Chapter Eight: The Shinigami Realm/New School

Start from the beginning

As I watched and listened in on their conversation, I felt someone tug my arm and spin me around. I gasped and then I saw someone put a hand over my mouth. I protested and fought back against the guy who did that, but he didn't stop. "Hey!" the guy said in a loud whisper. "Stop it!" He was wearing a cloak too and I could only see half of his face. "You're not supposed to be here! He'll find you! That's why you need to calm down!" "Do you trust me?" he asked me. "What?" my response was muffled due to his hand covering my mouth. "Do you trust me?" he asked again but in a louder tone. I nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth. I gasped for air after he did that. He shushed me in a loud tone. "He's looking for you!" he said in a loud whisper. "If any of the other Shinigami find you, they alert him and he'll find you!" "Who?" I asked in a loud whisper. "Light Yagami," the cloaked man answered. "He believes you are the key he needs to see Misa Amane again." "Why? What happened to her?" I asked in a louder tone. "I can't tell you," the cloaked man told you. "That might be an answer that only Light and the other Shinigami know and they don't mention what happened to her or if she's still alive or not. Surprisingly, out of all of the people in the human world who practice magic, witchcraft, and sorcery, he believes you are the one who can truly bring them back together for all of eternity." I felt confused when he told me this. "How do you know this? Who are you?" I asked. 

The man removed his hood and I saw the exact person I had a crush on all this time. It was L! "Because I'm L," he answered. "I have to get you out of here before he finds you." "What will happen once he finds me?" I asked. "He'll convince you to become the next Kira so he can be reunited with Misa Amane," he answered. "Now come to think of it is that I don't know if Light knows what happened to Misa Amane either." "Well, what happened to Misa?" I asked. "I told you I don't know!" L's best way to answer that was to sound like he was complaining. "No one's heard from her since Light died! It could be possible that she's still alive, but I have my doubts!" L placed his hood back on his head. "But why are you trying to stop Light from finding me?" I asked. 

"Once he gets what he wants, he will kill you!" L answered in a loud whisper. "I have to protect you from him!" "Well, Light," I heard this Ryuk figure talking about him. We gasped as we heard him say that name. "We've been talking about you." "He's here!" L said right before he ran away pulling me behind him.  "Well, Ryuk," I heard Light say. "I've been searching across the Earth for Misa, but I can't find her anywhere. I can sense that she's more than likely not dead, but I don't know where she could be." "You probably haven't been looking hard enough, Light," Ryuk told him.  L and I kept running as we heard him talking. "Don't turn around or he'll see your face!" L reminded me. I did my best not to turn around so Light wouldn't see my face. "I'm sure I can get that American girl that moved to Tokyo with that one pop star to help me find my girlfriend and bring her back to me." "Don't listen to him, Marie!" L chided. "Remember he'll kill you after he gets what he wants!" I nodded. "I heard you!" I assured him. "But, did you also hear that, L? Misa's chances of being dead are low! She has to be alive!" "Yes, I heard!" L replied. "Lower your voice! The Shinigamis and Light will be able to hear you!" "Oh no, you don't!" I heard Light's voice yell out, but this time, it was very close to us almost like he was right behind us. 

I felt a foot kick me down to the ground and I watched as L fell to the ground with me. I then felt someone turn me over and I saw Light Yagami looking down at me. "How many times do I have to tell you, Marie? You can't hide from me!" he reminded me. He leaned in closer to me. "Because I always know where you're running to and I will find you!" I turned my head and saw L get up. He pointed his figure at Light. "Hey!" he shouted. "Stay away from her, you heartless killer!" "Heartless?" Light asked right before he laughed. "Oh, L. You better watch what you say because that hurt my feelings!" Light laughed in a much-crazed way. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you right now are being a terrible friend and that you're taking away the chance for me to see Misa again!" "Because I know that you'll kill her after she brings Misa back to you!" L responded. Light cackled. "Oh, L," he said. "You are so funny. I'm a Shinigami now...and I now have even more power than you can even imagine!" L's eyes widened as he stepped back right before Light snapped his figures. "Begone!" he commanded. L looked at his hands and saw himself fading away. "No, no," he said looking down at his hands as red flames devoured them. L then looked back up at me. "Marie!" he shouted with his left arm reaching out for me, but there was nothing I could do since Light Yagami was right there beside me. I knew that if I tried something stupid, he'd figure it out. I watched as the remaining parts of L faded away as the red flames consumed him. "No!" I cried out. 

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