127| her lady days begin

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"Honey, you'll be fine by the morning" Natasha said rubbing Y/n's back, she was curled on the sofa clutching her stomach, she'd said to Natasha that she had pains in her stomach this morning but they weren't too major, so Natasha send her off to school.

Natasha was called into Y/n's school to pick her up because she wouldn't do anything, she says her stomach was really sore, Natasha believed her and as soon as she got home she lay on the sofa whimpering and crying in pain, and now, she was still whimpering and crying in pain on the sofa.

"Mommy it's so sore" Y/n sobbed, Natasha was kneeling on the ground next to Y/n who was on the sofa, Wanda brought her a hot water bottle to place on her stomach and Natasha was stroking her head and trying to make her feel better.

"Shh baby, it's alright. You're okay" Natasha whispered and leaning forward kissing her head, Y/n wailed and started squirming about before she sat up, she ignored the little bit of nausea when she did and let out a shaky sigh and she wiped her tears and went to stand up.

"Need the toilet" Y/n mumbled standing up, Natasha let out a gasp at the sigh she was seeing, confused, Y/n looked down, she also let out a gasp, one a lot louder than Natasha's, it took her another moment to process before she let out a piercing scream.

Natasha jumped at the scream and scrambled to her feet holding Y/n in her arms, Wanda rushed into the room along with a few of the boys. She let out a sigh which sounded like a relief sigh, Y/n was sobbing in Natasha's arms, Natasha knew what it was, it just took her by surprise.

"Bring her upstairs to my room Nat" Wanda said, Natasha nodded her head and rubbed Y/n's back, she shooed the boys out the room and kissed the side of her daughters head, she bent down and slid her daughters shorts off of her.

"Come on my love, you'll be okay" Natasha said bringing Y/n up into her arms, Y/n sobbed into her mothers neck as Natasha carried her upstairs to Wanda's room, her beating so fast but she also felt quite happy, her little baby was now turning into a woman.

"Give her a quick shower to clean her up, use this, ive showed you before but i'll show you again, i'll go get Y/n some underwear and pyjamas" Wanda said before rushing out the room, Natasha turned the water on and got Y/n into the shower.

The girl was still confused as the what was happening but with Natasha and Wanda's calm reaction's she managed to calm herself down, Natasha cleaned her up as Wanda came back with pyjamas and clean underwear. Y/n was lifted out shower in a towel as Wanda started showing the pair what to do.

"In the morning you're going to want to change it, then repeatedly throughout the day" Wanda explained, Y/n nodded her head on Natasha's shoulder. Wanda left the bathroom as Natasha got her daughter dressed up, she dried her hair briefly with the towel before plaiting it.

"Do you wanna sleep with mommy tonight?" Natasha asked, Y/n sniffled wiping her nose and nodded her head holding her arms up, Natasha lifted her daughter into her arms and left the bathroom, and instantly started thanking Wanda for about 10 minutes before Y/n started whining to go to bed.

Natasha took Y/n back to her room, she placed her on the bed and started to change herself into her own pyjamas, ignoring the cries from her daughter behind her, after Natasha was ready for bed, she shuffled into bed beside Y/n and felt the girl cling onto her right away.

"Sleep darling" Natasha whispered, she pulled her daughter close to her, Y/n's cries stopped and Natasha replaced her daughters hand with her own and started rubbing Y/n's stomach. Y/n managed to fall over a few minutes afterwards, she'd been in a lot of pain and had been crying most of the day.

The next morning Natasha was woken up by Y/n shaking her arm, the girl was in tears yet again clutching her stomach. Natasha sat up quickly with a small groan and rubbed her eyes, she got out of bed and took Y/n by the hand leading her to the bathroom.

She helped her change what was needed and everything before taking Y/n downstairs for some breakfast, the girl was wanting some yogurt and fruit so of course Natasha had to give her whatever she wanted, Y/n even got to eat on the sofa watching Tv.

"So you know what your period means right?" Natasha said stroking Y/n's hair, she did not want to be the one who had to explain it to Y/n, when Y/n shook her head and shrugged her shoulders Natasha sighed and looked at Wanda for help.

"Alright, basically to put everything short, when you have your period, you can't be pregnant, and it happens every month for around 3-7 days" Wanda briefly explains, Natasha smiles awkwardly as Y/n nods her head in understanding.

"So I can be pregnant?" A loud chorus of 'no's' were circled around the room by every adult in there. Y/n jumped a little bit before pulling an angry face and leaning back into the side of Natasha, there was a bit of awkward silence as the team watched the tv before Y/n spoke up again.

"Do you have a period?" Y/n asked looking up at her mother, the tension in the air got even more thick as everyone avoided looking Natasha's way, Natasha swallowed the lump in her throat and shook her head, she didn't want to say anything offensive to Y/n at the moment.

"We can talk about why mommy doesn't have periods another day, okay" Natasha said, Y/n nodded her head and looked back at the Tv, Wanda placed a hand on Natasha's shoulder and gave it a rub and have her a sympathetic smile, the day Natasha told Y/n, was a day both hearts will be broken.


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