159| her last day

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As soon as Y/n woke up, she curled back into Natasha's chest, bringing the duvet up over her head and even putting her hands down Natasha's t-shirt to warm them up, Natasha hummed and wrapped an arm around her daughter as she continued to sleep, unaware of Y/n's struggles to keep warm.

Today Natasha had planned out a day to meet up with Miss Kate, Natasha had seen a massive improvement in Y/n since she was took out of school, the girl was evidently so much happier now and less and less meltdowns were also occurring which made it great for Natasha.

"Mama, i'm cold" Y/n whines trying to snuggle further into Natasha for warmth, but Natasha was snuggling into Y/n because she was still tired, Natasha let out a small groan and brought her hand up, sliding it under Y/n's t-shirt at the back and rubbing her back gently.

"It Miss Kate day?" Natasha wasn't too sure if Y/n was asking a question or wether she was stating the fact that it was the day that they were going out for lunch and ice cream with Miss Kate, Natasha nodded her head with a hum though.

Y/n sat up, placing her hand on Natasha's chest and rubbing her hair out of her face with a hum, Natasha smiled and looked up at her daughter who seemed exhausted, she was extremely excited last night because of the events today, so she had to rest her energy.

"Do you want to go pick out an outfit first, or shall we get breakfast?" Natasha asked copying Y/n and sitting up, running her hand through her daughters crazy hair, Y/n yawned and scooted closer to Natasha, playing her head on her shoulder and shrugging.

"Are you hungry?" Natasha asked, Y/n nodded her head and let out another yawn making Natasha chuckle, Natasha swung her legs out of bed and took Y/n's hand, bringing her out of the bed and getting her to follow her down stairs for some breakfast.

"Wanna see Miss Kate now" Y/n whines swinging Natasha's arm, it'd been 2 months already and Y/n was severely missing her, she was constantly asking for her, Natasha finally emailed Miss Kate and they found a date to meet up that they were both free for, for some ice cream.

"We will soon honey, at lunch time, because we're gonna have some lunch with Miss Kate then get ice cream" Natasha said placing her hand on Y/n's back and letting her walk into the kitchen first, Y/n let out another whine and turned around to Natasha with a pout.

"I wanna see her now" Y/n said stomping her foot on the ground making Natasha raised her eyebrow, she knew that if Y/n acted out or misbehaved in away way, that she'd postpone the lunch trip and ice cream trip with Miss Kate to another day.

"Sit down, don't strop, any more attitude and i'll be cancelling it Y/n" Natasha spoke sternly, she needed Y/n keep this good behaviour up, she was happy because Y/n was happy and she couldn't afford Y/n to go backwards anymore than she already had with her life.

"You're mean!" Y/n huffed crossing her arms over the table and sending a glare over to Natasha, Natasha turned around slightly with a glare of her own, Y/n quickly realised she shouldn't have said that, she let out a small smile hoping that she wouldn't be in trouble.

"You are so cheeky" Natasha couldn't help but also smile, just seeing her daughter smile made her smile and happy, she turned back around to finish preparing breakfast before serving it up to her daughter who thanked her sweetly and dug straight into her food, clearly hungrier than she thought.

Once breakfast was finished, dishes were cleared away and Y/n got dressed whilst Natasha jumped in the shower, making it a quick one, by the time that Natasha was out, for the first time in so long if forever, her daughter wasn't hovering about waiting for her outside the door.

Natasha smiled, happy that Y/n was becoming a step further with a lot of things, Natasha got herself ready, dressed, hair and makeup before she went downstairs, her daughter still not running into her room whilst she was getting ready, instead, in the living room with a coloring book.

"Hi sweetie, we're leaving soon, do you want to go out your shoes on?" Natasha said placing her hand and head on the door frame, speaking up after watching her daughter for a few moments, Y/n looked up and smiled at Natasha nodding her head and standing to her feet.

Y/n gave Natasha a quick hug around the waist before rushing off to get her shoes, she sat at the bottom of the stairs and Natasha watched from afar as she struggled with her laces, Natasha could see Y/n's temper running low and wanted to help.

But the girl needed to be more independent, so Natasha waited it out a little bit to see if she'd be able to do the laces, Natasha didn't want a meltdown and knew when to jump in if she needed too, but her face lit up with joy when she tied them.

"Good girl, well done my love" Natasha said running her fingers through Y/n's hair, Y/n smiled shyly and hid her face against Natasha's right boob making Natasha laugh and rub her back, they got their jackets on and Natasha took her scarf, next, they were out the door.

Natasha and Y/n look a little stroll to the café they were going to, to meet Miss Kate there, hand in hand the pair walked down to the shop, Y/n jumping and swinging about, Natasha watched her with a smile as she was just completely being herself today.

"Where is she mama, what if she doesn't come?" Y/n panicked flapping her hands about, tears already made their way to her eyes, the time they were meeting Miss Kate at was 1, and it was only 12:52 right now so they still had 10 minutes.

"Calm down honey, we're ten minutes early my love" Natasha soothed rubbing Y/n's shoulder, Y/n turned and buried her head into Natasha's side, she was probably the most impatient person that Natasha knew, she was finding ways to entertain herself, like running around Natasha and jumping across the white lines.

"I see a special someone" Natasha smiled, Y/n's head shot up as she gripped Natasha's hand tighter standing on her top toes, seeing Miss Kate in the distance walking with a smile on her face when noticing the little bundle of joy jumping about around her mother.

"Miss Kate!!" Y/n screamed letting go of Natasha's hand and running over to the teacher, Miss Kate stopped walking and held her arms out, letting the girl crash right into her, holding her tightly, pressing kisses to her head and rubbing her back, Y/n just held the woman as tight as she could.

"How are you sweetheart" Miss Kate said pulling Y/n back and taking her by the hand as they walked back over to Natasha, Y/n rambled on about being taught school work at home and even mentioned that she was having not a lot of tantrums anymore.

"That's wonderful my love, hi Natasha, how are you?" Miss Kate said embracing Natasha in a hug also, Natasha smiled and told her that she was amazing, then reversing the question back to her, Y/n jumped around Miss Kate as they both spoke before entering the café.

"I missed you" Y/n mumbled leaning into the side of Miss Kate, Miss Kate chuckled and wrapped her around Y/n's body, rubbing her arm, Natasha smiled at the connection between the two, she loved how close they were, if it weren't for Miss Kate her girl would've been completely alone.

"I missed you too babe, the school is so, quiet without you" Miss Kate joked, Y/n smiled shyly and looked at Natasha who was staring at her with a great hug smile. Soon it was time to order some food, and of course Y/n ordered mac and cheese.

"I like mac and cheese" Y/n spoke looking up at Miss Kate and wiggling about on her seat, Miss Kate's eyes widened to Y/n as she brought up her shoulders with a smile, giving her a warm look as she ate her own food.

"And Mama always gets the chicken stuff" Y/n spoke before shoving a big forkful of pasta into her mouth, Miss Kate laughed as Natasha let out a small awakrd chuckle pushing around her food, Y/n looked up at Natasha and smiled making Natasha smiled and pick up her food.

The girls spoke for some time more before Natasha announced she needed to toilet, Miss Kate was fine keeping Y/n where she was and wandered off to the toilets, she opened the door and done all her business, blah, blah, blah, but as Natasha stepped foot outside of the toilets, she found herself...


Natasha was falling through a black void, she tried screaming for someone but nothing came out, until everything went black, would she even see her daughter again?



posting this now because i'm going for a nap and don't want to wake up at like 1am and not have posted

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