34| potty training

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Of course Natasha came back, she always did, she hadn't even got a scratch on her. She landed outside the compound, making sure all her weapons were secured tightly in her belt, she was walking toward the compound with a smile on her face, just imagining the look on her daughters face when she walked through the door.

Taking a deep breath, Natasha pushed the living room door open. Everyone was sat on the sofa's in the living room, Y/n was curled up beside Clint watching the movie so intently that she didn't realise her mother walking through the door, everyone else did though, Natasha placed her finger on her lips telling them to keep silent.

She wanted over slowly, then took a seat beside Y/n who's side was to her, all she had to do what turn her head and she'd see her mama sat beside her, the team tried not to laugh as after a minute Y/n was still clueless.

"It's almost bedtime missy" Natasha spoke taking a strand of Y/n's hair and twiddling it through her finger, Y/n let out a whine kicking her foot slightly and kept her eyes on the tv, totally oblivious to the fact Natasha was back.

"Y/n, it's almost bedtime i said" Natasha didn't want an answer from her, she just wanted Y/n to know she was back, but again Y/n kicked her feet with a louder whine clutching the pillow she had in her arms tighter.

Natasha sighed, tucking hair behind both her ears before leaning forward, her hair coming back out anyways, placing her head right in front of Y/n's, she let out a smile and waved her hand a little bit, Y/n's eyes met Natasha and opened wide.

"Mama!!" Y/n screamed loudly launching herself off the sofa and into Natasha's arms, almost sending her flying backwards, but Natasha caught herself with her hand behind her.

"Hey my sweet girl" Natasha said happily hugging Y/n back with the same amount of force, Y/n was giggling like mad, smiling so hard into Natasha's chest that her cheeks where starting to hurt.

"Your back! your back!" Y/n repeated bouncing on Natasha's lap, Natasha nodded her head giving her baby another hug, answering all the questions the team had to ask her, all while comforting her little girl in her arms.

It was lovely when Natasha came back, Y/n wasn't crying as much as she was when Natasha was gone, Wanda found it hard to keep Y/n from crying most of the day so she just stuck on the tv, it was hard for Wanda because Natasha wasn't there to reassure her, but she got through it.

Fast forwarding a few days, Y/n was back to being herself again. She was still a bit worried now and then that Natasha was having to go back on a mission, and it was obvious that she was a lot more clingy now, which was fine by Natasha.

"Y/n, come here love" Natasha said happily holding her hand out for Y/n, she ran straight through Steve's legs making everyone laugh and threw herself at her mama, wrapping her arms around her shoulder and giving her a hug.

"I've got something to show you baby" Natasha said excitedly lifting Y/n up on to her hip and carrying her upstairs, she carried her through into her bedroom and straight to the bathroom, placing Y/n on the ground and holding her hand over the door knob of the cabinet.

"In here is something special" Natasha said, Y/n bounced on her feet excitedly placing hand over Natasha's and trying to pull it open, Natasha chuckled before slowly opening the cabinet door, when it opened it revealed a pink and purple potty with some my little pony figures on it.

"Wow mama, what's that!" Y/n said happily reaching out for the plastic and pulling it to her chest, Natasha smiled closing the door and standing back up placing her hand on Y/n's back and guiding her back through to the bedroom and sitting her up on the bed.

"This baby, is a potty and it's for big girls like you, whenever you need to do a pee or a poop you tell mommy and we'll use this, because you also, get to wear these" Natasha said pulling out some pairs of big girl underwear, Y/n gasped covering her mouth with her hands and kicking her feet.

"Mama i'm a big girl, i can wear them!" Y/n beamed, Natasha nodded her head handing over the packets of underwear, they were snatched off her instantly and Y/n inspected them seeing all sorts of different cartoon characters on them.

"I wanna wear them please" Y/n spoke cutely holding the pack out in front of Natasha, but Natasha knew that she couldn't just put Y/n in them, it was going to take some time, a lot of time especially as Natasha hadn't started doing this earlier on.

"Not yet Y/n, you have to tell mama whenever you need to do the potty and i'll bring you here. If you do that, then we can start to wear these, alright?" Natasha requested, Y/n let out a sad whine and dropped her head but also nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay baby, all you need to do is tell mama when you need a wee wee alright?" Natasha asked, Y/n nodded her head again wrapping her arms around Natasha's neck, getting ready for her to carry her downstairs, Natasha placed the potty back into the bathroom and went back downstairs.

Days had past, Y/n was getting good at telling Natasha when she needed to do her business, it had actually worked as well, unlike other children who just sit on the potty for hours on end while their parents wait for them to do something.

Today though, Natasha wanted to try some big girl panties, she wasn't going to be upset or mad if Y/n had an accident. Y/n was thrilled to finally be turning into a proper big girl now, she chose her first pair of underwear which was the pink paw patrol ones with a little skye on the front.

Natasha kept Y/n pant-less though incase it was too soon and there wasn't enough time for all the faff, of course Y/n being Y/n, she'd gone round the whole compound showing her new big girl panties off to everyone, they were all very confused and how no idea how to respond.

"Mama, go" Y/n said, the time had came and her and Natasha rushed off to the downstairs bathroom, Natasha sat Y/n on the potty holding onto her hands as they gripped her arms, Natasha cheered and clapped her hands when Y/n started.

"I'm so proud of you, look at that. It's only taken a few days my love" Natasha was so happy, she'd read that potty training could take so long for children, she'd never expected Y/n to be so quick with it, understanding everything.

There was a few accidents here and there, some days Y/n would be too focused with playing with her toys or watching tv that she'd forget to tell Natasha and then have an accident, and it did upset her, she wanted to feel like a big girl, and she couldn't if she kept wetting herself.

Natasha was keeping her diapers ok at night though as that was on more advance, she was also keeping track of their potty training, a sticker was being placed on the chart that was on the fridge and Y/n would get a treat at the end of the day if she was able to communicate well, Natasha couldn't quite tell what Y/n liked more, the cool underwear or the treat at the end of the day.


again i have no clue how potty training works so bear with i definitely rushed it though i'm sorry

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