to protect them for the loud whirling sound. Wanda gave Y/n a tap and placed her on the floor, she slowly twisted her head, her eyes widening at what she saw in front of her.


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