150| fifteen and fourty four

755 38 26


For the 15th time, it was Y/n's birthday once again, and for Natasha, the 44th time
but no one needed to be aware of that, unfortunately, Y/n had been a bit ill these past few days and was still ill the night before her birthday, throwing up and high temperature.

Natasha kept Y/n in the middle of her and Maria that night, keeping a tight arm wrapped around her, Y/n did wake up in the middle of the night coughing and spluttering everywhere, rushing to the bathroom to throw up, sobbing heavily afterwards to Natasha.

In the morning, Natasha was awoken by coughing and wriggling about, she tiredly opened her eyes and let out a small groan, raising her arms and stretching them out, she looked down at Y/n who was whimpering and trying to move closer to Natasha, which wasn't very easy as she was already pushed against her.

"Honey, calm down" Natasha whispered rubbing Y/n's bare back, Y/n whimpered and brought her hand up to rub her eyes with, Natasha shuffled in bed a bit more so Y/n could comfortably lean her head on her mothers chest, which caused her to calm a little.

A soft knock at the door was what Natasha heard, she lifted up her head and saw Maria slowly come into view with a full tray in her hands, Natasha's eyes widened and a smile over took her frown, Maria smiled back and gently placed the tray down on the mattress.

"Happy Birthday my loves" Maria spoke leaning over and kissing Natasha before leaning down and kissing the back of Y/n's head, Y/n grunted making the women laugh, Natasha thanked Maria over and over again and watched as Y/n moved to sit up at the mention of fruit.

"I want that please" Y/n mumbles tiredly pointing to the raspberries in the bowl, Maria chuckled and reached over passing the bowl to Y/n, Y/n took it with a smile and shyly thanks her, turning her body into Natasha's side, facing away.

"Happy Birthday mama" Y/n grinned looking up at Natasha and popping a raspberry in her mouth, Natasha laughed and looked at Maria with a smile before looking back down at Y/n and booping her nose, leaning down and kissing her forehead, which was still sweaty and hot.

"Thank you lovely, happy birthday to you too" Natasha giggled, Y/n laughed and sat up in a better position and eating another raspberry as Maria disappeared out the room to get drinks, as Natasha leant over, Y/n's stomach started to hurt again causing her to groan and clutch it.

"Oh baby, your tummy sore?" Natasha asked bringing the tray onto her lap so it was easier access to eat off for both of them, Y/n nodded her head with a whimper and placed the bowl of raspberry away and turned into Natasha's body, hiding herself and holding her stomach.

"Mommy why is it still sore" Y/n cried, Natasha brought her hand back and started to rub Y/n's back, she knew the girl could sometimes be a little over dramatic when it came to pain or being sick, Natasha popped half a strawberry into her mouth before lifting Y/n up.

"Just relax honey, Maria's bringing us a drink" Natasha said rubbing Y/n's arm, the girl nodded tiredly and played around the Natasha's shorts whilst the pair waited for Maria to return, and when she did she returned with a coffee for Natasha and a water for Y/n.

"Thank you honey" Natasha smiled taking her coffee and placing it on her bedside table, along with the bottle of water for her daughter, Maria smiled and sat down on the bed next to the mother and daughter and placed a gentle hand on Y/n's back.

"Still not feeling great?" Maria asked moving her hand to rub Y/n's back a little bit, the girl grunted and pressed her face into Natasha's chest again making Natasha laugh and Maria smile, Natasha shook her head and looked down at her daughter, brushing the hair away from her face.

"No, i don't know what it is, normally her being sick lasts a few days but it's almost been a week" Natasha said, her voice slightly laced with panic, Maria was quick to jump in and shake her head, placing her hand on top of Natasha's which was on her girls back.

"Don't panic Tasha, it's nothing serious just a little bug" Maria soothed, Natasha took in a deep breath and then let it out smiling at Maria and nodding her head, looking back down at Y/n who had a grin on her face and looked like she was giggling to herself.

"Tasha" Y/n giggled, Natasha raised her eyebrows playfully, Y/n looked up at Natasha and started to giggle more and Natasha looked over at Maria with a slight look of confusion as to why Y/n was laughing, especially over the word Tasha confused her more.

"Tashy" Y/n giggled, Natasha's eyes narrowed, she hated that name, Yelena used to call her that when she was younger and it would just piss her off, it sounded so strange and disgusting to Natasha, but clearly Y/n found it funnier than anything in the world.

"Alright, alright, stop with the nicknames" Natasha said placing her hand over Y/n's mouth to stop her from blabbering, Maria laughed and leant over to Natasha for a kiss, if she didn't get going, she was going to be late for work, she also kissed Y/n's head and left the room quietly.

"Mama i'm 15 now" Y/n mumbled, Natasha nodded her head feeling a wave of sadness overcome her, how Y/n was 15 she knew never, she remembered when Y/n was three months old and she was crying over how big she was getting, now look at her.

"I know honey, you've grown up too fast" Natasha smiled ticking under Y/n's chin making the girl squeal and giggle and wriggle about, Natasha laughed and pulled Y/n back up, Y/n smiled and reached for the raspberries again, bringing them in her arms and eating them.

"Hey! No! Mama!! They're mine" Y/n shouted and turned her whole body away from Natasha, shielding the raspberries from Natasha, Natasha's eyebrows raised up again and she leaned to the side and picked up the remote to turn the tv on with, pulling Y/n's waist so she was facing her again.

"Urh, Y/n. It's a big bowl, share them or else you won't have them" Natasha said pulling the bowl off of Y/n, Y/n let out a whine and reached for them but Natasha placed it back on the tray, still in reach for her.

"Stop eating all the raspberries" Natasha teased and tickled Y/n's stomach which made her wriggle about again, Natasha smiled and once again lifted her up to sit up next to her, Y/n grasped her forehead and let out a small whimper, as did Natasha, which was strange.

"Honey does your head hurt" Natasha asked with a hiss, Y/n whimpered again and nodded her head, letting a tear fall down her face, this was worse than throwing up, it felt as though someone was hitting her with a hammer, Natasha was the same, a second later, everything went black for both girls.


... 😮

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