128| lost at the mall

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The week for Y/n had gone amazingly, her school days had gone excellent and she'd had no problems with teachers or students. Natasha decided she was going to reward Y/n hoping that this can continue, so what better way is there than to go to the mall!

Y/n was going to be able to pick out anything she wants, because being honest they weren't exactly on a budget, and Tony was extremely proud of Y/n and let her use his card, Natasha was super excited to be going out shopping with her daughter.

"Right cheeky, i know you and i know you'll be wandering this place, but you can not do that okay. No wandering or else you might get lost, understand?" Natasha said, Y/n nodded her head, yet it was clear she wasn't paying attention as she was swinging her legs out the car and looking at the mall.

"Yes! Yes! Can we go mama" Y/n squealed, Natasha rolled her eyes playfully and held her hand out, Y/n jumped out and squeezed Natasha's hand as she followed her to the entrance of the mall, Y/n was almost at the point of dragging Natasha, which made her hurry along.

"Okay, choose a store first, you get 1 thing out of every store we go to" Natasha loved spoiling Y/n, it was her favourite thing to do, she never got any of this as a kid so she's giving everything Y/n wants, of course only when she deserves it though.

"If your behaviour decreases Y/n, these will be taken off you" Natasha said strictly, Y/n frowned and nodded her head as she continued to wander about the store, after finally picking something out Natasha paid for it and the pair were off to the next store.

The girl had been shopping for hours, Natasha wanted to take a little lunch break as she had been running after Y/n all day and her legs were starting to tire out, but of course Y/n wanted to continue shopping but Natasha's rules came first.

They'd been in and out of the mall putting bags in the car as Natasha and Y/n's arms were too full to hold them so they deserved a little break, Natasha led Y/n into a café and they both took a seat at the table and Natasha picked up the menu.

"Sandwich or pasta baby" Natasha asked looking up at Y/n who was playing with the napkins, she'd always done that and it drove Natasha insane, she was always ripping them to shreds and making a massive mess that Natasha would then have to clean up.

"None, what else is there" Y/n frowned standing up from her seat and standing next to Natasha, Natasha wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in pointing to the meals on the menu, Y/n ended up picking out a pizza which was easy enough to eat without a mess.

"Now, what does mama get?" Natasha hummed, Y/n shrugged and shimmied herself onto Natasha's lap, she was sitting sideways on her lap looking over at the wall but leaning in sideways on Natasha's lap, Natasha chose a chicken salad for herself.

Natasha patted Y/n's thighs whilst they waited for the waiter to come over, when he took their orders, Y/n was blabbering on about something to do with pizza whilst Natasha zoned out a little and kept humming responses to whatever Y/n was saying.

"Mama's going to the toilet, you wait here" Natasha said sliding Y/n off of her lap, of course Y/n followed her and grabbed onto her hand, the restroom was packed and Y/n had to wait outside the stall whilst Natasha done her business, Y/n was looking around and jumped at the sound of the hand dryer.

Y/n took a few steps back by accident from it, she then looked back at the stalls completely forgetting which one Natasha was in, she bit her lip as she waited for one to open, she felt like she waited ages so she went back out to the table.

When Y/n got back to the table Natasha wasn't there, Y/n couldn't see her bag (because it was placed on the chair) so she assumed the worse and that Natasha had left, she ran out of the café and started running around the mall.

Natasha came out of her stall, she sighed as she walked over to wash her hands, she looked down the side of her expecting to see Y/n beside her, when she didn't she frowned her eyebrow, panic rose inside of her when she couldn't find Y/n in the restrooms all together.

She ran out of restroom and back to the table but Y/n wasn't there, she immediately ran up to the ordering counter and asked if they'd seen a small red head run out, the cashier pointed to where she saw Y/n ran and Natasha was out there like a bullet.

Meanwhile, Y/n was on the other side of the mall, Natasha and her both running in opposite directions, Y/n used her knowledge of what to do if she ever lost her mother in public and ran back to where she was before she lost her.

"I lost my mommy" Y/n said running over to the cashier that Natasha had just spoken too, the cashier rushed out from behind the counter and bent down next to Y/n she took her to where her and Natasha were previously sat, Natasha's bag still on the chair.

Natasha had realised she left her bag in the café, so as quickly as she could she rushed back to where it was, her heart skipped a beat when she saw her daughter sitting in a strangers lap struggling to breathe, she rushed over in an instant.

"Oh my baby" Natasha said rushing over, she took Y/n off the strangers lap and brought her to her chest, she thanked the stranger who happened to be the cashier over and over again, Y/n gasped into Natasha's chest trying seriously hard to catch her breath again as it felt as though she couldn't breath.

Natasha grabbed her bag as quick as she could, thanking the cashier again before running out, she sat on the first bench she saw with Y/n on her lap, she placed her hands on Y/n's cheeks and blew on her face.

"Take some breaths baby, it's okay mommy's here with you now" Natasha said stroking her girls cheeks, Y/n cried and gasped for air, Natasha bit her lip as she panicked Y/n had never had something like this before and didn't quite know what she should be doing.

"Baby, deep breaths, in and out my love copy me" Natasha spoke slowly, she looked Y/n dead in the eye and managed to calm her daughter down, enough so her chest wasn't heaving as much as it was before, she pulled Y/n into her and rocked her side to side, she was never going to let Y/n out of her sight again now.



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