98• His New Tattoo

Start from the beginning

"Kiddo! Listen to me." He tried to explain to her pregnant girlfriend, but she was not in the mood. When there were no more pillows left on the bed, she picked up a flower vase from the table to throw at him.

"Kiddo, what are you doing? Have you lost it?" He became frightened and yelled, hiding his face with his hands.

When he heard her sobs, he moved his hand away from his face and looked at her with guilt in his eyes.

"It's not fair, Cole, that you left us alone and went on a bike ride." She whined and began crying as she sat on the bed, and he rushed towards her and knelt in front of her.

"Look at me, love." He purred, holding her hands on her lap, and she slowly raised her moist eyes to him.

"I'm sorry, Kiddo. I had no idea that my surprise would make you cry." He gently wiped her tears away with his thumb, and her eyes sparkled and her anger faded as she heard the word "surprise."

"Surprise?" She excitedly arched her brows at him.

"I wanted to surprise you, but you got hurt. I'm so-" Before he could apologise to her again, she placed her finger on his lips, brimming with anticipation.

"Forget everything and tell me what surprise you're talking about, Cole." She asked, her eyes glistening like a child with delight. Nobody could say that she was yelling at him in anger just a few seconds ago.

She was having severe mood swings during her pregnancy, and because Cole had grown accustomed to them within a week, he was not surprised by how quickly her mood changed.

When he lifted his shirt sleeves, she saw his new tattoo on her forearm and her eyes sparkled with delight, and a smile spread across her face.

'Our family is growing by two feet,' with an image of baby feet inked on his forearm. She softly caressed it, beaming.

"Do you like it, Kiddo?" He asked her

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"Do you like it, Kiddo?" He asked her.

"Like? Cole, I really loved it. It's breathtaking." She smiled in delight, and he smiled as well after seeing his kiddo's smile.

"Our family." As she stroked and whispered the words 'our family,' tears of joy rolled down her cheek, and a beatific smile did not fade from her face.

"Again tears? Kiddo, I didn't do this to make you cry." He gently rubbed off her tears.

"I'm not crying, these are the tears of joy, Cole. I'm so delighted. Our baby is coming." She squealed, hugging him tightly. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Our baby also loves this tattoo." She told him with glee and giggled as they pulled apart.

"Really? Dadda loves you, my princess." He spoke while staring at her tummy, and then leaned down and kissed it. When he talked to their baby like that, she felt a different kind of happiness.

"I'm so sorry for shouting at you, Cole. You gave me a surprise, and I ignored you and became enraged with you." She suddenly felt guilty for yelling at him.

"Don't feel sorry, love. I can understand." He blinked his eyes at her, softly caressing her cheek.

"You have no idea how empty I felt when I woke up and didn't see you beside me. You already know how much I love waking up in your arms. Couldn't you surprise me in the evening?" She chastised him, becoming furious once more.

"Fuck, her mood swings!" He muttered, irked.

'Cole, this is only the beginning. You'll have to deal with it for nine months, so it'll be better if you get used to it. Now, handle her before she becomes even more enraged. You can do it.' He encouraged himself.

"I promise I'll keep this in my mind next time, Kiddo." He gave her a promise and kissed her knuckles after clasping her hand.

"You're so sweet, Cole." Feeling his lips on her hand, she again became normal, and he sighed with relief.

As her eyes fell on his tattoo, her eyes shimmered with happiness again. "This tattoo has become my favourite." She softly traced her fingers on his new tattoo with a smile on her face.

"I love you, my hottie biker and soon-to-be hottie daddy." She encircled her arms around his neck and whispered against his lips before kissing him chastely. He grabbed her waist and devoured her lips passionately by pulling her closer to him.

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